משתמש:יונהה/ארגז חול 6
תבנית:Infobox Military Conflict בקרבות לטרון התרחשו מספר קרבות בין כוחות ההגנה והלגיון הירדני בין ה 25 במאי ל 18 ביולי 1948 במהלך מלחמת העצמאות. מקור השם לטרון במנזר הממוקם בצומת של שני כבישים ראשיים: כביש ירושלים תל אביב וכביש עזה רמאללה. בזמן המנדט הבריטי הפך המנזר יחד עם מצודות טגארט לבסיס של משטרת המנדט . תוכנית החלוקה מיקמה את האזור הזה בתוואי המדינה הערבית המוצעת. [1] במאי 1948, עבר המנזר לשליטת הלגיון הערבי. הכביש היחיד שחיבר את האזור של הישוב בירושלים לישראל היה כעת תחת איום הלגיון ומכאן נגזרה חשיבות האסטרטגית של לטרון בקרב על ירושלים.
חמישה נסיונות חוזרים מצד ישראל לכבוש את לטרון עלו בתוהו. לטרון נותרה תחת שליטה ירדנית עד מלחמת ששת הימים. ברם, במהלך המצור על ירושלים הישוב היהודי בירושלים לא נותק והמשיך לקבל אספקה באמצעות דרך בורמה שעקפה את לטרון והתאימה לשיירות. קרבות לטרון הותירו חריטה עמוקה בזיכרון הקולקטיב הישראלי והם מהווים מיתוס בונה לגבי המדינה היהודית. הקרבות עלו בחייהם של 168 חיילים ישראלים אך היו עדויות שניפחו את המספר לכדי 2,000. לקרבות לטרון לווה סימבוליזם שנבע מהשתתפות ניצולי שואה בקרבות.
כיום, הפך אתר הקרבות למוזיאון המוקדש לחללי חיל השריון ובמקום ממוקמת אנדרטה למלחמת העצמאות.
Today, the battleground site has an Israeli military museum dedicated to the Israeli Armored Corps and a memorial to the Israeli War of Independence. תבנית:TOClimit
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]מלחמת העצמאות
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]ערך מורחב – מלחמת העצמאות
לאחר אימוץ תוכנית החלוקה של האום [2] בנובמבר 1947, פרצה מלחמת אזרחים במנדט הבריטי בפלסטינה. היהודים בירושלים חיו בבידוד בלב אזור שהיה בשליטה ערבית. עובדה זו הטרידה אץ המנהיגות של הישוב במיוחד לאור העובדה שהם מנו כ-100,000 תושבים שהיוו כשישית מסך האוכלוסיה היהודית בשטחי המנדט.[Note 1]
בינואר באותה שנה, מנע צבא מלחמת הקודש של עבד אל קאדר אל חוסיני מעבר שיירות מתל אביב לחלק היהודי בירושלים. סזוף מרץ, יהודי ירושלים היו מנותקים לחלוטין. בתגובה יזמה ההגנה את מבצע נחשון באפריל והצליחה להעביר לירושלים בכוח מספר שיירות. [Note 1] לאחר מותו של עבד אל קאדר אל חוסיני בקסטל הועדה של הליגה הערבית העבירה הוראה לצבא השחרור הערבי שהיה הכוח הערבי השני בפלסטינה, להעביר את כוחותיו מסאמאריה (כיום,החלק הצפוני של הגדה המערבית) לראמלה ולידה שבאזור לטרון. [3]
באמצע מאי המצב של 50,000 הערבים תושבי העיר ושל 30,000 ערבים נוספים בפרבריה לא היה טוב מזה של היהודים. [4] לאחר הטבח בדיר יאסין והמתקפה של היהודים שגררה את האקסודוס של הפלסטינים בשנת 1948 מערים מעורבות שונות, שרתה אימה על האוכלוסיה הערבית של ירושלים.[5] לאחר עזיבת הבריטים את שטחי הארץ ב-14 במאי, ביצעה ההגנה מספר מבצעים להשתלטות על העיר והמנהיגות הערבית המקומית דרשה מהמלך עבדאללה הראשון של ירדן לשלוח את צבאו להושיעם [6] ב-15 במאי, היה המצב במדינת ישראל שזה עתה קמה כאוטי. אמנם היה לכוחות של היהודים יתרון על פני הכוחות הערבים אך היה חשש שצבאות ערב יפלשו.[7]
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]Latrun was located at the crossroads between the Tel Aviv–Ramla–Jerusalem and Ramallah–Isdud roads in the area allocated to the Arab state by the United Nations Partition Plan. At that site, the Jerusalem road entered the foothills of Judea at Bab al-Wad (Sha'ar HaGai). It dominated the Valley of Ayalon, and the force that occupied it commanded the road to Jerusalem.[Note 2]
In 1948, Latrun comprised a detention camp and a fortified police station occupied by the British,[8] a Trappist monastery, and several Arab villages: Latrun, Imwas, Dayr Ayyub and Bayt Nuba. During the civil war, after the death of Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni, the forces of the Arab Liberation Army positioned themselves around the police fort and the surrounding villages, to the indifference of the British.[3] They regularly attacked supply convoys heading for Jerusalem. At that time, the Israeli and Jordanian military staffs had not yet understood the strategic importance of the place.[9]
הארועים שקדמו לקרבות
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]מבצע מכבי בין ה8 ל-16 במאי
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]ערך מורחב – מבצע מכבי
ב-8 במאי, פתחה ההגנה במבצע מכבי נגד צבא השחרור הערבי ששהה במספר כפרים לאורך כביש ירושלים ומנע הגעת אספקה לאוכלוסיה היהודית בירושלים. חטיבת גבעתי איגפה ממערב וחטיבת הראל ממזרח. [8][10]
בין ה-9 ל-11 במאי גדוד מחטיבת הראל התמקם בגבעות שמצפון ומדרום לכביש. הגדוד ספג אש תופת מהארטילריה של צבא השחרור אולם הצליח להחזיק בעמדותיו ולהתחפר.[8][11]
ב-12 במאי תפסה חטיבת גבעתי את מחנה המעצר הבריטי שעל הכביש המוביל ללטרון אך נטשה אותו ביום הבא.[12] בין ה-14 ל-15 במאי, תפס גדוד 52 של החטיבה את הכפרים אבו שושה, אל-נעני ואל קובאב צפונית ללטרון ובכך ניתק את הגישה מהעיר רמלה אל האזור.[13] ממזרח, חיילי חטיבת הראל תפסו את דיר איוב ב-15 במאי אך נטשו את הכפר ביום הבא.[12]
בימי לחימה אלה הבינו המפקדים בשטח את חשיבותה האסטרטגית של לטרון. דוח שנשלח מחטיבת הראל מסכם שלצומת לטרון חשיבות מכרעת בקרב על ירושלים אולם הדוח מציין גם שהתובנה הזו לא חלחלה בפיקוד בשבוע שקדם לקרבות.[14] בזמן הקרבות באזור לטרון קיבלה חטיבת גבעתי הוראה להתפרש מחדש בחזית הדרומית בשל התקדמות הצבא המצרי. חטיבת הראל קיבלה הוראה להשאר באזור ירושלים. בדיעבד תהיה ההחלטה לעזוב את האזור מבלי להבין את חשיבותו האסטרטגית, נקודת מחלוקת מרכזית בין מפקד המבצעים של ההגנה יגאל ידין לבין מפקד חטיבת הראל יצחק רבין.
