משתמש:JimmyNeutron2016/שכר מינימום בעולם
הדף נמצא בשלבי עבודה: כדי למנוע התנגשויות עריכה ועבודה כפולה, אתם מתבקשים שלא לערוך את הדף בטרם תוסר ההודעה הזו, אלא אם כן תיאמתם זאת עם מניח התבנית.
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הדף נמצא בשלבי עבודה: כדי למנוע התנגשויות עריכה ועבודה כפולה, אתם מתבקשים שלא לערוך את הדף בטרם תוסר ההודעה הזו, אלא אם כן תיאמתם זאת עם מניח התבנית. | |
שיחה |
זוהי רשימה של שערי שכר מינימום ב-193 המדינות החברות באומות המאוחדות. עם זאת, הרשימה כוללת גם את טאיוואן, צפון קפריסין, הונג קונג, קוסובו והרשות הפלסטינית - למרות שעצמאותן אינה מוכרת מבחינה כלל-עולמית.
לחלק מהמדינות יש שיטה מסובכת למדי לחישוב משכורת מינימום – למשל, בהודו יש יותר מ-1200 שערי שכר מינימום שונים.[1] במדינות אחרות, כמו קפריסין, אין שכר מינימום מוגדר אלא במספר מקצועות ספציפיים.
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]משכורות המינימום הניתנות מתייחסות לשכר ברוטו, לפני הורדות מסים וביטוח לאומי, אשר משתנים בכל מדינה ומדינה. בנוסף, לא נכללו בחישובים ימי חופש מוסדרים שבתשלום, כולל ימי חג כלל-ארציים, חופשה שנתית ושאר הורדות לביטוח לאומי שמשלם המעביד.
למען ההשוואה, נעשה שימוש בין השאר במטבע הדולר האמריקאי $, במטבע היורו האירופאי €, ובמטבע השקל החדש הישראלי ₪.
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]מדינה | שכר מינימום | החל מתאריך
אפגניסטן | 5,000 Afghani ($72) per month for government workers. No minimum set for private sector workers, but labor law prevents paying private sector workers less than government workers. Informal sector day workers are unprotected.[2] | 2014 |
אלבניה | 22,000 Albanian lekë ($178) per month, nationally. The law establishes a 40-hour workweek, but the actual workweek is typically set by individual or collective-bargaining agreement.[2][3][4] | 3 יולי 2013 |
אלג'יריה | 18,000 Algerian dinars ($170) per month, nationally.[2][5][6] | 1 ינואר 2012 |
אנדורה | €975.87 per month, €5.63 per hour.[7] | 1 ינואר 2016 |
אנגולה | 15,003.00 kwanza per month; paid thirteen times a year.[8][9]| | 1 יוני 2014 |
אנטיגואה וברבודה | EC$8.20 per hour.[2][10][11]| | 1 נובמבר 2014 |
ארגנטינה | 8,060 Argentine pesos ($504) per month for up to 192 hours; paid thirteen times a year.[12]| | 1 ינואר 2017 |
ארמניה | 55,000 Armenian dram ($107) per month.[2][13][14]| | 1 יולי 2015 |
אוסטרליה | Most workers are covered by an award, which מאי vary by employee age, geographical location and industry. For employees 21+ not covered by an award or agreement, the minimum wages is A$17.70 per hour, A$672.70 per week; set federally by the Fair Work Commission. Workers under 21, apprentices and trainees not covered by an award each have a minimum wage level set nationally below the official minimum.[15][16] Minimum wage for workers under 16 is 36.8% of the 21+ minimum wage (A$6.37 per hour).[17]}} |
1 יולי 2016 |
אוסטריה | National collective bargaining agreements set minimum wages by job classification for each industry and provide for a minimum wage of €1,200 per month. Wages where no such collective agreements exist, such as for domestic workers, janitorial staff and au pairs, are regulated by relevant legislation and are generally lower than those covered by collective bargaining. The national minimum wage legislation has lapsed, although is still in force by convention.[18] | 2015 |
אזרבייג'ן | 105 Azerbaijani manat ($63) per month.[2][9][19]| | 1 ספטמבר 2013 |
איי בהאמה | B$5.25 ($5.25) per hour, B$42 ($42) per day, and B$210 ($210) per week.[2][20][21]}} | 15 אוגוסט 2015 |
בחריין | None; 300 BHD ($800) for the public sector workers (only applies to Bahraini nationals).[2] | 2015 |
בנגלדש | 1,500 taka ($19) per month for all economic sectors not covered by industry-specific wages; in the garment industry the minimum wage is 5,300 taka ($68) per month. The minimum wage is set nationally every five years by the National Minimum Wage Board in a tripartite forum industry by industry.[2][22][23][24]| | 1 דצמבר 2013 |
ברבדוס | BDS$6.25 ($3.13) per hour for household domestics and shop assistants; the Ministry of Labor recommends all other sectors use this as the de facto minimum wage.[2][25]| | 1 מרץ 2012 |
בלארוס | 2,300,000 Belarusian rubles ($114) per month.[9]| | 1 ינואר 2016 |
בלגיה | €1,501.82 ($1,673) per month, €9.12 ($10.16) per hour for workers 21 years of age and over; €1,541.67 ($1,718) per month for workers 21 and a half years of age, with six months of service; €1,559.38 ($1,738) per month for workers 22 years of age, with 12 months of service; coupled with extensive social benefits.[9][26]}} | 1 אפריל 2013 |
בליז | BZ$3.30 ($1.65) per hour.[27]| | 26 מאי 2012 |
בנין | 40,000 CFA francs per month; the government set minimum wage scales for a number of occupations.[9][28] | | 1 אפריל 2014 |
בהוטן | 3,750 Bhutanese ngultrum per month.[2][29][30]| | 1 פברואר 2014 |
בוליביה | 1805 Bolivian bolivianos per month.[31][32] plus an obligatory Christmas bonus equal to one month's pay, prorated for the amount of time the worker has worked in their present position. Plus a second Christmas Bonus if the government decries the economy grew enough, plus an extra month paid in מאי if the company made a profit for the previous year.[33][34]| | 1 ינואר 2016 |
בוסניה והרצגובינה | 406 convertible marks ($240) per month.[35]}} | 2015 |
בוטסואנה | 3.8 Botswana pula ($0.58) an hour for most full-time labor in the private sector; 2.7 ($.28) Botswana pula per hour for domestic workers or approximately 21.6 pula ($2.28) a day; 550 Botswana pula ($58) per month for workers in the agriculture sector.[2] | 2015 |
ברזיל | 937 Brazilian real per month (US$290), paid 13 times a year.[36][37] The Brazilian minimum wage is adjusted annually by the federal government. Each Brazilian state has its own minimum wage, which cannot be lower than the federal minimum wage.[38][39]}} | 1 ינואר 2016 |
ברוניי | None[2] | 2015 |
בולגריה | 420 Bulgarian lev ($239) per month, 2.50 lev ($1.4) per hour.[40][41][42]| | 1 ינואר 2016 |
בורקינה פאסו | 34,664 CFA francs per month.[2][43]| | 1 אפריל 2012 |
בורונדי | None; in the past the government set the minimum wage, but during the year the minimum wage was set by market forces.[2][28] | 2015 |
קמבודיה | None; US$140 per month, for the garment and shoe industry.[2][9] | 1 ינואר 2016 |
קמרון | 36,270 CFA francs ($75) per month.[2][44]| | 30 יולי 2014 |
קנדה | The minimum wage in Canada is set by each province and territory; ranges from C$10.45 to C$13.00 per hour.[2][45][46]}} | 1 אפריל 2016 |
כף ורדה | 11,000 Cape Verdean escudos per month; in the public sector 12,000 Cape Verdean escudos per month for an entry‑level worker.[47][48][49]}} | 1 ינואר 2014 |
הרפובליקה המרכז-אפריקאית | 35 000 CFA francs per month, 218.75 CFA francs per hour.[50][51]| | 2011 |
