לדלג לתוכן

טיוטה:ויקטור פלוריאן

מתוך ויקיפדיה, האנציקלופדיה החופשית
הערך נמצא בשלבי עבודה במסגרת מיזם "עבודות ויקידמיות" והוא פתוח לעריכה. השלמות, תוספות והערות יתקבלו בברכה.
 ערך זה נכתב  במסגרת הקורס "קורס גישות טיפוליות בשיקום פסיכיאטרי, אוניברסיטת אריאל". תאריך סיום הקורס הוא 01/03/22.
הערך נמצא בשלבי עבודה במסגרת מיזם "עבודות ויקידמיות" והוא פתוח לעריכה. השלמות, תוספות והערות יתקבלו בברכה.
 ערך זה נכתב  במסגרת הקורס "קורס גישות טיפוליות בשיקום פסיכיאטרי, אוניברסיטת אריאל". תאריך סיום הקורס הוא 01/03/22. עריכה

תבנית:ויקטור פלוריאן ויקטור פלוריאן (1945-2002), הינו פרופ' לפסיכולוגיה שיקומית, תיאורטיקן ומומחה לתהליכי שיקום ופחד ממוות.

ויקטור פלוריאן נולד בעיר בוקרשט שברומניה. בשנת 1959 עלה לישראל עם משפחתו. ויקטור היה נער פעלתן ונהג לשחות תדירות. כשהיה כבן 14 בעת שזינק למים בחוף השקט בחיפה פגע סלע באחת מחוליות עמוד השדרה שלו. כתוצאה מן הפציעה הפך משותק בארבע גפיו וכמעט שאיבד לחלוטין את מאור עיניו.

אחרי החלמה בבית חולים ושיקום ממושך ב"בית לווינשטיין", לדבריו, תוך שהוא מפתיע לא מעט רופאים פסימיים, וויקטור חזר לביתו. בסיוע הוריו, מתנדבות האגודה למען העיוור וזיכרונו הפנומנלי וויקטור השלים את לימודיו על אף הנכות. לימים, נישא לאפרת רנביב.

ויקטור פלוריאן נפטר בשנת 2002 כשהיה בן 57 בלבד, לאחר קריסת מערכות כתוצאה ממאבק גופו בפגיעה המשמעותית ממנה סבל.

  • בשנת 1969 השלים תואר ראשון בפסיכולוגיה באוניברסיטה העברית בחיפה
  • בשנת 1972 השלים תואר שני בפסיכולוגיה שיקומית באוניברסיטת בר אילן
  • את עבודת התזה שלו וויקטור פלוריאן הקדיש "לנידונים לחיים", במסגרת עבודה זו חקר את תהליכי השיקום והפחד ממוות, וחיבר מחקר ראשוני על "יחס מעסיקים לנכים כעובדים" (1974).
  • ביחד עם פרופ' שלמה כץ פיתח מודל לתהליך שיקום עבור אנשים שחוו אובדן (של קרוב, של איבר גוף, או אובדן אחר, כמו עקירה ממולדת).
  • בשנת 1979 קיבל תואר דוקטור לפסיכולוגיה מטעם אוניברסיטת בר אילן. במסגרת עבודת הדוקטורט פיתח כלים לניתוח הפחד מהמוות בקבוצות יהודיות דתיות וחילוניות. לימים נעשה למומחה עולמי בנושא, והיה חבר מערכת של "אומגה", כתב העת למוות ולמיתה.
  • לימים התקדם לדרגת פרופ' והיה מרצה וחוקר בכיר באוניברסיטאות שונות, בארץ ובחו"ל.
  • 1971-1976 שימש כפסיכולוג שיקומי מטעם המרכז לשיקום מקצועי, משרד העבודה, תל-אביב. האחריות כללה בדיקות פסיכולוגיות ודיווח, וייעוץ לצוות המרכז במקרים מיוחדים.
  • 1976-1978 שימש כיועץ למוסד לביטוח לאומי. מפקח קבוצתי על עובדי השיקום בסניף חיפה.
  • 1974-1980 שימש כיועץ שיקום למשרד הביטחון, מחלקת השיקום, לשכת חיפה והצפון. האחריות כללה פיקוח קבוצתי על עובדי שיקום המטפלים בלוחמים ומשפחות שכולות פצועים באזור צפון ישראל.
  • 1979-1981 שימש כיועץ לצוות הרפואי של בית החולים כרמל בחיפה. העביר סדנה בינתחומית לטיפול בחולים גוססים ובני משפחותיהם בהשתתפות רופאים, אחיות ועובדים סוציאליים.
  • 1980-1991 שימש כיועץ שיקום למרפאת השיקום והייעוץ של הסתדרות הקיבוצים הישראלים, רמת-גן. התפקיד כולל פיקוח קבוצתי על עובדי שיקום המתמודדים עם חברי קיבוץ נכים ובני משפחותיהם ברחבי ישראל. תחומי אחריות נוספים כוללים הדרכה ויישום של סקר ומחקר בנושאים רלוונטיים קשורים.
  • 1987-1989 מתן ייעוץ באמצעות סדנה רציפה לצוות תכנית הוספיס בבית החולים תל-השומר בחסות האגודה למלחמה בסרטן
  • 1987 העברת סדנת השתלמות לצוות העובדים הסוציאליים בבית החולים בילינסון בחסות קופת חולים.
  • שימש כיו"ר מרכז פלג-ביליג, ארגון מחקרי שעסק ברווחת המשפחה ופרסם מחקרים רבים בנושא.