השתלטות הלגיון הערבי
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ae/Habes_al-Majali.png/170px-Habes_al-Majali.png)
במהלך הבלבול שליווה את קץ המנדט הבריטי וההרתמות של צבאות ערב למלחמה החליפה לטרון ידיים ללא קרב. ראשית, ב14 למאי ניתנה הוראה לפאוזי קאוקג'י להסיג את צבא השחרור מלטרון ולהעבירו ללגיון הערבי. לפי יואב גלבר, העזיבה הזו התרחשה לפני הגעת הכוחות הירדנים ללטרון.[7][15]
ברשות הלגיון הערבי עמדו כוחות ששירתו תחת הבריטים בתקופת המנדט. אותם כוחות נותרו בפלסטינה מ"סיבות טכניות" למרות הבטחתם של הבריטים כי עד סוף אפריל הם יסוגו.[16] ג'ון באגוט גלאב, מפקד הלגיון הערבי, איחד את הכוחות שנותרו לדיביזיה אחת שהכילה שני גדודים שכל אחד הכיל שתי פלוגות חיר. לכל גדוד צורפה מחלקה של רכבים קרביים משורינים. גדוד הארטילריה הכיל שלוש סוללות. בנוסף, נוצרה פלוגת רפאים על מנת להטעות את הכוחות הישראלים לחשוב שמדובר בפלוגת מילואים ולהרתיע אותם מתקיפת נגד לתוך אזור עבר הירדן. [17]
ב-15 במאי, נכנסו מספר מדינות ערביות למלחמה. הלגיון הערבי נכנס גם הוא והכיל :
- את החטיבה הראשונה שהכילה את גדוד 1 וגדוד 3 שנכנסו לשכם
- אץ חטיבה 3 בהובלת קולונל אשטון. החטיבה הכילה את גדוד 2 תחת פיקודו של מיג'ור גאופרי לוקט ואת גדוד 4 תחת פיקודו של ליוטננט קולונל חאבס אל מג'אלי שהתמקמה ברמאללה.
- את גדודים 5 ו 6 העצמאיים
Glubb first understood ("pris conscience") of the strategical importance of Latrun in the Battle of Jerusalem. His objective was twofold: he wanted to prevent the Israelis from strengthening Jerusalem and from supplying the city, and he wanted to "make a diversion" to keep the strengths of the Haganah far from the city, warranting to the Arabs the control of East Jerusalem.[18] In addition to the 11th Company already there, he sent to Latrun the whole 4th Regiment.[9] During the night between 15 to 16 May, the first contingent of 40 legionnaires seconded by an undetermined number of Bedouins strengthened the position,[19]
and the remainder of the regiment reached the area on 17 May.[20]
On 18 May, the strength of the Arab Legion deployed around Latrun and Bab al-Wad was sufficient, and the road was blocked again.[19][21] The Israeli general staff needed several days to asses the actual location of the Jordanian forces around Latrun and Jerusalem because these latter, particularly feared (redoutées ?) to have been announced at several places of the country.[7]
Situation in Jerusalem
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e6/Ygal_Yadin_-_Lt_Gel_1949-1952.jpg)
At Jerusalem, after the successful offensives that enabled the Jewish forces to take control of the buildings and strongholds that had been abandoned by the British,[Note 3] Glubb Pasha sent the 3rd Regiment of the Arab Legion to strengthen the Arab irregulars and fight the Jewish forces. After "violent" fighting, the Jewish positions in the Old City of Jerusalem were threatened (this felt indeed on 28 May).[20] "We have surrounded the town": on 22 and 23 May, the second Egyptian brigade, composed mainly of several battalions of irregulars and several units of the regular army, reached the southern outskirts of Jerusalem and continued to the attack on Ramat Rachel.[20]
Glubb nevertheless knew that the Israeli army would sooner or later be stronger than his and that he had to prevent the strengthening of the Harel and Etzioni brigades to secure East-Jerusalem. He redeployed his strengths on 23 May to reinforce the blockade.[21] The Iraqi army, at that time seconded by tanks, relieved the Legion units in northern Samaria and these were redeployed towards the Jerusalem sector. The 2nd Regiment of the Legion moved to Latrun.[20] A full Jordanian brigade was placed in the area.
On the Israeli side, several leaders of the Jewish city sent emergency telegrams to David Ben Gurion where they described the situation as desperate and that they could not hold out more than two weeks.[22] Fearing that without a supply the city would collapse, Ben Gurion ordered the taking of Latrun. This decision seemed strategically necessary but was politically delicate, because Latrun was in the area allocated to the Arab State according to the terms of the Partition Plan and this attack was contrary to the non-aggression agreements, concluded with King Abdullah[20][Note 4] This decision was also opposed by the Chief of Operations, Yigael Yadin who considered that there were other military priorities at that moment, in particular on the southern front, where the Egyptian army was threatening Tel Aviv if Yad Mordechai came to fall. But Ben Gurion set Israeli military policy.[23] This difference in strategy influenced the outcome of the battle, and has been debated in Israel for many years.[Note 5]
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]Operation Bin Nun Alef (24–25 May)
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/50/Latroun_%2824_mai%29.png/300px-Latroun_%2824_mai%29.png)
The task to lead Operation Bin Nun (lit. Nun's son, in reference to Joshua, Nun's son, conqueror of Canaan according to the Book of Joshua) was given to Shlomo Shamir, a former officer of the British army.[21] His force consisted of 450 men of the Alexandroni Brigade and 1,650 men of the 7th Brigade. Of these, about 140 to 145 were immigrants who had just arrived in Israel,[24] nearly 7% of the total. Their heavy weaponry was limited to two French 65-מילימטר (2.6-אינץ) mortars of 1906 (nicknamed Napoleonchik), one 88-מילימטר (3.5-אינץ) mortar with 15 rounds of ammunition, one Davidka,[23] ten 3-אינץ (76-מילימטר) mortars and twelve armored vehicles.[21] Three hundred soldiers of the Harel Brigade were also in the area but were not aware of the operation, but assisted after finding out about it by intercepting a radio transmission.[25]
The Jordanian forces were under the order of Lieutenant Colonel Habes al-Majali.[23] He "disposed" of the 4th Regiment and 600 Jordanian volunteers seconded by 600 local volunteers. The 2nd Regiment of the brigade, commanded by Major Geoffrey Lockett, had just left Jerusalem and arrived at Latrun during the battle.[25] The brigade totalled 2,300 men seconded by 800 auxiliaries. It had at its disposal 35 armoured vehicles with 17 Marmon-Herrington Armoured Cars each armed with an anti-tank 2 pounder gun. For artillery it had eight 25 pounder Howitzers/Field guns,[25] eight 6 pounder anti-tank guns, ten 2 pounder anti-tank guns also sixteen 3-inch mortars.[21]
Zero Hour (that is, the start of the attack) was first fixed for midnight 23 May. But it was delayed 24 hours because it had not been possible to gather troops and weapons in time. Because no reconnaissance patrol was made the Israelis didn't know the exact composition of enemy forces.[23] Intelligence reports just talked about "local irregular forces".[21] On 24 May at 19:30, Shlomo Shamir was warned that an enemy force of around 120 vehicles, comprising armoured vehicles and artillery, was probably moving towards Latrun, urged an attack. The attack was postponed by 2 hours and fixed at 22:00.[23] The attack was planned on two axes:
- The battalion of the Alexandroni brigade had to take the town of Latrun, the police fort and then Imwas in order to block any new Arab reinforcement, and also to protect the passage of supply convoys;
- The 72nd Battalion would circle the position by the south to join the Jerusalem road at the level of Bab al-Wad; it would then cross the road and climb the ridges to take Dayr Ayyub, Yalu and Bayt Nuba, and would ambush there to cover the passage of convoys. It would be supported by three armored cars and two half-tracks of the 73rd Battalion.[23]
During the night, something unexpected happened: a roadblock on the road that had to be used by the brigade had to be dismantled. Zero hour was once more modified and set at midnight.[23] At last, the troops fought battle between 2 am and 5 am[25] but with no benefit of cover. The attackers were rapidly discovered, depriving the Israelis of the surprise effect. The battle started at 4am. The Israeli forces were submitted to a strong fire. The artillery tried to intervene but felt rapidly out of ammunition or was not within range to provide a counter-battery fire.[21][23][Note 6]
In front of the total failure of the attack, Shlomo Shamir ordered the retreat at 11.30 am. But this occurred on open ground under a heavy sun and the soldiers had no water. Numerous men were killed or injured by Arab fire. It was only at 2 pm that the first injured men reached the transport they had left in the morning.[21][23] However, the Arab Legion didn't take advantage of this victory while, according to Benny Morris, it could easily have performed a counter-attack up to the Israeli headquarters located at Hulda.[21]
Jordanians and Arab irregulars had 5 deaths and 6 injured. The Israelis counted 72 deaths (52 from the 32nd Battalion and 20 from the 72nd Battalion), 6 prisoners and 140 injured.[21] Ariel Sharon, the future Prime Minister of Israel, a lieutenant at the time, headed a platoon of the 32nd Battalion[26] and suffered serious injury to his stomach during the battle.[27]
Reorganisation of the central front