צ'אד | 59,995 CFA francs ($120) per month, 355 CFA francs per hour.[2][52][53]| | 18 אוקטובר 2011 |
צ'ילה | 265,000 Chilean pesos ($408) per month for workers aged 18–65; 186,631 pesos ($276) for workers younger than 18 and older than 65; and 161,265 pesos ($238) for 'non remunerative' purposes.[54]| | 1 ינואר 2017 |
סין | The minimum wage in China is set locally, ranges from RMB1,000 ($146) per month, RMB9.50 ($1.39) per hour in Guangxi to RMB2,190 ($321) per month, RMB19.00 ($2.78) per hour in Shanghai.[9][55][56][57][57][58][59]| | 12 נובמבר 2016 |
קולומביה | Colombian pesos per month ($218.9)[60]| | 1 ינואר 2016 |
קומורו | 55,000 Comorian francs ($150) per month.[2]| | 2015 |
הרפובליקה הדמוקרטית של קונגו (זאיר) | 1,680 Congolese francs ($1.83) per day.[2][61]|
[62]}} |
1 ינואר 2009 |
הרפובליקה של קונגו (קונגו-ברזוויל) | 90,000 CFA francs ($170) per month in the formal sector.[2]| | 2015 |
קוסטה ריקה | Varies for specified industries from ₡9,598.73 per 8-hour work day for unskilled workers to ₡12,537.91 per day for specialized workers. All other occupations not explicitly covered fall under the generic scale, which varies from ₡286,467.36 per month for unskilled workers to ₡615,083.69 for licentiates.[63][64]}} | 1 יולי 2015 |
חוף השנהב | Varies by occupation, with the lowest set to 36,607 CFA franc ($72) per month for the industrial sector; a slightly higher minimum wage rate is applied for construction workers.[2][65] | 1994 |
קרואטיה | 3,120 Croatian kuna ($464) per month.[9]| | 1 ינואר 2016 |
קובה | 225 Cuban pesos ($9) per month.[2][66] Note that the exchange rate data and the International dollars conversion data for this row is for 2012, as more current data was not available at the time of data entry. | 1 מאי 2005 |
קפריסין | None; €870 per month for shop assistants, nurses' assistants, clerks, hairdressers, and nursery assistants; it rises to €924 after six months' employment. For asylum seekers working as unskilled workers in the agricultural sector, the minimum monthly wage was 425 euros ($570) with accommodation and food provided. For skilled workers in the agricultural sector, the minimum salary was 767 euros ($1,040) without accommodation and food.[2] | 2015 |
צ'כיה | 9,900 Czech koruna ($407) per month, or 58.70 koruna ($2.4) per hour.[67]| | 1 ינואר 2016 |
דנמרק | None; instead, negotiated between unions and employer associations; the average minimum wage for all private and public sector collective bargaining agreements was approximately DKK 110 ($18) per hour, exclusive of pension benefits.[2][68] | 2015 |
ג'יבוטי | None; canceled by the 2006 Labor Code for occupational categories, establishing that wages be set after common agreement between employers and employees. For public sector workers, minimum wage was 35,000 DFJ ($198) per month.[2][48] | 2015 |
דומיניקה | EC$4.00 ($1.50) per hour.[2][69][70]| | 1 יוני 2008 |
הרפובליקה הדומיניקנית | 8,310 Dominican pesos per month in the FTZs and between 7,843 pesos and 12,873 pesos outside the FTZs, depending upon the size of the company; 5,884 pesos per month for the public sector; 234 pesos a day for farm workers who are covered by minimum wage regulations based on a 10-hour day, with the exception of sugarcane workers who received 146 pesos based on an eight-hour workday.[2][71][72] | 2015 |
אקוודור | US$427 per month (for a 12 month average, including 13th and 14th salaries). Minimum wage has been set by the government on US$366 per month for the year 2016. A worker that works a full year, receives a 13th (of US$366) and a 14th (of US$366) salary.[73]| | 1 ינואר 2016 |
מצרים | None; for the public sector the minimum wage is LE 1,200 ($61) per month.[2] | 1 ינואר 2014 |
אל סלוודור | Set sector by sector; for example, US$242.40 a month for retail employees; US$237.00 for industrial laborers; US$202.80 for apparel assembly workers; US$113.70 for agriculture workers. The wage for seasonal agricultural workers of cotton and sugar cane is used here.[2][9][74]תבנית:Update after}} | 1 ינואר 2014 |
גינאה המשוונית | 129,035 CFA franc ($224).[2]| | 2015 |
אריתריאה | None; 360 Eritrean nakfa ($24) per month in the public sector.[2] | 2015 |
אסטוניה | €470 per month, €2.78 per hour.[9][40][75] | 1 ינואר 2017 |
אתיופיה | None; some government institutions and public enterprises set their own minimum wages: public sector employees, the largest group of wage earners, earned a monthly minimum wage of 420 Ethiopian birr ($21); employees in the banking and insurance sector had a minimum monthly wage of 336 birr ($18).[2] | 2015 |
מיקרונזיה | None; US$2.65 per hour for employment with the national government; all states have a minimum hourly wage for government workers: $2.00 in Pohnpei, $1.25 in Chuuk, $1.42 in Kosrae, and $1.60 in Yap; $1.75 for private sector workers in Pohnpei.[2] | 2015 |
פיג'י | FJ$2.32 per hour.[76]| }} | 1 יולי 2015 |
פינלנד | None; however, the law requires all employers, including non-unionized ones, to pay minimum wages agreed to in collective bargaining agreements; almost all workers are covered under such arrangements.[2] | 2015 |
צרפת | €1,466.62 per month, €9.67 per hour.[40][77]}} | 1 ינואר 2016 |
גבון | 150,000 CFA francs ($255) per month; government workers received an additional monthly allowance of 20,000 CFA francs ($34) per child; government workers also received transportation, housing, and family benefits; the law does not mandate housing or family benefits for private sector workers.[2][78] | 1 פברואר 2010 |
גמביה | 50 dalasi ($1.25) per day.[2]| | 2015 |
גאורגיה | 20 Georgian lari ($8) per month for private sector workers which has remained unchanged since the early 1990s; 115 lari ($48) per month for public employees.[2]| | 2015 |
גרמניה | €8.84 per hour. A higher minimum wage is often set by collective bargaining agreements and enforceable by law.[9][79]}} | 1 ינואר 2015 |
גאנה | 7.00 Ghanaian cedis per day.[2][80]}} | 1 אוגוסט 2015 |
יוון | €683.76 per month ($762) in 12 payments, €586 per month ($653) in 14 payments, or €4.23 per hour.[40][81]}} | 1 ינואר 2013 |
גרנדה | Minimum wage schedules set pay by occupation; for example, the minimum wage for domestic workers, for example, was EC $4.50 per hour, while that for a security guard was EC $9.00 per hour.[2] | 2015 |
גואטמלה | 81.87 Guatemalan quetzales per day for agricultural and nonagricultural work and 74.89 quetzales per day for work in export-sector regime factories. Minimum wage earners also are due a mandatory monthly bonus of 250 quetzales, and salaried workers receive two mandatory yearly bonuses (the bono 14 and the Christmas bonus), each equivalent to one month’s salary.[2][9]| | 1 ינואר 2016 |