חברות בארגונים מקצועיים

[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]
  • משנת 1973 חבר בהסתדרות הפסיכולוגים בישראל.
  • מאז 1979 מוכר כמדריך באגף השיקום, הסתדרות הפסיכולוגים בישראל (IPA).
  • 1980-1983 מונה כחבר בוועדת ההסמכה לפסיכולוגיה שיקומית של המועצה הלאומית לפסיכולוגים, משרד הבריאות.
  • 1983-1987 חבר במועצה הבינלאומית לפסיכולוגים.
  • מאז 1987 חבר בוועדת המחקר ובוועדה הבינלאומית של חטיבה 22 (פסיכולוגיה שיקומית) של איגוד הפסיכולוגים האמריקאי.

חבריו, שותפיו למחקר וקרובי משפחתו מתארים את וויקטור פלוריאן כאדם כריזמטי, שחי חיים מלאים וממצים, אדם בעל מוח חריף, חשיבה ביקורתית והיקף רחב של פעילות מחקרית ותרומה לעולם המחקר. אדם שעל אף הקושי שמר על אופטימיות ורוח טובה.

וויקטור פלוריאן התנגד לשמש כמודל לאחרים, שכן האמין כי אישיותו הייחודית של האדם היא הקובעת את יכולתו להתמודד. וויקטור תמך בסטודנטים שלו למחקר ובעמיתיו והיווה עבורם דמות של מנטור, נחוש לצעוד קדימה במאבק תמידי.

חברו הקרוב, פרופ' מריו מיקולינסר, מתאר כי כל חייו של ויקטור היו ניצחון הרוח על הגוף, "ולכן, גם עם הסתלקותו של הגוף רוחו של ויקטור נשארת עמנו".

הוקרה ופרסים

[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]
  • 1982-1983 מלגת פוסט דוקטורט מתאם קרן החינוך של ארצות הברית- ישראל
  • בקיץ 1987 קיבל פרס מדען אורח של קרן השיקום העולמית בחסות אוניברסיטת ניו יורק.
  • בקיץ 1994 הוענק לוויקטור פלוריאן פרס מלומד אורח ומענק פדרלי בחסות USIA, אוניברסיטת מינסוטה, בית הספר לחינוך.

קרן שאול פלוריאן- הקרן למלגות ולמחקר באבדן והתמודדות ע"ש פרופסור ויקטור פלוריאן הוקמה בשנת 2005 על-ידי עמיתיו, תלמידיו ובני-משפחתו על מנת להנציח את זכרו. הקרן פועלת תחת חסותה של אוניברסיטת בר-אילן ותומכת במחקרים בנושאים בהם ויקטור עסק.