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]At the end of May, David Ben Gurion was convinced that the Arab Legion expected to take control of all Jerusalem. Moreover, after the fighting, the situation there deteriorated: the Jewish community had very small reserves of fuel, bread, sugar and tea, which would last for only 10 days, and water for 3 months.[28] In Glubb's opinion, the aim was still to prevent the Israelis from reinforcing the city and taking control of its Arab part.[29] On 29 May, the UN Security Council announced its intention to impose a ceasefire for 4 weeks, which would prevent further capture of territory and thus prevent resupplying the besieged city.[30]
From a military point of view, the 10th Harel Brigade required reinforcements and Ben Gurion dispatched a battalion of the 6th Etzioni Brigade. He considered it imperative that the 7th Brigade join the forces in Jerusalem as well as a contingent of 400 new recruits to reinforce the Harel Brigade. Weapons and spare parts that had arrived in Israel by air were also now ready for combat on the Jerusalem front.[28] The commander of the 7th Brigade wished to neutralize the negative effects of the debacle on the morale of the troops and on his prestige.[30] The central front was reorganized and its command given to an American volunteer fighting on the Israeli side, Colonel David Marcus, who was subsequently appointed Aluf (Major General).[31] He took command of the Etzioni and 7th Brigades, and the 10th Palmach Harel Brigade.
Operation Bin Nun Bet
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e8/Latroun_%2830_mai%29.png/300px-Latroun_%2830_mai%29.png)
Shlomor Shamir was once again given the command of the operation. He sent the 7th Brigade and the 52nd Battalion of the Givati Brigade that replaced the 32nd that had been decimated in the previous battle.[28][30] The 73rd Battalion was an armored force of light infantry with flame-throwers and 22 "military cars" made locally.[31]
The Israelis sent numerous reconnaissance patrols[31] but they nevertheless had no clear idea of the adversary's forces. They expected to fight 600 men of the Legion and of the Arab Liberation Army, so a force was allocated that was not enough to hold the 4 km (2.5 mi) Latrun front.[28] Transjordanians still had in fact a full brigade and are supported by several hundreds of irregulars. Taking into account the mistakes of the previous attacks, the renewed assault was organised with precision, and the area from where the units had to launch their attack had been cleared on 28 May. In particular the two hamlets of Bayt Jiz and Bayt Susin, where a counter-attacks had been launched by the Arab militants during the first battle, and Hill 369.[31] The attack was once more foreseen on two axes:[30]
- The 72nd and 52nd Infantry Battalions were to counter-attack on foot from the south up to Bayt Susin and then take Bab al-Wad and attack respectively Dayr Ayyub and Yalu, then head for Latrun and attack this from the east;
- The 71st Infantry Battalion and 73rd Mechanised Battalion were to assault the police fort, the monastery and the town of Latrun by south-west.
Around midnight, the men of the 72nd and the 52nd passed Bab al-Wad noiselessly and then separated towards their respective targets. One company took Deir Ayyub, which was empty, but then were discovered as they did so by enemies on a nearby hill. They suffered the joint fire of the Legion's artillery and machines guns. Thirteen men were killed and several other injured. The company, composed mainly of immigrants, then retreated to Bab al-Wad. The 52nd Battalion was preparing to take the hill in front of Yalu, but received an order to retreat.[30]
On the other front, the forces divided in two parts. The infantry of the 71st rapidly took the monastery and then fought for the control of the town. On the other side, the Israeli artillery succeeded in neutralizing the fort's weapons. The volunteers crossed the defence fence and their flame-throwers took the defenders by surprise. Nevertheless, the light coming from the fire they created lost their cover and they became easy targets for the 60-מילימטר (2.4-אינץ) mortars of the Jordanians. They were quickly knocked out and destroyed. The sappers succeeded nevertheless to make the door explode, but in the confusion were not followed by the infantrymen. Chaim Laskov, the chief of operations on that front, ordered company D of the 71st Battalion (that had been kept in reserve) to intervene, but one of the soldiers accidentally exploded a landmine, killing three men and injuring several others. They were then attacked by heavy fire from the Jordanian artillery and the men retreated towards the west in panic.[30]
The battle was still not lost for the Israelis although the wake was coming, and Laskov considered that his men could not hold in front of a Legion's counter-attack and he preferred to order the retreat.[30] It was also time for the Jordanians to regroup, their 4th Regiment was completely out of ammunition.[20] 73rd Battalion suffered 50% losses and the whole of the engaged forces had counted 44 deaths and twice that number injured.[30] According to the sources, the Legion suffered between 12[32] and 20[33] deaths, including the lieutenant commanding the fort.[30] In contrast, the Jordanians reported 2 just deaths on their side, and 161 of the Israelis.[34]
David Marcus later attributed the responsibility for the defeat to the infantry, stating: "the artillery cover was correct. The armoury were good. The infantry, very bad". Benny Morris considers that the mistake was rather to disperse the forces on several objectives instead of concentrating the full brigade on the main objective: the fort.[30]
"Burma Road"
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/81/Latroun_%2811_juin%29.png/300px-Latroun_%2811_juin%29.png)
On 28 May, after they took Bayt Susin, the Israelis controlled a narrow corridor between the coastal plain and Jerusalem. But this corridor was not crossed by a road that could have let trucks supply the city.[35] A foot patrol of the Palmach discovered some paths that linked several villages in the hills south of the main road controlled by the Arab Legion.[20] In the night of 29–30 May, Jeeps sent into the hills confirmed there was a path suitable for vehicles.[35] The decision was then taken to build a road in the zone. This was given the name of "Burma Road", referring to the supply road between Burma and China built by the British during World War II.[20]
Engineers immediately started to build the road while convoys of jeeps, mules and camels[20] were organised from Hulda to carry 65-מילימטר (2.6-אינץ) mortars to Jerusalem. Without knowing the goals of these works, the Jordanians realised a game was afoot in the hills. They performed artillery bombings, that would anyway have been rapidly stopped under the orders of the top British officer, and they sent patrols to stop the works, but without success.[35]
Nevertheless, it was mainly food that the inhabitants of Jerusalem needed. Starting 5 June, the Israeli engineers started to fix the road so that it let civil transport trucks pass to supply the city.[35] 150 workers, working in four teams, installed a pipeline to supply the city with water, because the other pipeline, crossing Latrun, had been cut by the Jordanians.[35][36] In O Jerusalem, Dominique Lapierre and Larry Collins talked about heroic action, when during the night of 6–7 June, in fear of the critical situation of Jerusalem and to improve the morale of the population, 300 inhabitants of Tel-Aviv were requisitioned to carry on their backs, for the few kilometers not yet ready for the trucks, what would be needed to feed the inhabitants of Jerusalem one more day.[37]
The first phase of these works was achieved for the 10 June truce[35] and on 19 June a convoy of 140 trucks, each carrying three tons of merchandise as well as numerous weapons and ammunition, reached Jerusalem.[36] The siege of the city was then definitively over.[20] This Israeli success was punctuated by an incident that became marked in memory: the death of Aluf Mickey Marcus, accidentally killed by an Israeli sentry during the night of 10–11 June.[38][39]
Operation Yoram (8–9 June 1948)
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ea/Yigal_Allon.jpg/170px-Yigal_Allon.jpg)
Between 30 May and 8 June the status between the Israeli and Arabic armies became a stand-off. They were used to fighting small, violent battles and taking heavy losses of people and arms, and the United Nations renewed its call for a truce on 11 June.[40] It was in this context that David Ben Gurion took the decision to withdraw from Galilee the elite 11th Yiftah Brigade under the orders of Yigal Allon to launch a third assault against Latrun.[7] He had at his disposal an artillery support composed of four 65-מילימטר (2.6-אינץ) mortars and four 120 מילימטרים (4.7 אינץ') guns[41] that were part of the heavy weapons recently delivered to Israel by Operation Balak.