גינאה | The labor code allows the government to set a minimum hourly wage; however, the government has not exercised this provision except for setting the minimum wage for domestic workers at 440,000 GNF ($62) per month.[2] | 2015 |
גינאה ביסאו | 19,030 CFA francs ($30) per month plus a bag of rice[2] | 2015 |
גיאנה | G$35,000 per month, G$1,616 per day and G$202 per hour.[82]| | 1 יולי 2013 |
האיטי | 125 Haitian gourdes per day for servants for an eight-hour workday; 225 Haitian gourdes per day for segment A industies; 240 Haitian gourdes per day for segment B industries; 260 Haitian gourdes per day for segment C industries; 225 Haitian gourdes per day for companies with piece work that re-export; and 300 Haitian gourdes per day for companies with piece work that exports.[2][83][84][85]}} | 1 מאי 2014 |
הונדורס | Minimum wages ranged from a low of 5,681.73 Honduran lempiras per month, 22.44 lempiras per hour to 8,803.70 lempiras per month, 36.68 lempiras per hour.[2][9][86] | 1 ינואר 2016 |
הונג קונג | HK$32.50 (US$4) per hour is the minimum wage in Hong Kong.[87]}} | 1 מאי 2015 |
הונגריה | 127,650 HUF (€425 / $445) per month for unskilled labor, 161,250 HUF (€535 / $560) per month for skilled labor.[9][88][89][90] | 1 ינואר 2017 |
איסלנד | None; minimum wages are negotiated in various collectively bargained agreements and applied automatically to all employees in those occupations, regardless of union membership; while the agreements can be either industry- or sector-wide, and in some cases firm-specific, the minimum wage levels are occupation-specific.[2][40] | 2015 |
הודו | Varied from 160 rupees ($2.40) per day in Bihar to 423 rupees ($6.35) per day in Delhi. State governments set a separate minimum wage for agricultural workers.[2] The minimum wages are set according to Minimum Wages Act, 1948.[91] | 2015 |
אינדונזיה | Established by provincial and district authorities, which vary by province, district, and sector; the lowest minimum wage is in the province of Central Java at rupiah 1,100,000 ($82) per month and the highest is in Jakarta at rupiah 3,100,000 ($232) per month.[9][92] | 1 ינואר 2016 |
איראן | [93] 712,000 Iranian tomans ($215) (equal to 7120000 rials) effective on the 2015 Persian New year;[94][95] set annually for each industrial sector and region. The standard workweek is 44 hours, and any work over 48 entitles the worker to overtime.[2]}} | 21 מרץ 2015 |
עיראק | 250,000 Iraqi dinars ($214) per month.[2]}} | 2014 |
אירלנד | €9.15 per hour, with sub-minimal rates for those under 18 (70% of minimum), and for those over 18 in first year of employment (80%), in second year of employment (90%), and in certain types of training (75% to 90%).[96][97]}} | 1 ינואר 2016 |
ישראל | ₪5,000 Israeli new shekel ($1,320) per month; or ₪26.88 Israeli new shekel ($7.10) per hour.[98][99]}} | 1 ינואר 2017 |
איטליה | None; instead set through collective bargaining agreements on a sector-by-sector basis.[2] | 2015 |
ג'מייקה | J$6,200 per week.[2][100][101] | 1 מרץ 2016 |
יפן | Ranges from 714 – 932 Japanese yen per hour; set on a prefectural and industry basis.[102][103]| | 20 אוקטובר 2016 |
ירדן | 190 Jordanian dinars ($268) per month.[2][104] | 1 פברואר 2012 |
קזחסטן | 22,859 Kazakhstani tenge ($67) per month.[2][9][105]}} | 1 ינואר 2016 |
קניה | Set by the government by location, age and skill level; the lowest urban minimum wage was 10,107.10 shillings per month, and the lowest agricultural minimum wage for unskilled employees was 5,436.90 shillings per month, excluding housing allowance.[2][9][106] | 1 מאי 2015 |
קיריבטי | None; informal minimum wage estimated by government authorities to be between A$1.60 ($1.66) to A$1.70 ($1.77) per hour[2] | 2014}} |
צפון קוריאה | Averaging 5,000 – 10,000 North Korean won ($5.5 – $11.1) per day.[49] | 2014 |
דרום קוריאה | 6,470 South Korean won per hour; reviewed annually.[107]}} | 1 ינואר 2017 |
קוסובו | €170 ($224) per month for workers between 35 and 65 years of age; €130 for workers under 35 years of age.[2][108] | 17 אוגוסט 2011 |
כווית | 60 Kuwaiti dinars ($216) per month.[2][109] | 14 אפריל 2010 |
קירגיסטן | 970 Kyrgyzstani som ($14) per month, nominally; used for administrative purpose.[2][110][111][112] | 1 ינואר 2015 |
לאוס | 800,000 Lao kip ($100) per month; additionally, employers were required to pay an 30,000-kip ($3.74) meal allowance per day. The minimum wage for civil servants and state enterprise employees was last increased to 1,400,000 kip ($170) per month.[2][113] | 2014 |
לטביה | €370 per month.[114] | 1 ינואר 2016 |
לבנון | 675,000 pounds ($450) per month, 30,000 pounds per day.[2][115] | 1 פברואר 2012 |
לסוטו | 1,178 maloti ($102) per month to 1,285 maloti ($112) per month; varied by sector.[2] | 2014 |
ליבריה | 15 Liberian dollars ($0.31) per hour not exceeding 8 hours per day, excluding benefits, for unskilled laborers; 5,600 LD ($114) per month for civil servants.[2] | 2014 |
לוב | 450 Libyan dinars ($325) per month; the government heavily subsidizes rent and utilities.[2][116][117][118] | 1 מרץ 2011 |
ליכטנשטיין | None[2] | 2014 |
ליטא | €380 per month ($423.26), €2.31 per hour ($2.57).[119] | 1 יולי 2016 |
לוקסמבורג | €1,922.96 per month ($2,142.90), €11.12 per hour ($12.39) for unskilled workers over 18; increased by 20% for a skilled employee; decreased by 20% to 25% in the case of an adolescent worker.[9][40][120][121]}} | 1 ינואר 2016 |
מקדוניה | 10,500 Macedonian denars ($182.3) per month.[81][122] | 1 מרץ 2016 |
מדגסקר | 133,013.40 Malagasy ariary per month, 767.40 ariary per hour for non-agricultural workers; 134,920.00 ariary per month, 674.60 ariary per hour for agricultural workers.[2][9][123]}} | 1 ינואר 2015 |
מלאווי | MK 687.70 per day.[2][9][124] | 1 ינואר 2016 |
מלזיה | RM1000 per month, RM4.81 per hour on the peninsula; and RM920 per month, RM4.42 per hour for the states of Sabah, Sarawak, and Labuan.[125][126] To be fully enforced on יולי 1, 2016.[2]}} | 1 יולי 2016 |
המלדיביים | None; 3,100 Maldivian rufiyaa ($242) per month in the government sector.[2] | 2014 |
מאלי | 28,465 CFA francs ($57), supplemented by a required package of benefits, including social security and health care.[2][127]}} | 2014 |
מלטה | €728.04 per month, €168.01 per week; combined with an annual mandatory bonus of €270.20 and a €242.32 annual cost of living increase, automatically adjusted for inflation.[128][129] | 1 ינואר 2016 |
איי מרשל | US$2.00 per hour for government and private sector employees.[2][130][131]}} | 6 מרץ 1986 |
מאוריטניה | 30,000 Mauritanian ouguiya ($100) per month for adults.[2][132][133] | 1 ספטמבר 2011 |