פרקים בספרים ומונוגרפיות

[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]
  • Katz, S., & Florian, V. (1980). The disabled child in elementary school. In A. Reviv, A. Klingman & M. Horowitz (Eds.), Children in stress and crisis situations. Tel-Aviv: Otzar Hamoreh Publishing House of the Teachers' Union in Israel. (Hebrew)
  • Florian, V. (1982). War widows: Intervention in the first period of mourning.* Advances in Thanatology, 5(2), 1-8. Also in E. Lahav (Ed.), Psycho-social research in rehabilitation. Tel-Aviv: Ministry of Defense Publishing House.
  • Florian, V. (1987). Cultural and ethnic aspects of family support services for parents of a child with a disability. In D. Lipsky (Ed.), Family supports for families with a disabled member (pp. 37-55). New York: World Rehabilitation Fund, Monograph 39.
  • Florian, V. (1988). Meaning and purpose in life of bereaved parents whose son fell during active military service. In E. Chieger (Ed.), Grief and bereavement in contemporary society (Vol. 1, pp. 55-70). London: Freund.
  • Florian, V., & Katz, S. (1989). Support systems for a child who has a disability: An Israeli perspective. In A. Gartner, D. Lipsky & A. Turnbull (Eds.), Supports for families with a disabled child: Collected papers from an international cross-cultural conference. New York: The Graduate School and University Center, The City University of New York.
  • Katz, S., & Florian, V. (Eds.) (1990). An overview of community rehabilitative services for people witTBI in Israel. New Hampshire: World Rehabilitation Fund, Monograph 48.
  • Mikulincer, M., Florian, V. (1996) Coping and adaptation to trauma and loss. In Endler, N. & Zeidner, M. (eds.). Handbook of Coping. New York: Wiley.
  • Mikulincer, M. & Florian, V. (1996). Emotional Reactions to Interpersonal Losses Over the Life Span: An Attachment Theoretical Perspective. In C. Malatesta-Magai & S. McFadden (Eds.). Handbook of Emotions, Human Development and Aging. New York:Academic Press.
  • Mikulincer, M. & Florian, V. (1998). The relationship between adult attachment styles and emotional and cognitive reactions to stressful events. In: J. Simpson, & S. Rholes, (Eds.). Attachment theory and close relationships. New-York: Guilford.
  • Mikulincer, M. & Florian, V. (2001). Attachment Style and Affect Regulation-- Implications for Coping with Stress and Mental Health. In: Clark, M., & Fletcher, G. (Eds.). Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology- New York: Blackwell.
  • Florian, V. & Mikulincer, M. (2004). A Multifaceted Perspective on the Existential Meanings, Manifestations, and Consequences of the Fear of Personal Death. In: Greenberg, J. , Koole, S.L. & Pyszczynski, T. (Eds.). Handbook of Experimental Existential Psychology. New York: The Guilford Press.