This time, the general staff decided on an attack concentrated on the centre of the Legion disposal, with several diversion attacks to the north to disrupt the Jordanians. While a battalion from the Yiftah brigade was performed some diversions attacks on Salbit, Imwas and Bayt Nuba, a battalion from the Harel brigade was to take Hill 346, between the fourth and second Legion regiments and a battalion from the Yiftah brigade was then to pass through it, take Hill 315 and Latrun village and the police fort by the East.[41] The Israeli operation started with an artillery barrage on the fort, the village of Latrun and the positions around. Hills 315 and 346 occupied with a company from the Legion, were not targeted not to alert the Jordanians.[41]
The men of the Harel brigade made leave on foot from Bab al-Oued but took a wrong way and mistakenly attacked Hill 315. Located by the Jordanian sentries, they launch the attack of the hill. The Legionnaires were outnumbered but counterattacked with violence, going as far as requiring an artillery bombing on their own position. The Israelis suffered some heavy losses. When the Yiftah arrived at the bottom of Hill 346, they are targeted by firearms, grenades and artillery. Thinking that Harel men were there, they called by radio to the headquarters to ceasefire, and laid down arms. They refused, not believing that account of the events and Harel soldiers stayed in place.[41]
Confusion among Jordanians was as important as among Israelis with the attack on Hill 315 and those of diversion. With the incoming morning and unable to evaluate properly the situation, the Israeli HQ gave orders at 5.30 am for the soldiers to retreat to Bad al-Oued.[41] The losses were also significant. Indeed the 400-strong Harel battalion numbered 16 dead and 79 injured, and the Yiftah an handful of dead and injured. The Legion numbered several dozen victims.[41]
The following day, Jordan mounted two counter-attacks. The first was over Beit Susin. The Legionnaires took several Israeli guard posts but could not keep them more than a few hours. The fighting took lives and some 20 injuries on the Israeli side.[42][43] The second was at Kibbutz Gezer from where the diversion attacks had been launched. A force the strength of a battalion, made up of Legionnaires and irregulars and supported by a dozen armoured vehicles, attacked the kibbutz in the morning. It was defended by 68 soldiers of the Haganah (including 13 women).
After the four-hour battle, the kibbutz fell. A dozen of the defenders escaped. Most others surrendered and one or two were executed. The Legionnaires protected the prisoners from irregulars and the next day freed the women. The toll was 39 dead on the Israeli side and 2 on the Legionnaires' side. The kibbutz was looted by the irregulars and the Legionnaires evacuated the area after the fights. In the evening the Yiftah brigade retook the kibbutz.[41]
Attacks organised during Operation Danny
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]תבנית:See After the month of truce, during which Tsahal increased forces and re-equipped, the weakest point of the Israeli dispositions were on the central front and the corridor to Jerusalem. The High Command decided to launch "Operation Larlar" with the objective of taking Lydda, Ramle, Latrun and Ramallah and relieving the threat on Tel-Aviv on a side and West Jerusalem on the other.[44]
To achieve this objective Yigal Allon in entrusted 5 brigades: the Harel and Yiftah (now totalling five battalions), the 8th armoury brigade (newly constituted as the 82nd and 89th battalions), several infantry battalions from the Kiryati and Alexandroni brigades, and 30 pieces of artillery.[44] The 7th brigade was sent to the northern front. In a first phase, between 9 and 13 July, the Israelis took Lydda and Ramle and reasserted the area around Latrun by taking Salbit, but the forces are exhausted and the High Command renounced to the objective of taking Ramallah.[45] Two attacks was launched against Latrun.
On the east of the Jordanian positions (16 July)
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]On the night of 15–16 July, several companies of the Harel brigade laid on an assault against Latrun by the east, around the "artillery ridge" and the villages of Yalo and Bayt Nuba. They carried on to the hills by way of the villages of Bayt Thul and Nitaf transporting their armoury using pack mules. After several hours of fighting and counter-attacks by armoured vehicles of the Arab Legion, they were finally pushed back but could keep control of several hills.[45][46][47] In total, the Israelis lost 23 dead and numerous injured.[48]
Frontal assault against the police fort (18 July)
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]One hour before the truce, the High Command decided to try a frontal assault against the police fort. Intelligence indicated that, in effect, it was "more likely than not" that the Legion's forces in the sector were "substantial".[49] In the morning, reconnaissance patrols had sized up the sector, but could not confirm or deny the information that had been gathered by the intelligence. At 6 pm two Cromwell tanks driven by British deserters, seconded by a mechanised battalion of the Yiftah brigade and supported by artillery launched the attack of the police fort.[49]
When the Israeli forces arrived 500 מטרים (1,600 רגל) from the fort, they were shelled by Jordanian artillery. Around 6:15 pm. one of the tanks was hit by a shell (or sustained a mechanical damage[45]) and had to retreat to al-Qubab for repairs. The remaining forces waited for its return and the attack resumed around 7:30 pm, but was abandoned around 8 pm.[49] The Israelis counted between 8[49] and 12[50] victims. At the same time, elements of the Harel brigade took about 10 villages to the south of Latrun to enlarge and secure the area of the Burma road. The majority of inhabitants had fled the fights in April but those who remained were systematically expelled.[51]
The final assault
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]During the ten day battle, the Israelis were militarily superior to their enemies, and the Cabinet subsequently considered its options. The choice was between letting the southern Negev be taken by the Egyptians and keeping the Arabic enclave in Galilee, held there with the force of the Arab Liberation Army against the Samarian and Judean areas, taken by the Iraqis and Jordanians. In the end, on 24 September, another incursion made by the Palestinian irregulars in the Latrun sector (killing 23 Israeli soldiers) started the debate. On 26 September, David Ben Gurion put his argument to Cabinet to attack Latrun again in order to complete its capture.