מאוריציוס | 607 Mauritian rupees ($20) per week for an unskilled worker in the Export Processing Zone(EPZ); 794 rupees ($26) per week for an unskilled factory worker outside the EPZ; set by the government by sector, and increased each year based on the inflation rate.[2] | 2014 |
מקסיקו | 73.04 Mexican pesos ($3.8) per day.[9][134] | 1 ינואר 2016 |
מולדובה | 1900 Moldovan lei ($96) per month in the private sector; 1000 lei ($50) per month in the public sector.[2][135][136][137] | 1 מאי 2015 |
מונקו | €1,715.94 per month and €10.15 per hour; same as the French minimum wage, plus a 5% adjustment.[138]23259}} | 1 ינואר 2016 |
מונגוליה | 192,000 Mongolian tögrög ($87) per month.[2][139] | 1 ספטמבר 2013 |
מונטנגרו | €193 per month ($215).[2][140] | 1 מאי 2013 |
מרוקו | 3 000 MADs ($310) per month[141] in public sector, 2 570.86 MAD ($265) per month in private sector,[142] 69,73 MAD ($7) per day for agricultural workers.[143][144]}} | 1 יולי 2015 |
מוזמביק | Set for nine different economic sectors; ranges from 3,002 Mozambican meticias a month in the public sector to 7,465 meticias a month in the financial sector.[2][9] | 1 מאי 2014 |
מיאנמר (בורמה) | 3,600 Myanmar kyat per day, 450 Myanmar kyat per hour.[2][145][146] | 1 ספטמבר 2015 |
נמיביה | None; the mining, construction, security and agricultural sectors set basic levels of pay through collective bargaining.[2] | 2014 |
נאורו | None; there is a graduated salary system for public service officers and employees, none for private-sector workers.[2] | 2014 |
נפאל | 8,000 Nepalese rupees ($74) per month.[2][147] | 10 יוני 2013 |
הולנד | €1,524.60 per month, €351.85 per week, €70.37 per day, and €8.80 per hour for persons 23 and older (in a 40-hours work week, a work week with less hours has a higher minimum wage per hour); between 30-85% of this amount for persons aged 15–22. | 1 ינואר 2016 |
ניו זילנד | NZ$15.25 per hour for workers 18 years old or older, and NZ$12.20 per hour for those aged 16 or 17 or in training; there is no statutory minimum wage for employees who are under 16 years old.[148]| | 1 אפריל 2016 |
ניקרגואה | Set for nine different economic sectors; ranges from 3,187.43 Nicaraguan córdobas per month in the agricultural sector to 7,133.44 córdobas per month in the financial sector.[9] | 1 ספטמבר 2015 |
ניז'ר | 30,047 CFA francs ($60) per month.[2][9] | 17 אוגוסט 2012 |
ניגריה | 18,000 naira per month (was $115 but following the recent devaluation of the naira has fallen to $58, or $38 using the parallel market rate).[2][149] | 1 ינואר 2011 |
נורווגיה | None; wages normally fall within a national scale negotiated by labor, employers, and local governments.[2] | 2014 |
עומאן | 225 Omani rials ($592) per month plus allowances of 100 rials ($263) per month for citizens; does not apply to foreign workers.[2][150]| | 1 יולי 2013 |
פקיסטן | 15000 Pakistani rupees ($150) per month.[2][9][28] | 1 יוני 2016 |
פלאו | US$3.00 per hour; does not include foreign workers.[2][151][152]}} | 1 אוקטובר 2014 |
פלסטין | ₪1,450 ($384) per month;[153][154] | 2014 |
פנמה | 1.2222 to 2.3636 balboas ($1.22 - $2.36) per hour, depending on region and sector. Food and the use of housing facilities were considered part of the salary for some workers, such as domestic and agricultural workers. Salaries for domestic workers ranged from 175 to 200 balboas ($175 - $200) per month. The agricultural and construction sectors received the lowest and highest minimum wages, respectively.[2][155][156] | 1 ינואר 2012 |
פפואה גינאה החדשה | 3.20 Papua New Guinean kina per hour.[2][157][158]}} | 1 אוגוסט 2014 |
פרגוואי | 1,824,055 Paraguayan guaraníes ($330) per month; The law discriminates against domestic workers, who are legally entitled to only 40 percent of the minimum wage. The law mandates that housing and food be counted towards domestic worker’s salary.[2][9][159] | 1 מרץ 2014 |
פרו | 750 Peruvian nuevos soles ($294) per month.[2][9] | 1 יוני 2012 |
הפיליפינים | Ranges from PhP466 ($1.2/h) daily non-agricultural wage in Mimaropa to PhP491 daily non-agricultural wage in Metro Manila.[160]|[161]}} | 2 יוני 2016 |
פולין | 2,000 PLN ($475) monthly. | 1 ינואר 2017 |
פורטוגל | €618.33 per month ($680) in 12 payments, €530 per month ($593) in 14 payments; for full-time workers, rural workers, and domestic employees ages 18 and older.[162] | 1 ינואר 2016 |
קטאר | None; the labor law provides the emir with authority to set a minimum wage, but he did not do so.[2] | 2013 |
רומניה | 1450 RON Romanian lei ($339) per month. 8.63 RON Romanian lei ($2.01) per hour for a full-time schedule of 168 hours per month. See Minimum wage in Romania.[163]]}} | 1 פברואר 2017 |
רוסיה | 7,500 rubles (100 €) per month since יולי 1, 2016.[9][164]}} | 1 ינואר 2016 |
רואנדה | None; ranges from 500 to 1,000 Rwandan francs ($0.83 to $1.66) per day in the tea industry and 1500 to 5000 francs ($2.50 to $8.30) per day in the construction industry.[2] | 2013 |
סנט קיטס ונוויס | EC$9.00 per hour.[2][165][166][167]}} | 1 נובמבר 2014 |
סנט לוסיה | Minimum wage for some sectors; EC$300 ($111) per month for office clerks; EC$200 ($74) for shop assistants; EC$160 ($59) for messengers.[2] | 2013 |
סנט וינסנט והגרנדינים | Set sector by sector; for example, EC$56 ($20.74) per day for agriculture workers (shelter not provided); EC$40 ($14.81) per day for industrial workers; and EC$25 per day for household domestic workers.[2][168][169] | 1 יולי 2008 |
סמואה | WST$2.00 ($0.89) per hour for the private sector; WST$2.65 ($1.18) for the public sector.[2] | 2012 |
סן מרינו | €1582.57 per month ($1,763); €9.74 per hour ($10.85).[2][170][171]}} | 1 ינואר 2014 |
סאו טומה ופרינסיפה | None; 750,000 São Tomé and Príncipe dobras ($40) per month for civil servants[48] | 2013 |
ערב הסעודית | 3,000 Saudi riyals ($720) per month for public sector; does not apply to foreign workers. There are no minimum wage in private sector.[2][172]| | 2 פברואר 2013 |
סנגל | 209.10 CFA francs ($0.42) per hour for general workers and 182.95 CFA francs ($0.37) per hour for agricultural workers.[2][9][173] | 1 ינואר 1996 |
סרביה | 22,620 Serbian dinars (€183.45) net monthly, 130 dinars ($1.1) per hour net, 175 dinars ($1.5) per hour gross.[2][174][175] | 1 ינואר 2017 |
סיישל | SR26.70 per hour for all workers other than casual workers; SR30.78 per hour for casual workers.[2][176][177][178]}} | 1 ינואר 2014 |
סיירה לאון | 500,000 Sierra Leonean leones per month.[2][179][180][181] | 1 ינואר 2015 |
סינגפור | None.[2] However, two exceptions were made recently: 1) Cleaner jobs to have a minimum wage of $1,000/month effective ינואר 2014.[182] 2) Security guards to have a minimum wage of $1,100/month effective ספטמבר 2016.[183] | 2013 |