כתבי עת שפיטים

[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]
  • Florian, V. (1977). A comparison between the attitudes of Israeli Arab and Jewish youth toward the disabled. Megamot--Behavioural Sciences Quarterly, 23(2), 184-192. (Hebrew)
  • Katz, S., Shurka, E., & Florian, V. (1978). The relationship between physical disability, social perception and psychological stress. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 10, 109-113.
  • Florian, V. (1978). Employers' opinion of the disabled person as a worker. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 22, 38-43.
  • Florian, V., & Stav, A. (1981). Education for coping with death and dying: Programs for professional training. Society and Welfare, 5(2), 167-173. (Hebrew)
  • Florian, V., & Shurka, E. (1981). Jewish and Arab parents' coping patterns with their disabled child in Israel. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 4(2), 201-204.
  • Florian, V. (1981). Objective obstacles in hiring disabled persons: The employers' point of view. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 4(2), 167-174.
  • Florian, V.(1981). The Evaluation of Successful Rehabilitation Outcomes by Rehabilitation workers of Different Backgrounds. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 12(4), 195-199.
  • Florian, V. (1982). Cross-cultural differences in attitudes toward disabled persons: A study of Jewish and Arab youth in Israel. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 6(3), 291-300.
  • Florian, V. (1982). The meaning of work for physically disabled clients undergoing vocational rehabilitation. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 5(3), 375-378.
  • Florian, V. (1983). The impact of Social environments and sex on adolescent social values: A comparison of the kibbutz and the city in Israel. European Journal of Social Psychology, 13, 281-286.
  • Florian, V., & Kravetz, S. (1983). Fear of personal death: Attribution, structure and relationship to religious belief. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44(3), 600-607.
  • Florian, V. (1983). Sex counseling: Comparison of attitudes of disabled and nondisabled subjects. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 64, 81-87.
  • Florian, V., & Shurka, E. (1983). Non-disabled opinions on sexual activities and family roles for disabled persons, and disabled persons' views of these opinions. International Rehabilitation Medicine, 5, 17-20.
  • Florian, V., & Katz, S. (1983). The impact of cultural, ethnic and national variables on attitudes towards the disabled in Israel: A review. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 7, 167-179.
  • Shurka, E., & Florian, V. (1983). A study of Israeli Jewish and Arab parental perceptions of their disabled children. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 14(3), 367-375.
  • Florian, V., & Har-Even, D. (1983-84). Fear of personal death: The effects of sex and religious belief. Omega--Journal of Death and Dying, 14(1), 83-91.
  • Florian, V., Kravetz, S., & Frankel, J. (1984). Aspects of fear of personal death, levels of awareness, and religious commitment. Journal of Research in Personality, 18, 289-304.
  • Shurka, E., & Florian, V. (1984). The evaluation of a physically disabled person in different stages of rehabilitation, by a group of rehabilitation clients. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 7(1), 69-72.
  • Florian, V., & Har-Even, D. (1984). The meaning of work: A comparison of rehabilitation client groups. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 28(2), 129-132.
  • Florian, V., & Har-Even, D. (1984). Cultural patterns in the choice of leisure time activity frameworks: A study of Jewish and Arab youth in Israel. Journal of Leisure Research, 16(4), 330-337.
  • Florian, V. (1985). Children's concept of death: An empirical study of a cognitive and environmental approach. Death Studies, 9(2), 133-141.
  • Florian, V., & Kravetz, S. (1985). Children's concept of death: A cross-cultural comparison between Moslems, Druze, Christians and Jews in Israel. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 16(2), 174-189.
  • Florian, V., & Sachs, D. (1985). Reasons behind patient referral to occupational therapy units by medical and paramedical personnel. Journal of Allied Health, 14(3), 317-326.
  • Florian, V., Sheffer, M., & Sachs, D. (1985). Time allocation patterns of occupational therapists in Israel. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 39(6), 392-396.
  • Kravetz, S., Florian, V., & Wright, G. N. (1985). The development of a multifaceted measure of rehabilitation effectiveness: Theoretical rationale and scale construction. Rehabilitation Psychology, 30(4), 195-208.
  • Florian, V., & Shurka, E. (1986). Vocational instructor burnout in two national rehabilitation systems in Israel. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 17(1), 41-44.