Following discussion however, the motion was rejected by 5 votes to 7. According to Benny Morris, the arguments which were discussed on balance were considered to have negative international repercussions for Israel after the recent assassination of Count Bernadotte; those thinking of the consequences of the attack against an accord with Abdallah, those who did not wish a defeat of the Arabic Liberation Army to provoke British military invention because of Britain and Jordan's common wish for defence, and lastly because consequences in surrounding countries could add hundreds of thousands of Arab citizens to Israel. Gurion ratified the decision by bechiya ledorot ("A cause of trouble for generations") in considering that Israel could never renounce its claim over Old Jerusalem and Samaria.
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/69/Latroun_%2819_juillet%29.png/300px-Latroun_%2819_juillet%29.png)
At the operational level, the five assaults on Latrun were solved with Israeli defeats and Jordanian victories: the Jordanians repelled all assaults and kept control of the road between the coastal plain and Jerusalem, with Israel losing 168 killed and many more injured.[22][Note 7] Strategically, the outcome included:
- The opening of the Burma Road to the Israelis to bypass Latrun and supply the 100,000 Jewish inhabitants of West Jerusalem with arms, munitions and equipment;
- If the control of West Jerusalem by Israel hold some of their forces, the Arab Legion control of Latrun, 15 קילומטרים (10 מיל) from Tel Aviv, was a thorn in the side of Israeli forces;[52]
- Latrun was a pivot point of the Legion's deployment; Glubb Pacha massed a third of his troops there; its fall would have caused the one of Jerusalem and probably of Cisjordan as a whole.[53]
At the discussions of the Israeli-Jordano Armistice at Rhodes, the Israelis demanded unsuccessfully for the removal of the legion from Latrun.[54] It subsequently remained under Jordanian control until the Six Day War.
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]Israeli historiography and collective memory
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]There is a gap, at times quite wide, between the 'facts established by historical research' and the image of the battle as retained in collective memory. This is certainly the case for the battle of Latrun, which has become, in Israel, a founding myth.[55]
The clear-sightedness of the Commander-in-Chief
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/03/BGsculptureS.jpg/220px-BGsculptureS.jpg)
The first version of the battle of Latrun was contrived by David Ben Gurion and his entourage.
Initially, the governing power within Israel remained silent. However, on May 27, the Israeli daily Maariv printed a sceptical coverage of Arab accounts which spoke of a great victory by the Arab Legion, involving some 800 Israeli dead. In response, the Israeli press stressed that the aim of the operation was not to take Latrun, but to strike the Legion and, on June Ist, it published casualty figures of 250 deaths for the Arab side and 10 deaths, with 20 badly wounded, and another 20 lightly wounded on the Israeli side.[56]
From 14 June, the press shifted its focus to the 'opening of the Burma route' and, in the context of a conflict between the military's senior command and Ben Gurion, Yigael Yadin called the operation a 'great catastrophe' while the latter replied that, in his view, it had been "a great, although costly, victory".[56]
The "official version" entered in the historiography in 1955 following the work of lieutenant colonel Israel Ber, whereas adviser and support of Yadin at the time of the events, who published 'The battles of Latrun'. This study, considered by the historian Anita Shapira as "the most clever ever written on the topic", puts the battles in their military and political context. It concludes that given the strategic and symbolic importance of Jerusalem, "the three tactical defeats that occurred at Latrun (...) permitted the supply [of the city] and were a diversal manoeuvre (...) [and] are the consequence of the strategic clear-sightedness of the Commander-in-Chief, able to identify the key points and subordinate to his general sight the tactical considerations, limited, of the military command.[56]
Ber put the responsibility of the tactical defeats on the failures of the intelligence services and on the "absence de commandement séparé sur les différents fronts." He also points out the badly trained immigrants, the defective equipment, and the difficulty for a new army to succeed a first operation targeting to capture an defended area that was organised by advance. He gives the first estimates for the losses: 50 deaths in the 32nd battalion of the Alexandroni brigade and the 25 deaths in the 72nd battalion of the 7th brigade (composed mainly of immigrants).[56]
Finally, Ber founded the myth and pictured the events of Latrun as "an heroic saga, as the ones that occurs at the birth of a nation or at the historical breakthrough of movements of national liberation".[56]
Criminal negligence
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0b/Latrun-Castle-S-070-7th-Brigade-Memorial.jpg/170px-Latrun-Castle-S-070-7th-Brigade-Memorial.jpg)
[About the First Battle of Latrun:] "the Jordanians broke the attack by noon, with fewer than two thousand Israeli deaths."[57]
Whereas many events in the war were more bloody for the Israelis, like the massacre at Kfar Etzion with 150 deaths or the one of the Mount Scopus with 78, the Battle of Latrun is the event of the war to provoke most rumours, narratives and controversies in Israel.[58] The main reason is that Latrun had still been the mainstay for the road to Jerusalem until the Six Day War, keeping the Israelis at the margins and having to go round and maintain the town, but struggling to bypass it, which played each day on their minds. According to Anita Shapira, the primary reason was nothing but people's grievous memories, of David Ben Gurion and the veterans of the British Armies on one side and former Palmah and Haganah soldiers on the other.[58] In this sphere of influence during the 1970s and in the controversies that continued until the 1980s, the "Strategic Necessity" was said, if it were not done, it would be "Criminal negligence", with a heavy toll on bring in immigrants to the battle, and forging a new founding myth.[58]
On one side, the opponents of Ben Gurion attacked his "Moral Authority". They said that the intrusion into Latrun by the "scum of the earth" immigrants who died had changed the situation for the worse. And the number of victims, and the proportion of immigrants, inflated in the narratives: from "several hundreds of dead" to "500 to 700 dead and even "1,000 to 2,000 dead". The proportion of immigrants making up this total of victims was up to 75%. His opponents accused Ben Gurion of wanting to take out the myth of the "invincible Arab Legion" and to justify the abandonment of the city of David to Abdallah.[58] (Anita Shapira considers this story to be at the origin of the theory of Avi Shlaim who brought forth what she considers as the myth of the collusion between Ben Gurion and Abdallah.[58][59]) On the other side, those supporting Ben Gurion put everything to advance the case of the "historic sacrifice" by the immigrants, laying the failure to their poor training.[58]
Many contemporary books about the 1948 War were published at this time: John and David Kimche, The two sides of the hill (the more reliable); Dominique Lapierre and Larry Collins, O Jerusalem (the best known internationally) and Dan Kurzman, Genesis, 1948 (the only that got reviews in the Israeli press).[58] With this political writing, historical research on Latrun tends to concentrate on the 1980s with the work of Arié Itzhaki, "Latrun" (in 2 volumes). It gives the exact number of victims, but, at the contrary of Israel Beer (meanwhile caught as spying for USSR),[60] it depicts the battle as "The hardest in the history of Tsahal", and it puts the responsibility of the defeat on Ben Gurion, who panicked about Jerusalem, and tactical errors on the brigade commanders and not on the immigrants who received (from his point of view[Note 8]) a sufficient training.[58]
The drama of alienation
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a2/Buchenwald_concentration_camp_survivors_sailing_to_Haifa%2C_June_1945.jpg/170px-Buchenwald_concentration_camp_survivors_sailing_to_Haifa%2C_June_1945.jpg)
In the first years after its foundation, Israel met a problem with social integration of new immigrants who had arrived after the war, who had received much trauma from their exodus from Arab lands or from the death camps, and had suffered six years of war.[61] This integration was most difficult with Sabra Israelis, born in the Palestinian Mandate, and taking the essential jobs and who Israel put first in an image of "Sabres, strong and courageous, fearless heroes, disdaining feebleness and trouble". The phenomenon rose up again with the Israeli victory of the Six Day War.[62]
