שיחת משתמש:Galaranty/אדל גולדשטיין
הוספת נושאמראה
תגובה אחרונה: לפני חודש מאת Galaranty בנושא הערות
[עריכת קוד מקור]- תכנות אניאק בלי חוברת הפעלה: Kathleen McNulty described how their work overlapped with the construction of the ENIAC: “Somebody gave us a whole stack of blueprints, and these were the wiring diagrams for all the panels, and they said ‘Here, fi gure out how the machine works and then fi gure out how to program it.’ This was a little bit hard to do. So Dr. Burks at that time was one of the people assigned to explain to us how the various parts of the computer worked, how an accumulator worked. Well once you knew how an accumulator worked, you could pretty well be able to trace the other circuits for yourself and figure this thing out.” 44
- גולדשטיין מתארת את תפקידה:Goldstine submitted as testimony in Sperry Rand v. Bell Labs explains how she saw her own role: “I did much of the programming and the setting up of the ENIAC for the various problems performed on it while I was at the Moore School. I also assisted my husband in training Mr. Holberton and a group of girls to set up problems on the ENIAC. . . . I worked with Mr. Holberton and his group to program each problem which they put on the ENIAC up to and including the demonstration problems for the ENIAC dedication exercises.” 67 Adele Goldstine and Moore School professor Harry Huskey were charged with producing an ENIAC operating manual, a complete technical report, and a maintenance manual. 68 Herman Goldstine explains: “The only persons who really had a completely detailed knowledge of how to program the ENIAC were my wife and me. Indeed, Adele Goldstine wrote the only manual on the operation of the machine. This book was the only thing available which contained all the material necessary to know how to program the ENIAC and indeed was its purpose.” 69 In addition, he reports that his wife contributed heavily to a 1947 paper he coauthored with John Von Neumann, “Planning and Coding Problems for an Electronic Computing Instrument”. 70