  • Gambrill, E., Florian, V., & Splaver, G. A. (1986). Assertion, loneliness and perceived control among students with and without physical disabilities. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 30(1), 4-12.
  • Stav, A., Florian, V., & Shurka, E. (1986). Burnout among rehabilitation social workers working with physically disabled and bereaved families. Journal of Social Service Research, 10(1), 81-93.
  • Katz, S., & Florian, V. (1986). A comprehensive theoretical model of psychological reactions to loss. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 16(4), 325-345.
  • Florian, V., & Kehat, D. (1987). Changing high school students' attitudes towards the disabled: An evaluation of a multifaceted educational program. Journal of Health and Social Work, 12(1), 57-63.
  • Florian, V., & Zernitsky-Shurka, E. (1987). The effect of culture and gender on assertive behavior. International Journal of Psychology, 22, 83-95.
  • Mansour, G., Zernitsky-Shurka, E., & Florian, V. (1987). Self-reported assertion of males with and without a physical disability: A cross-cultural study. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 10(2), 167-174.
  • Krulik, T., & Florian, V. (1987). Support group for parents of children with cancer: An alternative source for social support. Cancer Nursing, 10(1), 121-127.
  • Giladi, S., & Florian, V. (1987). "Drawing" as an expressive instrument for sick children: A comparison between children with cancer and children suffering from chronic diseases. Society and Welfare, 8(1), 33-45. (Hebrew)
  • Florian, V., & Lahav, V. (1987). The family's coping patterns following a severe head injury of one of its members. Society and Welfare, 8(2), 137-156. (Hebrew)
  • Florian, V., Weiss, Y., & Unger, L. (1988). Patterns of professional activities and the time allocated to them in the social work services within the hospital framework. Society and Welfare, 8(3), 264-276. (Hebrew)
  • Maslach, C., & Florian, V. (1988). Burnout, job-setting and self evaluation among rehabilitation counselors. Rehabilitation Psychology, 33(2), 85-93.
  • Weisel, A., Kravetz, S., Zernitsky-Shurka, E., & Florian, V. (1988). The structure of attitudes towards persons with disabilities: An Israeli validation of Siller's Disability Factors Scales--General (DFS-G). Rehabilitation Psychology, 33(4), 227-238.
  • Florian, V., Weisel, A., Kravetz, S., & Zernitsky-Shurka, E. (1988). Cultural influences on attitudes towards disability: A comparison of Arab and Jewish high school students in Israel. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 11(3),279-283.
  • Weller, A., Florian, V., & Tennenbaum, R. (1988-89). The concept of death: "Masculine" and "feminine" attributes. Omega--Journal of Death and Dying, 19(3), 253-263.
  • Florian, V. (1989). The cultural impact on the family dynamics of parents with a child with a disability. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 20(1), 97-112.
  • Florian, V., Katz, S., & Lahav, V. (1989). The impact of traumatic brain damage on family dynamics and functioning: A review. Brain Injury, 3(3), 219-233.
  • Florian, V., & Snowden, L. (1989). Fear of personal death and positive life regard: A study of different ethnic and religious-affiliated American college students. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 20(1), 64-80.
  • Florian, V., Weisel, A., Kravetz, S., & Zernitsky-Shurka, E. (1989). Attitudes towards persons with disabilities in the kibbutz and city: A multifactorial comparison. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 32, 210-218.
  • Friedman, G., Florian, V., & Zernitsky-Shurka, E. (1989). The experience of loneliness among young adult cancer patients. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 7(3), 1-16.
  • Florian, V. (1989-90). Meaning and purpose in life of bereaved parents whose son fell during active military service. Omega--Journal of Death and Dying, 20(2), 91-102. Also see Society and Welfare, 7(3), 242-252. (Hebrew, 1988).
  • Florian, V. & Drory, Y. (1990). Mental Health Inventory (MHI) - psychometric properties and normative data in the Israeli population. Psychologia: Israeli Journal of Psychology, 2(1), 26-35. (in Hebrew).
  • Florian, V., Unger, L., & Weiss, Y. (1990). Patterns of professional activities and the time allocated to them in the social work services within the community clinics framework. Journal of Social Work and Policy in Israel, 3, 53-67.
  • Mikulincer, M., Florian, V., & Tolmacz, R. (1990) Attachment styles and fear of personal death: A case study of affect regulation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58(2), 273-280.
  • Ungar, L., Florian, V., & Zernitsky-Shurka, E. (1990). Aspects of fear of personal death, levels of awareness and professional affiliation among dialysis unit staff members. Omega, 21(1), 51-67.