All the while, these uncertainties and the reparations from the Yom Kippur War polished the sheen on the Shoah. The collective memory resurfaced and looked to reconcile its past history of difficulties, suffering and sacrifices. A new elite arose from the Sephardic Jews and the "can-do" of Menahem Begin.[62] In this context, the "myth" of Latrun derived from the frustrations and the death of the new immigrants and was catalysed by their integration in a society where "the survivor of Shoah carried the new collective memory, immigrant refugees who had troubled pasts, and then were confronted with hostility and threat and still took their place with their blood and taking part in the war".[62]
This myth was founded in the factual knowledge of the immigrants' participation in the battles, and the mythical knowledge because of the differences in the number of victims, the leaving of the injured on the fields of battle, and that the Latrun battle was the hardest and most important in the war.[62] The influence on written history appeared primarily in books and commentary, where "the immigrants wanted only to make sure that their contribution at the battle was written in the collective memory with a plus sign". It didn't bring new documents but it expressed itself in memoirs, reminiscences and obituaries by or of those involved in the events. It was a view that was seldom heard in polemics giving two preceding versions of events but that had a life of its own, given to it by the immigrants.[62]
Myth of guilt
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/98/Wobbelin_Concentration_Camp.jpg/170px-Wobbelin_Concentration_Camp.jpg)
In the 1980s, a schism arose within the post-Zionism movement, and the history of the battle of Latrun came to represent the culpability of the Israeli state and a way of pointing out that it was born in the context of massacres and the exodus of the Palestinian population. It shouted "hypocrisy", "false truths", and "the blood of the escapees of Shoah who came to find a new life and yet found death".[63]
This version was put into several poems by the celebrated provocative poet Gabi Daniel (pseudonym of Benjamin Harushovsky-Harshav) and entitled "Peter the Great". Themes in the poem include dehumanisation and how Ben Gurion got Shoah into his pocket, by the work of the other "innocent young Jews of the Superior Race, who, without name or vision, found themselves the saviours of Israel".[63]
- Peter the Great
- Paved the city of St Petersburg
- In the northern seas
- On the backs of his serfs.
- David Ben-Gurion
- Paved
- The Burma Road, which turned around
- The road, by the road to the capital Jerusalem,
- With the backs of the young refugees from Shoah.
Anita Shapira considers this "New myth" was necessary not to reject identity with the past and to be able to renounce their common memory. While Israel in the 1980s was under much criticism from myths about the state's founding, the reception of this idea was mitigated and "this version of Latrun that was destined to blow up the myth that the regathering was solely in the hands of a group of radicals in the middle of the [Israeli] intellectual community".[63]
Qirbet Quriqur
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]A battle fought in this zone and tragic for the Israelis was completely eclipsed from their collective memory. On 18 July, a company from the 1st Battalion of Yiftah Brigade received the order to capture Qirbet Quriqur, an outpost protecting the only way for the Legion to get to Latrun located several kilometres to the north of the place. Intelligence services had not informed the responsible officer that nearby there was another outpost, occupied by a reinforced company of the Legion. From there the legionnaires could observe all the operations of the Israelis and called for reinforcements, notably armoured vehicles. When they mounted the counter-attack, the Israelis were taken by a lightning strike in an encircling movement. No troops were available there to reinforce them, so they had to retreat in plain daylight. 45 Israeli soldiers, nineteen of them aged 18 or less, lost their lives.[64][65]
Despite this bloodbath, Anita Shapira underlines that this battle didn't remain in the Israeli collective memory. "If success has numerous fathers, [...] defeat remains an orphan. [...] The deaths of Qurikur did not enter into the pantheon of the Israeli national memory. [...] [While there were numerous polemics about Latrun], that 45 soldiers perished [...] should have begged a question. But they died in an side of the arena that proved to be unimportant, given it was not to decide the outcome of the campaign.[66]
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]After the Suez Crisis and the Six Day War, the army came to arm the most important place. For technical reasons (distance of communication with bases) and because new places of historical interest were accessible, the top brass debated whether to transfer the postings of new recruits at Massada to a more appropriate place. It was Latrun that was finally chosen.[67] In the 1980s, a commemorative site and a museum was built on the old police site.[68] The complex has a wall listing all the names of the fallen soldiers since the War Of Independence, and a monument to the glory of the heroes and another for reverence. The museum has nearly 200 tanks and other armoured vehicles of many kinds.
Jordanian historiography
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]According to Eugène Rogan, the Jordanian history of the war is essentially that of the recollections by Jordanian officers who took part in the fighting, or of nationalist historians. He states that these "non-critical" works are largely loyal to the Jordanian regime and quotes "My memoirs" by Habes al-Majali, commander of the 4th Regiment; "The battles of Bad al-Oued" by Mahmoud al-Ghussan, on of the High Command officers; "On the road to Jerusalem" by Ma'n Abu Nuwar, an officer of the Arab Legion, Jordanian soldier and "Soldier with the Arabs" with John Bagot Glubb.[69] Jordanian historiography declares Latrun as a great success of the Arab Legion in the defense of Jerusalem, where a contingent of 1,200 men resisted an assault of 6,500 Israeli soldiers,[70] and claiming Israeli casualties of between 400[71] and 800 killed.[72] Glubb claimed 600 deaths on the first assault and 600 others for the two after.[73]
Habes al-Majali is quoted as the only Arab commander to have defeated the Israelis in 1948 and who restored a little honour to the Arabs.[74] By his version of events, he would even have catch Ariel Sharon in the course of the battle and it is Colonel Ashton (his British superior from 3rd Brigade) would have forbidden him to use the artillery against the Burma road, action by which he could have prevented its construction.[71] After the war, he was appointed bodyguard of Abdallah and in 1957 Chief-of-Staff of the Jordanian army. He became Jordanian Minister of Defence in 1967.[75]
Palestinian historiography and collective memory
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b5/Palestinian_refugees.jpg/220px-Palestinian_refugees.jpg)
The Palestinian account of the battle is much the same as the Israeli one. It is, after, all, based on the Israeli one but gives no weight or symbolic character to it. In his work "All That Remains: The Palestinian Villages Occupied and Depopulated by Israel in 1948" Walid Khalidi refers to Operation Maccabi as the first assault.[76] He reports that the resistance offered by the Arab Legion and the volunteer army were "inspired by Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni" (who had been killed a month before).[77]
Nevertheless, Palestinian historiography and collective memory point out that during the exodus of Palestinian Arab population of the 1948 War the massacres and forced expulsions that happened could be seen as ethnic cleansing.[78] In the Latrun zone, this affected about 20 villages and ten thousand Palestinian Arabs. Some inhabitants fled during the fights of April but most fled when the Israelis attacked their village during the following operations. After capturing a village, the Israeli soldiers systematically expelled the non-combatants, intimidating them to leave and demolishing houses. A massacre of between thirty and seventy Arabs[79] took place some days after Abu Shusha was taken. Most villages were levelled, so as not to be used by the Arab volunteers and to prevent the inhabitants returning. In some cases Jewish settlements were established on village land.[80][81][82]
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]- Footnotes
שגיאות פרמטריות בתבנית:הערות שוליים
פרמטרים [ טורים ] לא מופיעים בהגדרת התבנית
- ^ 1 2 See War of the roads and blockade of Jerusalem and Operation Nachshon
- ^ See this picture of the valley taken from the hills of Latrun.