סלובקיה | €405 per month, €2.33 per hour.[9][184] | 1 ינואר 2016 |
סלובניה | €790.73 per month ($881).[9][40][185] | 1 ינואר 2015 |
איי שלמה | SI$4.00 ($0.55) per hour for all workers except those in the fishing and agricultural sectors, who received SI$3.20 per hour.[2][186] | 1 מאי 2008 |
סומליה | None[2] | 2013 |
דרום אפריקה | not mandatory, but recommended minimum wage in private sector is 2,474 rand[187] per month ($155) except domestic and farm works' wages 1,500 rand ($95),.[2][188] | 2013 |
דרום סודאן | None.[189] | 2011 |
ספרד | €764.40 per month in 12 payments, €655.20 per month in 14 payments.[40][190] | 1 ינואר 2016 |
סרי לנקה | 10,000 rupees per month.(US $ 70.75 per month ) [9] | 1 ינואר 2016 |
סודאן | 425 Sudanese pounds ($70) per month.[49] | 2008 |
סורינאם | None; SRD 600 ($180) per month is the lowest wage for civil servants.[2] | 2013 |
סווזילנד | 531.6 Swazi emalangeni ($76.50) per month for a domestic worker; 420 emalangeni ($60.50) a month for an unskilled worker; 600 emalangeni ($86.50) a month for a skilled worker.[48] | 2011 |
שוודיה | None; in Sweden the law provides for the right of workers to form and join independent unions to bargain wages collectively, and it prohibits antiunion discrimination.[2] | 2013 |
שווייץ | None; however, a minority of the voluntary General Labour Contracts (GLC, collective labour agreements), reached on a sector-by-sector basis,[191] contain minimum compensation clauses, which provide for compensation ranging from CHF 2,200 to 4,200 ($2,363 to $4,511) per month for unskilled workers and CHF 2,800 to 5,300 ($3,010 to $5,693) per month for skilled employees.[2] On 18 מאי 2014, Swiss voters rejected an initiative (by 76.3%) that would have enforced GLCs for every sector and set the hourly minimum wage at CHF 22 ($24.65) or (PPP adjusted: $12.55).[192][193] | 2014}} |
סוריה | 9,765 to 14,760 Syrian pounds ($176–$266) per month, plus benefits, including compensation for meals, uniforms, and transportation.[48] | 2013 |
טאיוואן | The minimum wage in Taiwan is NT$21,009 ($654 USD) per month; NT$133 ($4.14 USD) per hour.[194][195]|workweek citation = }} | 1 ינואר 2017 |
טג'יקיסטן | 250 Tajikistani somoni ($31) per month, plus certain government subsidies for workers and their families.[48][196] | 1 ספטמבר 2013 |
טנזניה | Varies by sector from 40,000 Tanzanian shillings per month to 400,000 shillings per month.[2][9][197]}} | 1 יולי 2013 |
תאילנד | Ranges from 300 Thai baht ($8) per day and up, depending on the cost of living in various provinces; set by provincial tripartite wage committees that sometimes include only employer representatives.[198][199][200] | 1 ינואר 2013 |
מזרח טימור | US$115 per month.[2][201] | 22 יוני 2012 |
טוגו | 35,000 ($70) CFA francs per month.[2][9] | 1 ינואר 2012 |
טונגה | None[2] | 2013 |
טרינידד וטובגו | TT$15.00 ($2.36) per hour.[202] | 1 ינואר 2015 |
תוניסיה | For the industrial sector: 340 Tunisian dinars ($220) per month for a 48-hour workweek and 290 dinars ($199) per month for a 40‑hour workweek; 9 dinars ($6.50) to 14 dinars ($10) per day for agricultural workers; supplemented with transportation and family allowances.[48] | 2011 |
טורקיה | 1647 Turkish lira ($450) per month (gross minimum wage). Net minimum wage after taxes is 1300.99 Turkish lira ($439) per month. Employer pays 1935.23 Turkish Lira ($654) per month including taxes and health insurance.[203]| | 1 ינואר 2016 |
טורקמניסטן | 535 Turkmenistani manat ($156) per month.[2][204] | 1 ינואר 2015 |
טובאלו | None; the minimum annual salary in the public sector was approximately A$3,000 to A$4,000 ($3,120 to $4,160).[2] | 2013 |
אוגנדה | 6,000 Ugandan shillings ($1.7) per month.[2][9][28] | 1 ינואר 1984 |
אוקראינה | 3200 Ukrainian hryven' ($118.08) per month, 18.18 Ukrainian hryven' ($0.67) per hour.[9][205] | 1 ינואר 2017 |
איחוד האמירויות הערביות | None[2] | 2013 |
בריטניה | £7.20 per hour ($8.79) (aged 25+), £6.95 per hour ($8.49) (aged 21–24), £5.55 per hour ($6.78) (aged 18–20), £4.00 per hour ($4.89) (under 18), £7.10 per hour ($4.15) (apprentices aged 16 to 18 and those aged 19 or over who are in their first year).[206]|[207]}} | 1 אפריל 2016 |
ארצות הברית | The federal nationwide minimum wage in the United States is US$7.25 per hour.[208] States מאי also set a minimum, in which case the higher of the two is controlling; some territories are exempt and have lower rates.[209] The lowest minimum wage in the country is in Wyoming and Georgia state at $5.15 per hour.[210][211] The highest minimum wage in the country is in Massachusetts and Washington state at $11 per hour.[212] }} | 1 ינואר 2017 |
אורוגוואי | 10,000 Uruguayan pesos ($349) per month. 500 pesos ($17) per day. 50 pesos ($1.7) per hour.[2][213][214]}} | 1 ינואר 2015 |
אוזבקיסטן | 107,635 Uzbekistani som ($35) per month.[2][215]}} | 1 ספטמבר 2014 |
ונואטו | 30,000 Vanuatu vatu ($323) per month, 170 vatu per hour.[2][216] | 20 אוגוסט 2012 |
ונצואלה | 27,091 Venezuelan bolívares (BsF) per month, with a food bonus of 63,720 BsF.[217] 27,091 and 63,720 BsF are $15.94 and $45.99 at the open market exchange rate, which the government considers illegal, or $41.15 and $96.80 at the individually inaccessible for the citizens government exchange rate of 658.28 (exchange rate known as SIMADI or DICOM).[218] | 1 נובמבר 2016 |
וייטנאם | Varies by region; Region I: VND 3,500,000 per month; Region II: VND 3,100,000 per month; Region III: VND 2,700,000 per month and Region IV: VND 2,400,000 per month.[2][9] | 1 ינואר 2016 |
תימן | None; the minimum civil service wage was 21,000 rials ($100) per month. | 2013 |
זמביה | Varies by sector; 522,400 Zambian kwacha per month for domestic workers, K1,132,400 per month for shopkeepers, and between K1,132,400 and K2,101,039 for general workers' in categories one to five—which includes receptionists and clerks, among others (wages are inclusive transportation, lunch, and housing allowances).[219][220] Note that the references seem to refer to the old kwacha, which was replaced by the new kwacha in 2012 at the rate 1 new kwacha = 1000 old kwacha. | 4 יולי 2012 |
זימבבואה | None, except for agricultural and domestic workers; government regulations for each of the 22 industrial sectors specify minimum wages. The minimum wage for all mine workers is currently pegged at $227 per month.[49] | 2012 |
ראו גם
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]קישורים חיצוניים
[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]הערות שוליים
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- ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 "Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2015". State.gov. נבדק ב-2015-06-29.