  • Reed, M., & Florian, V. (1990) Subjective well-being and Psychological Distress: A three generational study in the kibbutz. Journal of Community Psychology, 18, 3-11.
  • Kravetz, S., Florian, V., & Nofer, E. (1990). The differential effects of feedback of trait ratings on worker traits in a vocational reformatory workshop, Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Bulletin, 23, 47-54.
  • Weisel, A., & Florian, V. (1990). Same and cross-gender attitudes toward persons with physical disabilities, Rehabilitation Psychology, 35, 229-238.
  • Drory, Y., & Florian, V. (1991). Psychological and social adjustment in coronary heart disease patients, Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 72, 326-331.
  • Florian, V., & Krulik, T. (1991). Loneliness and social support of mothers of a child with a chronic illness. Social Science & Medicine, 32, 1291-1296.
  • Gilbar, O., & Florian, V. (1991). Do women with inoperable breast cancer have a psychological profile? Omega Journal of Death and Dying, 23, 3, 217-226.
  • Drory, Y., Florian, V. & Kravetz, S. (1991) Sense of coherence: sociodemographic variables and perceived health and mental health in the Israeli population. Psychologia: Israeli Journal of Psychology. 2, 119-125 (in Hebrew).
  • Florian, V., & Katz, S. (1991). The other victims of traumatic brain injury: Consequences for family members. Neuropsychology. 5, no.4, 267-279.
  • Orbach, I., & Florian, V. (1991-1992). Attitudes Towards Life and Death, Religiosity and Gender in Israeli Children, OMEGA- Journal of Death and Dying. 24, 2, 139-149.
  • Florian, V. (1992). "Love" and "like" relationships among married couples with and without a disabled child: A cross-cultural study. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 23, 3, 326-339.
  • Rabinowitz, B., & Florian, V. (1992). Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease -Psychosocial Issues and treatment goals. Social Work in Health Care. 16, 4, 69-86.
  • Solomon, Z., Waysman, M., Levy, G., Fried, B., Mikulincer, M., Benbenshty, R., Florian, V., & Bleich, A. (1992). From Front Line to Home Front: A Study of Secondary Traumatization. Family Process. 31(3):289-302.
  • Segal, S., Hines, A., Florian, V., (1992). Early Life Experiences and Residential Stability: A Twelve-Year Perspective on Sheltered Care. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 62 (4), 535-544. Florian, V. & Mikulincer, M. (1992-93). The impact of death-risk experiences and religiousity on the fear of personal death: the case of Israeli soldiers in Lebanon. OMEGA -- The Journal of Death and Dying. 26(2), 101-111.
  • Florian, V., Mikulincer, M. & Weller, A. (1993). Does Culture Influence Family Dynamics. Comparative Family Studies. 24 (2), 189-201.
  • Mikulincer, M., Florian, V., & Weller, A. (1993). Attachment styles, coping strategies, and post-traumatic psychological distress: The impact of the Gulf War in Israel. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 64 (5).
  • Mikulincer, M., Weller, A., & Florian, V. (1993). Sense of Closeness to Parents and Family Rules: A Study of Arab and Jewish Youth in Israel. International Journal of Psychology, 28 (3), 323-335.
  • Kravetz, S., Drory, Y., Florian, V. (1993). Hardiness and Sense of Coherence and their Relation to Negative Affect. European Journal of Personality, 7 (4), 233-244.
  • Florian, V., Mikulincer, M., & Green, E. (1994). Fear of Personal Death and the MMPI Profile of Middle-age Men: The moderating Impact of Personal Losses. Omega: J. of Death and Dying. Vol 28 (2), 151-164.
  • Dangoor, N., Florian, V. (1994). Women with chronic physical disabilities: Correlates of their long-term psychosocial adaptation. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research. 17, 159-168.
  • Florian, V., Dangoor N. (1994). Personal and Familial Adaptation of Women With and Without a Severe Physical Disability: A Further Validation of the Double ABCX Model. Journal of Marriage and the Family. 56, 735-746.
  • Florian, V., MIkulincer, M., & Taubman, O. (1995). Does hardiness contribute to mental health during a stressful real-life situation? The roles of appraisal and coping. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol. 68, No. 4 pp. 687-695.
  • Mikulincer, M., Florian, V. (1995). Appraisal and coping with real-life stressful situation: the contribution of attachment styles. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 21(4), 406-414.
  • Krulick, T., Florian, V. (1995). Social Isolation of School-age Children with Chronic Illnesses. Social Sciences in Health. 1(3), 164-174.
  • Weller, A., Florian, V., Mikulincer, M. (1995). Adolescents' Report of Parental Division of Power in a Multicultural Society. Jouranl of Research on Adolescence. 5(4), 413-429.
  • Mikulincer, M., Florian, V. (1995). Stress, Coping and Fear of Personal Death: The Case of Middle-age Men Facing Early Job Retirement. Death Studies. 19(5), 413-431.