- ^ see Operation Kilshon
- ^ Until the last days preceding the war, the Zionist authorities and the King Abdullah of Jordan maintained a dialogue. Some historians, such as Avi Shlaim, consider that this dialogue went up to a tacit non-aggression agreement but this thesis is controversial.
- ^ See section #Israeli historiography and collective memory.
- ^ Counter-battery fire is a military tactic that consists in targeting, with one's own artillery, the one of the adversary.
- ^ Taking into account the references given in the article, the sum of the Israeli losses for the five assaults gives numbers between 164 and 171 Israeli victims, without taking into account the 39 victims for the attack against Gezer, the 8 of the Jordanian counter attack against Bayt Susin and the 45 of Qirbet Quriqur
- ^ Anita Shapira, L'imaginaire d'Israël : histoire d'une culture politique (2005), underlines that Itzhaki thought wrongly that the immigrants had got training before in Cyprus
- Citations
- ^ "Plan Of Partition With Economic Union Annex A to resolution 181 (II) of the General Assembly, dated 29 November 1947". United Nations. נבדק ב-4 August 1910.
{{cite web}}
: יש לבדוק את התאריך ב:|accessdate=
(עזרה) - ^ Resolution 181 (II). Future government of Palestine A/RES/181(II)(A+B) 29 November 1947
- ^ 1 2 Gelber (2006), p. 95
- ^ Morris, Benny (2003), The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, p. 116
- ^ Yoav Gelber (2006), p .109
- ^ Yoav Gelber (2006), p .140
- ^ 1 2 3 4 Yoav Gelber (2006), pp. 138–145
- ^ 1 2 3 Benny Morris (2008), p. 132
- ^ 1 2 Benny Morris (2008), p.219.
- ^ Efraïm Karsh (2002), pp.60-62.
- ^ Story of the Battle of Bayt Mahsir on the website of the Palmach (retrieved on 9 August 2008).
- ^ 1 2 Ytzhak Levi (1986), detailed chronology of the battle of Jerusalem given at the end of the book.
- ^ Benny Morris (2008), p.162.
- ^ Benny Morris (2008), p.463 nn196
- ^ Lapierre et Collins (1971), p.611
- ^ Benny Morris, (2008), pp.207-208
- ^ Pollack (2002), p. 270
- ^ Benny Morris (2002), p.169.
- ^ 1 2 Benny Morris, The road to Jerusalem (2002) p. 152
- ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Benny Morris, Histoire revisitée du conflit arabo-sioniste, Editions complexe, 2003, map p.241 et pp.247-255.
- ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Benny Morris (2008), Description of the Operation Bin Nun, pp.221-224.
- ^ 1 2 Anita Shapira, L'imaginaire d'Israël : histoire d'une culture politique (2005), Latroun : la mémoire de la bataille, Chap.III.1 l'événement p. 91–96
- ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Lapierre & Collins (1971), events related to the battle of Latrun, pp.700-706; pp.720-723; pp.726-732; pp.740-741.
- ^ Collins and Lapierre talk about 450 new immigrants recently debarked (Lapierre & Collins (1971), p. 712). Ami Isseroff (2003) on the website www.mideastweb talks about 145 and Anita Shapira (2005) pp. 94–95 talks about 65 to 70 immigrants for company B.
- ^ 1 2 3 4 Ami Isseroff, site www.mideastweb referring to Yitzhak Levi (1986), Nine measures, p. 266
- ^ Benny Morris (2008) p. 222
- ^ Sharon, Ariel (28 באוגוסט 2001), Warrior. An Autobiography, Simon & Schuster, p. 57, ISBN 978-0743225663
: (עזרה) - ^ 1 2 3 4 David Tal (2003) p. 225–231
- ^ Benny Morris (2002) p. 169
- ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Benny Morris (2008), Description of the Operation Bin Nun Bet p. 224–229
- ^ 1 2 3 4 Lapierre & Collins (1971), Events relative to the second battle of Latrun, pp. 774–787
- ^ David Tal (2003), p. 229
- ^ Ytzhak Levi (1986) p. 461
- ^ Ytzhak Levi (1986), p.283.
- ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Benny Morris, 1948 (2008), Information relating to the Burma road p. 230–231
- ^ 1 2 Dominique Lapierre et Larry Collins, O Jérusalem (1971) p. 827–828
- ^ Dominique Lapierre et Larry Collins, O Jérusalem (1971) p. 806–809
- ^ Pierre Razoux, Tsahal, nouvelle histoire de l’armée israélienne, Perrin, 2006 p. 78
- ^ Zeev Schiff, A History of the Israeli Army, 1985 p. 37
- ^ Howard Sachar, A History of Israel. From the Rise of Zionism to our Time, Knopf, 3ème édition, 2007 p. 327
- ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Benny Morris, 1948 (2008), Information relative to Operation Yoram p. 229–230
- ^ Ytzhak Levi, Nine Measures: The Battles for Jerusalem in the War of Independence (1986) p. 283
- ^ Description of the events on the official website of Palmah (retrieved on 10 August 2008).
- ^ 1 2 Benny Morris, 1948 (2008) p. 286
- ^ 1 2 3 Benny Morris, 1948 (2008) p. 293
- ^ Description of the assault against Beit Nuba on the website of the Palmach (retrieved on 2 May 2008).
- ^ Description of the assault against the "artillery ridge" on the website of the Palmach (retrieved on 2 May 2008).
- ^ Ytzhak Levi, Nine Measures: The Battles for Jerusalem in the War of Independence (1986) p. 466–7
- ^ 1 2 3 4 Description of the assault against the police fort, on the website of the Palmach (retrieved on 2 May 2008).
- ^ Arieh Itzchaki (1982), Latrun. The battle for the road to Jerusalem
- ^ Benny Morris, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, Cambridge University Press, 2004 p. 436
- ^ Benny Morris, The road to Jerusalem (2002) p. 169
- ^ Benny Morris, The road to Jerusalem (2002) p. 241
- ^ Yoav Gelber, Palestine 1948 (2006) p. 250
- ^ Anita Shapira, L'imaginaire d'Israël : histoire d'une culture politique (2005) p. 91
- ^ 1 2 3 4 5 Anita Shapira, L'imaginaire d'Israël : histoire d'une culture politique (2005), pp.97–102
- ^ Kenneth M. Pollack, Arabs at War: Military Effectiveness 1948-1991, University of Nebraska Press, 2003, p. 277.
- ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Anita Shapira, L'imaginaire d'Israël : histoire d'une culture politique (2005) p. 103–112
- ^ See also: Avi Shlaim, "Collusion Across the Jordan".
- ^ Anita Shapira, L'imaginaire d'Israël : histoire d'une culture politique (2005) p. 108
- ^ See Tom Segev (1998), 1949. The First Israelis.