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- ^ Labour Costs And Regulations (PDF), Albanian Investment Development Agency
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- ^ "Guide to Doing Business : Angola". Lexmundi.com. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 "Minimum Wages Around The World". WageIndicator Foundation. נבדק ב-1 אוג' 2015.
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- ^ http://www.thebahamasweekly.com/publish/bis-news-updates/Bahamas_Government_Increases_National_Minimum_Wage_by_40_Percent43126.shtml
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- ^ "RMG minimum wage gazette published". Dhaka Tribune. 2013-12-05. נבדק ב-2014-01-08.
- ^ "Base hike - NationNews Barbados - Local, Regional and International News". nationnews.com. 2012-03-15. נבדק ב-2014-01-08.
- ^ "Salaire - Service public fédéral Emploi, Travail et Concertation sociale". Emploi.belgique.be. 2013-06-28. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "The BCCI Trade and Investment Zone". Belize.org. 2012-05-26. נבדק ב-2014-01-08.
- ^ 1 2 3 4 "ILO Global Wage Database 2012". International Labour Organisation. נבדק ב-2013-03-08.
- ^ "Fixation of National Minimum Wage (NMW) Rate | Ministry of Agriculture and Forests". Moaf.gov.bt. נבדק ב-2014-01-08.
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- ^ http://www.fokus.ba/222125/vijesti/bih/potpisan-opci-kolektivni-ugovor-u-fbih-minimalna-plata-406-maraka
- ^ "Brazil Raises 2017 Monthly Minimum Wage to R$937". The Rio Times. 2016-12-30. נבדק ב-2017-01-08.
- ^ "13th Salary in Brazil". נבדק ב-8 אוג' 2013.
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- ^ "Current And Forthcoming Minimum Hourly Wage Rates For Experienced Adult Workers in Canada". Srv116.services.gc.ca. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ Standard workweek hours vary by province; ranges from 40 hours to 48 hours per week.[2]
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- ^ "» Tchad: Salaire Minimum Interprofessionnel Garanti (SMIG) et du Salaire Minimum Agricole Garanti (SMAG) FROM CHAD". Fromchad.blogvie.com. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
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- ^ "¿Cuál es el valor del ingreso mínimo mensual? - Centro de Consultas. Dirección del Trabajo. Gobierno de Chile". Dt.gob.cl. 2013-08-24. נבדק ב-2016-01-04.
- ^ "A Complete Guide to China's Minimum Wage Levels by Province, City, and District | China Briefing News". http://laodongfa.yjbys.com/xin/163117.html. 2015-07-03. נבדק ב-2015-07-03.
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- ^ "2015最新全国最低工资标准-法律快车劳动法". Lawtime.cn. 2015-07-03. נבדק ב-2015-07-03.
- ^ 1 2 "中华人民共和国人力资源和社会保障部". Mohrss.gov.cn. 2015-07-03. נבדק ב-2015-07-03.
- ^ Matthew J. Zito; Rainy Yao; Camille Chen (2015-05-26). "A Complete Guide to Minimum Wage Levels Across China 2015". China Briefing. נבדק ב-2016-01-17.
- ^ Shira, Dezan (2016-05-26). "A Complete Guide to 2016 Minimum Wage Levels Across China". נבדק ב-2016-11-12.
- ^ "Salario mínimo en Colombia para el 2016: $689.454". El Heraldo. נבדק ב-2016-01-01.
- ^ "Journal Officiel de la Republique Democratique du Congo" (PDF). Ilo.org. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ The law defines different standard workweeks, ranging from 45 to 72 hours, for various jobs and prescribes rest periods and premium pay for overtime.
- ^ "FIJACIÓN DE SALARIOS MÍNIMOS" (בספרדית). נבדק ב-18 ביולי 2013.
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) (עזרה) - ^ http://www.emta.ee/eng/business-client/income-expenses-supply-profit/income-tax-withheld/national-minimum-wage-rates
- ^ http://www.fiji.gov.fj/Media-Center/Press-Releases/FIJIAN-GOVERNMENT-INCREASES-NATIONAL-MINIMUM-WAGE.aspx?feed=news
- ^ "Salaire minimum de croissance (Smic) - Service-public.fr". Vosdroits.service-public.fr. 1970-01-01. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Google Translate". Translate.googleusercontent.com. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ Federal regulations set the working time of an employee to eight hours per day and limit the average workweek to a maximum of 48 hours per week. Collective bargaining agreements, however, מאי stipulate lower maximums, and in 2012 they stipulated on average 37.7 hours per week. These collective contracts directly or indirectly affecting 80 percent of the working population regulated the number of hours of work per week. According to the European Labor Force Survey, in 2011 the average full-time employee’s workweek was 39.9 hours for women and 41.1 hours for men. The value given is the average of the average women and men workweek.
- ^ "Ghana's daily minimum wage goes up".
- ^ 1 2 "WSI - Mindestlohndatenbank : Inhaltsverzeichnis" (PDF). Boeckler.de. נבדק ב-2016-04-04.
- ^ "Minimum Wage Order covers loopholes : Kaieteur News". Kaieteurnewsonline.com. 2013-06-04. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Haiti - Economy : Everything you need to know about the new Minimum Wage - HaitiLibre.com, Haiti News, The haitian people's voice". Haitilibre.com. 2014-04-19. נבדק ב-2014-08-18.
- ^ "NATLEX - Browse by country". Ilo.org. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ [http:/www.workersrights.org/Freports/WRC%20Haiti%20Minimum%20Wage%20Report%2010%2015%2013.pdf "Stealing from the Poor"] (PDF). Workersrights.org. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
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- ^ "Labour Department - Employee Rights and Benefits". Labour.gov.hk. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Government - Prime Minister's Office - News". Kormany.hu. 2012-12-19. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "European Labour Law Network". Labourlawnetwork.eu. 2013-01-01. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Agreement signed for wage hike in 2016". Politics.hu. 2013-12-20. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ Wage Indicator Foundation. "Minimum Wages India 2012 – Current Minimum Wage Rate India". נבדק ב-2012-12-10.
- ^ http://www.balistoreluggage.com/blog/umk-bali-ump-indonesia/
- ^ Iran Company Laws and Regulations Handbook. נבדק ב-2013-06-03.