- ^ 1 2 3 4 5 Anita Shapira, L'imaginaire d'Israël : histoire d'une culture politique (2005) p. 113–121
- ^ 1 2 3 Anita Shapira, L'imaginaire d'Israël : histoire d'une culture politique (2005) p. 122–131
- ^ פלמ"ח
- ^ name = "kourikour">Anita Shapira (2007) p. 234
- ^ Anita Shapira (2007) p. 234
- ^ Ben-Yehuda, Nachman (1996), The Masada Myth: Collective Memory and Mythmaking in Israel, University of Wisconsin Press, pp. 159–160
- ^ PYad La'Shyrion., נבדק ב-2009-05-08
- ^ Eugène Rogan (2001) p. 96
- ^ The Arab Legion and the Defense of Jerusalem, on the website of the Jordanian Embassy to the United States
- ^ 1 2 Joffe, Lawrence (27 באפריל 2001). "Habes al-Majali: As Jordan's military chief, he defeated Israelis, Palestinians and Syrians". The Guardian. נבדק ב-12 ביולי 2008.
{{cite news}}
: (עזרה) - ^ Benny Morris, 1948 (2008) p. 439 referring to Mahmoud al-Ghussan.
- ^ Benny Morris, The road to Jerusalem (2002), p. 169, referring to John Bagot Glubb, A soldier among the Arabs p. 132
- ^ Biography of Habes al-Majali at the website www.salaam.co.uk.
- ^ Entry of [1] Habes al-Majali on the Encyclopédie Britannica
- ^ Khalidi, Walid (1992), page 276.
- ^ Narrative of the battle of Latrun on the website www.jerusalemites.org based on Walid Khalidi (1992).
- ^ See, for example, Nur Masalha, Expulsion of the Palestinians, Institute for Palestine Studies, 1992 and Ilan Pappé, The ethnic cleansing of Palestine, Oneworld Publications Limited, 2007.
- ^ Benny Morris, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, Cambridge University Press, 2004 p. 257
- ^ Khalidi, Walid (1992)
- ^ Ayr Ayyub (371 inhabitants), Saydoun (244 inhabitants), Deir Mouheizin (232 inhabitants), Saris (650 inhabitants), Beit Far (348 inhabitants), Abou Shousha (1000 inhabitants), al-Na'ani (1705 inhabitants), et Abou Qoubab (2297 inhabitants), Beit Mahsir (2784 inhabitants), Beit Jiz (115 inhabitants), Beit Sousin (244 inhabitants), Latrun (220 inhabitants), Khirbet Ism Allah (23 inhabitants), Deir Rafat (499 inhabitants), Sar'a (394 inhabitants), Islin (302 inhabitants), Ishwa (709 inhabitants), Kasla (325 inhabitants) and Deir Amr (719 inhabitants). See Morris, Benny (2004). The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited. Cambridge University Press. pp. xvii–xviii.
{{cite book}}
: Check|authorlink=
value (עזרה) - ^ "Sorted table of the villages depopulated or destroyed in the district of Jerusale". palestineremembered.com. נבדק ב-2008-07-18.
- Sources
תבנית:Commons category Works about the 1948 Palestine War and the military operations that occurred at Latrun
- Abu Nowar, Ma'n, The Jordanian-Israeli War 1948-1951: A History of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Ithaca, 1999, ISBN 0863722865.
- Gelber, Yoav, Palestine 1948, Sussex Academic Press, Brighton, 2006, ISBN 1845190750.
- Karsh, Efraïm, The Arab-Israeli Conflict - The Palestine War 1948, Osprey Publishing, 2002, ISBN 1841763721.
- Khalidi, Walid, All That Remains: The Palestinian Villages Occupied and Depopulated by Israel in 1948, Institute For Palestine Studies, 1992.
- Itzchaki, Ariè, Latrun. The Battle for the road of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, 1982.
- Lapierre, Dominique and Collins, Lapierre, O Jerusalem, Robert Laffont, 1971, ISBN 2266106988 תבנית:Fr icon and ISBN 0671785893
- Levi, Ytzhak, Nine Measures: The Battles for Jerusalem in the War of Independence, Ma'arachot, 1986.
- Morris, Benny, 1948, Yale University Press, 2008, ISBN 0300126964.
- Pollack, Kenneth M. (2004-09-01). Arabs at War: Military Effectiveness, 1948-1991. Bison Books. p. 717. ISBN 0803287836.
- Tal, David, War and Palestine 1948. Strategy and Diplomacy., Frank Cass & Co, 2003, ISBN 071465275X.
- Shapira, Anita (2005). L'imaginaire d'Israël: histoire d'une culture politique (בצרפתית). Calmann-Lévy. ISBN 978-2702136331.
Protagonist biographies
- Morris, Benny, The road to Jerusalem, I. B. Tauris, 2002 ISBN 1860648126
- Shapira, Anita, Igal Allon, Native Son. A Biography, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007 ISBN 9780812240283
- Silberman, Neil, A Prophet from Amongst You: The Life of Yigael Yadin, Soldier, Scholar, and Mythmaker of Modern Israel, Addison Wesley, 1994. ISBN 9780201570632
Works concerning the "myth" of Latrun and its impact on the Israeli identity
- Abramson, Glenda (editor), Modern Jewish Mythologies, Hebrew Union College Press, 1993, ISBN 0878202161 In particular, the article of Anita Shapira, Myth and Identity: the case of Latrun 1948, pp. 37–56
- Shapira, Anita, L'imaginaire d'Israël: histoire d'une culture politique, Calmann-Lévy, 2005, ISBN 978-2702136331 תבנית:Fr icon
Articles related to Jordanian historiography
- Rogan, Eugène et Shlaim, Avi (editors), The War for Palestine 1948, chap.4, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 2746702401.
- Detailed map of Palestine made in 1946 and compressing all the roads, towns, villages and settlements. It is signed by Moshe Dayan and A. Sudki El-jundi.
- Current map of the Jerusalem road.
Official documents
- Bernadotte, Folke, Progress Report of the United Nations Mediator On Palestine Submitted to the Secretary-General for Transmission to the Members of the United Nations, Report A/648, 16 September 1948.
- Abu Nuwar, Ma'n, Fi sabil al-quds ("On the Road to Jerusalem"), Amman, 1968
- al-Ghussan, Mahmoud, Ma'arik Bal al-Wad ("The Battles of Bab al-Wad"), Amman, non dated
- Glubb, John Bagot, Soldier with the Arabs, Harper, 1957
- al-Majali, Habes, Moudhakkirati ("My Memories"), Amman, 1960
- Rabin, Yitzhak Memories, 1980, ISBN 0-520-20766-1
- Shamir, Shlomo The Battle for Jerusalem, Posner, 2001, ISBN 9652190209
- Sharon, Ariel, Warrior. An Autobiography, Simon & Schuster, 1989, pp. 47–61, ISBN 0671605550
- Cast a Giant Shadow, by Melville Shavelson, 1966
- Is Jerusalem Burning? Myth, Memory and the Battle of Latrun
- Oren, Ram, Latrun, 2002, ISBN 965-7130-10-7
הערות שוליים
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]
External links
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]- Historical perspectives and testimonies of the Battle of Latrun with Benny Morris, Ilan Pappé and Anita Shapira.
- al-Latrun : The Battle of Latrun based on Walid Khalidi, All That Remains: The Palestinian Villages Occupied and Depopulated by Israel in 1948, Institute For Palestine Studies, 1992.
- Battles of Latrun on the official Palmach website.
- Battles of Latrun on the official Haganah website.
- Anonymous, The Arab Legion and the Defense of Jerusalem on the website of the Jordanian Embassy in the United States.
- Latrun on the website of the Jewish Agency.
- Isseroff, Ami, The battles of Latrun.
- Thomas, Steven, 1948-49 Independence and Catastrophe.
תבנית:Israeli operations in the 1948 war