- ^ Ramezani, Alireza (2014-03-18). "Raise in minimum wage not enough for Iranian workers". Al Monitor. נבדק ב-2014-05-04.
- ^ "Iran raises minimum wage". נבדק ב-2013-06-03.
- ^ "Minimum rates of pay". Citizensinformation.ie. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ An hourly rate only is set. Eurostat calculates the monthly rate for Ireland as (hourly rate x 39 hours x 52 weeks) / 12 months "Minimum wages (earn_minw)". eurostat. נבדק ב-2016-01-01.
- ^ "National Insurance Institute, General Information - Minimum Wage". Btl.gov.il. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "UniGlobalunion". uniglobalunion.org. נבדק ב-2015-03-31.
- ^ MLSS Public Relations Unit (2016-03-01). "Minimum Wage Rates Effective מרץ 1". נבדק ב-2016-03-02.
- ^ "Pay and Conditions of Employment Branch (P.C.E.B)". Ministry of Labour and Social Security. נבדק ב-2016-03-02.
- ^ 地域別最低賃金の全国一覧 (ביפנית). נבדק ב-2015-10-24.
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- ^ "Uhuru hands workers 14pc raise in minimum wage - Politics and policy". businessdailyafrica.com. 2013-05-01. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Minimum Wage Council--Republic of Korea". נבדק ב-2017-01-01.
- ^ "Republika e Kosoves" (PDF). Kryeministri-ks.net. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Kuwait sets minimum wage for first time | Reuters". In.reuters.com. 2010-04-14. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Об установлении минимальной заработной платы". Fpk.kg. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Archived copy". אורכב מ-המקור ב-2016-12-20. נבדק ב-2015-05-06.
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) (עזרה) - ^ http://www.gezitter.org/society/35680_na_90_somov_mojno_kupit_dve_buhanki_hleba_schitaet_m_abdyildaev_a_o_lavrova_polagaet_chto_tri_buhanki/
- ^ "Vientiane Times". Vientiane Times. 2012-01-01. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Labklājības ministrija". Lm.gov.lv. 2012-07-17. נבדק ב-2015-01-05.
- ^ "Vivre à l'étranger - France-Diplomatie-Ministère des Affaires étrangères". Mfe.org. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ Golovnina, Maria (2011-02-28). "Libyans grapple with soaring food prices, queues". Reuters. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "??" (PDF). Ssf.ly. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Social Security Programs Throughout the World: Africa, 2013 - Libya". Ssa.gov. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Socialinė statistika - Lietuvos Respublikos Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerija". Socmin.lt. 2015-07-01. נבדק ב-2015-02-08.
- ^ "Ministère de la Sécurité Sociale du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg - Paramètres sociaux". Mss.public.lu. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Social minimum wage and indexation of salaries - Entreprises // Luxembourg". Guichet.public.lu. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "МТСП". Mtsp.gov.mk. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ The standard workweek was 40 hours in nonagricultural and service industries and 42.5 hours in the agricultural sector.
- ^ "Malawi increase minimum wage rate over 100 percent | Malawi Nyasa Times – Malawi breaking news in Malawi". Nyasatimes.com. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Perlaksanaan Gaji Minimum". נבדק ב-2013-08-22.
- ^ "Archived copy". אורכב מ-המקור ב-2016-04-25. נבדק ב-2014-10-23.
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: (עזרה); פרמטר לא ידוע|deadurl=
) (עזרה) - ^ The legal workweek is 40 hours, except for work in the agricultural sector. The legal workweek for agricultural employees ranges from 42 to 48 hours, depending on the season.
- ^ "National Minimum Wage National Standing Order". Justiceservices.gov.mt. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ http://dier.gov.mt/en/Employment-Conditions/Wages/Pages/Bonus-and-Weekly-Allowances.aspx
- ^ "NATLEX - Browse by country". Ilo.org. 2011-08-25. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ No legal standard workweek; 40 hours per week has been used for comparison purposes.
- ^ "Lowest paid Mauritanian worker to earn US$ 108 from ספטמבר". Africanmanager.com. 2014-02-28. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ Oudaa, Marouf (2011-08-23). "Mauritania Increases Minimum Wage by 43% After Union Negotiation, AMI Says". Bloomberg. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ [3] Government document with historic minimum wages (Spanish)
- ^ "Republic of Moldova: Fourth Reviews Under the Extended Arrangement" (PDF). International Monetary Fund. נבדק ב-2012-07-23.
- ^ "În Moldova va crește salariul minim - Noutăţile Moldovei: politică, economie, societate, sport, cîntece moldoveneşti, cultura moldovenească, foto, video". NOI.MD. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ http://www.gov.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=436&id=7881
- ^ http://en.service-public-particuliers.gouv.mc/Employment/Employees/Contracts-and-pay/Wages-in-the-Principality
- ^ "Minimum wage מאי see another increase". English.news.mn. 2013-08-13. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Детаљи". Poreskauprava.gov.me. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ Minimum wage in public sector in Morocco (אורכב [חסר תאריך] ב lavieeco.com [Error: unknown archive URL])
- ^ Minimum wage in private sector in Morocco (אורכב [חסר תאריך] ב usinenouvelle.com [Error: unknown archive URL])
- ^ SMAG : minimum agriculture wage
- ^ The law provides for a 44- to 48-hour maximum workweek.
- ^ "Archived copy". אורכב מ-המקור ב-2016-08-10. נבדק ב-2015-09-01.
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) (עזרה) - ^ http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/08/29/us-myanmar-economy-wages-idUSKCN0QY0A620150829
- ^ "Government revises minimum remuneration of employee". GRS. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Minimum pay". Department of Labour. נבדק ב-2012-04-23.
- ^ [4] (אורכב 06.12.2015 בארכיון Wayback Machine)
- ^ "Oman hikes private sector minimum wages". Zawya. 2013-04-28. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ Updated 15 מאי 2013, 9:11 AEST (2013-05-15). "Pay rise for Palau's poor as government sets minimum wage | Pacific Beat | ABC Radio Australia". Radioaustralia.net.au. נבדק ב-2014-08-18.
- ^ There is no legislation concerning maximum hours of work; 40 hours a week was used for the purpose of calculating an annual wage.
- ^ http://www.pcbs.gov.ps/site/512/default.aspx?tabID=512&lang=en&ItemID=1318&mid=3171&wversion=Staging
- ^ http://www.pcbs.gov.ps/site/512/default.aspx?tabID=512&lang=en&ItemID=1387&mid=3171&wversion=Staging
- ^ "Telemetro Reporta". Article. Telemetro. נבדק ב-2012-06-03.
- ^ "Departamento De Analisis De Productividad Y Salario". Mitradel.gob.pa. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "8 מרץ 2013_1.pdf" (PDF). נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ The law limits the workweek to 42 hours per week in urban areas and 44 hours per week in rural.
- ^ "TuSalario.org/Paraguay - Salario mínimo". Tusalario.org. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Official Website of National Wages and Productivity Commission". נבדק ב-2016-05-29.
- ^ By law the standard workweek is 48 hours for most categories of industrial workers and 40 hours for government workers, with an eight-hour-per-day limit.
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: line feed character ב-|title=
במיקום 37 (עזרה) - ^ "Salariul minim 2017". startupcafe.ro. נבדק ב-2016-01-07.
- ^ "The minimum wage will increase up to 7,500 roubles since יולי 1, 2016". נבדק ב-2016-06-02.
- ^ [5]
- ^ Hewlett, LK (2014-09-22). "Minimum Wage Increases By 12.5%". The St Kitts Nevis Observer. נבדק ב-2014-09-24.
- ^ The law provides for a 40- to 44-hour workweek.
- ^ "Current Minimum Wages". Dol.gov.vc. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ [6] (אורכב 04.03.2014 בארכיון Wayback Machine)
- ^ http://www.cdls.sm/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_download&gid=283&Itemid=4
- ^ The law sets the workweek at 36 hours in the public sector and 37.5 hours for industry and private businesses.
- ^ http://www.arabnews.com/saudi-arabia/nitaqat-enforce-minimum-salaries-citizens
- ^ [7] (אורכב 04.03.2014 בארכיון Wayback Machine)
- ^ "Arhiva - Minimalna zarada u Republici Srbiji". Paragraf.rs. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Srbi, od danas se rad konačno plaća više". B92.net. 2017-01-01. נבדק ב-2017-01-01.
- ^ "Archived copy". אורכב מ-המקור ב-2016-03-04. נבדק ב-2015-03-17.
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) (עזרה) - ^ "Nation Home". Nation.sc. נבדק ב-2014-08-18.
- ^ The legal maximum workweek varied from 45 to 55 hours, depending on the economic sector.
- ^ "Act : Supplement to the Sierra Leine Gazette Vol. CXXVIII No. 24" (PDF). Sierra-leone.org. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "In Sierra Leone, "Minimum Wage for Workers is 21,000"…Says Labour Minister". News.sl. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ http://awoko.org/2014/10/31/sierra-leone-news-parliament-approves-minimum-wage/
- ^ https://sg.news.yahoo.com/singapore-sets-basic-wage-of-s-1-000-for-cleaners-105754101.html
- ^ http://business.asiaone.com/news/higher-wages-security-guards-ספטמבר-2016
- ^ "Zrušený predpis č. 326/2012 Z. z. - Nariadenie vlády o sume minimálnej mzdy na rok 2013". Zakonypreludi.sk. 2013-12-31. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Veljavni predpisi | Ministrstvo za delo, družino in socialne zadeve". Mddsz.gov.si. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ [8]
- ^ ILO.org world database
- ^ the minimum wage for domestic workers in South Africa was 8.95 rand ($0.90) per hour for employers in the urban areas and 7.65 rand ($0.77) for employers in the semiurban and rural areas. The minimum wage for farm workers was 7.71 rand ($0.77) per hour. The minimum hourly wage for domestic workers employed more than 27 hours per week ranged from 4.85 rand ($0.49) to 7.06 rand ($0.71)
- ^ http://www.mywage.org/southsudan/home/labor-law/work-and-wages
- ^ "Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social: Salario mínimo interprofesional. Importe". Empleo.gob.es. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Allgemeinverbindlicherklärung von Gesamtarbeitsverträgen" (בגרמנית). French, Italian. Neuchâtel: Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO, Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research EAER. 2014-05-01. נבדק ב-2014-05-20.
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: תחזוקה - ציטוט: others (link) - ^ Eddy, Melissa (2014-05-18). "Swiss Defeat Minimum Wage by Large Margin". New York Times. נבדק ב-2014-05-18.
- ^ "Abstimmungen - Indikatoren, Abstimmung vom 18. Mai 2014: Mindestlohn-Initiative" (בגרמנית). French. Neuchâtel: Swiss Federal Office of Statistics, Swiss Federal Administration. 2014-05-18. נבדק ב-2014-05-20.
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: תחזוקה - ציטוט: others (link) - ^ "The History of Enacting and Adjusting the Minimum Wage Policy". 中華民國勞動部 (בסינית). 2016-07-29. נבדק ב-2016-11-03.
- ^ "Taiwan raises hourly minimum wage to NT$115 from Jan. 1|Society|News|WantChinaTimes.com". Wantchinatimes.com. 2013-12-31. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Ð' Ð¢Ð°Ð´Ð¶Ð¸ÐºÐ¸Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð½Ðµ Ñ 1 Ñ ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ñ?брÑ? Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ‹ÑˆÐ°ÑŽÑ‚Ñ Ñ? зарплата бюджетников, Ñ Ñ‚Ð¸Ð¿ÐµÐ½Ð´Ð¸Ð¸ и Ð¿ÐµÐ½Ñ Ð¸Ð¸ | Ð?Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ñ Ñ‚Ð¸ Ð¢Ð°Ð´Ð¶Ð¸ÐºÐ¸Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð½Ð°, Ð Ð¾Ñ Ñ Ð¸Ð¸ и мира". Pressa.tj. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ According to the Ministry of Labor, there was no standard legal workweek for private sector workers, but most private employers retained a six-day, 44- to 48-hour workweek
- ^ "Firms hit by wage hike, labour shortage | Bangkok Post: business". Bangkok Post. 2013-01-02. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Inside Thailand - 300-Baht Daily Minimum Wage". Thailand.prd.go.th. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Cabinet approves 300 baht daily minimum wage hike nationwide from Jan 1". MCOT.net. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "National minimum wage for private sector in East Timor set at US$115". Macauhub English. 2012-06-05. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ http://finance.gov.tt/budget-statement-2015-presentation/
- ^ "T.C. Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı". Csgb.gov.tr. נבדק ב-2015-11-16.
- ^ http://turkmenistan.gov.tm/?id=6849
- ^ "Мінімальна заробітна плата". נבדק ב-2017-01-01.
- ^ "National Minimum Wage rates - GOV.UK". 2015-10-01. נבדק ב-2015-10-01.
- ^ The law does not establish a specific number of hours as constituting a full workweek. Eurostat calculates monthly salary in the UK as hourly wage x 38.1 hours x 52.14 weeks / 12 [9]
- ^ "Federal minimum wage will increase to $7.25 on יולי 24". United States Department of Labor. נבדק ב-2012-11-05.
- ^ "U.S. Department of Labor Topic: Minimum Wage". נבדק ב-2010-09-26.
- ^ Note: Federal minimum wage applies to businesses involved in interstate commerce, and to most businesses with gross revenues over $500,000, where state minimum wage is lower.
- ^ "Minimum Wage Change -- Spotlight - Georgia Department of Labor". Dol.state.ga.us. נבדק ב-2013-06-13.
- ^ http://www.cbsnews.com/news/a-higher-minimum-wage-for-millions-in-2017/
- ^ "Archived copy". אורכב מ-המקור ב-2016-10-09. נבדק ב-2015-01-09.
{{cite web}}
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) (עזרה) - ^ The standard workweek ranged from 44 to 48 hours, depending on the industry.
- ^ "Минимальная зарплата в Узбекистане на сегодня и динамика изменения - Справочник Узбекистана". Goldenpages.uz. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ Cullwick, Jonas. "Wells accepts Vt30,000 as new minimum wage | Vanuatu Daily Post". Dailypost.vu. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.
- ^ "Maduro anunció aumento de salario mínimo integral de Bs 65.056 a Bs 90.811" (בספרדית). El Universal. 2016-10-27. נבדק ב-2016-10-27.
- ^ "Noticias de Venezuela y Dolar paralelo". DolarToday. 2014-12-01. נבדק ב-2016-10-27.
- ^ [10] (אורכב 01.11.2013 בארכיון Wayback Machine)
- ^ "Zambia : Government announces revised minimum wage". Lusakatimes.com. נבדק ב-2014-03-04.