  • Mikulincer, M., Florian, V. & Solomon, Z. (1995). Marital Intimacy, Family Support, and Secondary Traumatization: a Study of Wives of Veterans with Combat Stress Reaction. Anxiety, Stress and Coping. 8, 203-213.
  • Florian, V., Mikulincer, M., Bucholtz, I. (1995) Effects of Adult Attachment on the perception and search for social support. The Journal of Psychology. 129(6), 665-676.
  • Fraidlin, N., Florian, V. (1996) The impact of structural and functional dimensions of childhood illnesses on sibling adjustment: a comparative analysis of physical disability, life-threatening illness and episodic chronic illness. Society and Welfare (in Hebrew). 16(2), 305-342.
  • Florian, V., Yanai, M. & Peleg, Z. (1996) The attitudes of Rehabilitation workers of the Israeli National Insurance Institute towards family participation in the vocational rehabilitation process of people with physical disabilities. Society and Welfare (in Hebrew). 17(4).
  • Mikulincer, M. & Florian, V. (1996). Do we really know what we need? A commentary on Pyszczynski, Greenberg, and Solomon's paper Psychological Inquiry. ,33-36.
  • Mikulincer, M. & Florian, V. (1996-97). A cognitive relational approach to emotions - The appraisal and coping components of sadness, shame, guilt,jealousy and disgust. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality , Vol. 16(3): 263-279.
  • Florian, V. & Mikulincer, M. (1997) Fear of Personal Death in Adulthood: The Impact of Early and Recent Loses. Death Studies. Vol. 21, p. 1-24.
  • Birnbaum, G., Orr, I., Mikulincer, M. & Florian, V. (1997). When marriage breaks up. Does attachment style contribute to coping and mental health. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. Vol. 14 (5): 643-654.
  • Mikulincer, M. & Florian, V. (1997). Are emotional and instrumental supportive intractions beneficial in times of stress? the impact of attachment style. Anxiety, Stress and Coping. Vol 10, p. 109-127.
  • Florian, V. & Mikulincer, M. (1997). Fear of personal death and the judgment of social trangressions - a multi-damentional perspective of terror management theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol. 73 (2), p. 369-380.
  • Drory, Y. & Florian, V. (1997). Prediction of mental health in post Myocardial Infarction patient: the contribution of medical, socio-demogrfic, and psychological variables. Psychologia: Israeli Journal of Psychology. Vol. 6 (1), 39- 50. (in Hebrew).
  • Drory, Y. & Florian, V. (1998). Sense of coherence and mental health profile in first Myocardial Infarction patients. Megamot - Behavioral Sciences Quarterly. vol. 39 (1- 2), 116- 127 .(in Hebrew).
  • Florian, V. & Mikulincer, M. (1998) Symbolic Immortality and the management of Terror of Death: The Moderating Role of Attachment Style. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol. 74, 725-734.
  • Florian, V., & Elad, D. (1998) The impact of mother's sense of empowerment on the metabolic control of their children with juvenile diabetes. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. vol. 23 (4), 239- 247.
  • Florian, V. & Mikulincer, M. (1998). Terror management in childhood: Does death conceptualization moderate the effects of mortality salience on acceptance of similar and different others?. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. vol. 24 (10), 1104- 1112.
  • Florian, V. , Malkinson, R. & Kasher, A. (1998). Perception of emotional experiences of bereaved families in Israel: A national survaey. Psychologia: Israeli Journal of Psychology. vol. 7 (1), 126-136. (in Hebrew).
  • Drory, Y., Kravetz, S., Florian, V. & Weingarten, M. (1998). Sexual activity after first acute myocardial infraction in middle- aged men: Demographic, psychological and medical predictors. Cardiology. vol. 90, 207-211.
  • Mikulincer, M., & Florian, V. (1999). The association between spouses' self- reports of attachment styles and representations of family dynamics. Family Process, vol 38(1), 69-83.
  • Mikulincer, M. & Florian, V. (1999). The association between parental reports of attachement style and family dynamics, and offspring's reports of adult attachement style. Family Process, vol. 38(2), 243-257.
  • Taubman- Ben-Ari, O., Florian, V. & Mikulincer, M. (1999). The impact of mortality salience on reckless driving: A test of terror management mechanisms. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. vol. 76(1), 35-45.
  • Drory, Y., Kravetz, S. & Florian, V. (1999). Psychosocial adjustment in patients after a first acute myocardial infraction: The contribution of salutogenic and pathogenic variables. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 80, 811-818.
  • Florian, V.,& Dangoor, N. (1999). Critical issuses in rehabilitation systems and services in Israel. Society and Welfare, 19(2), 193-214. (in Hebrew).
  • Mikulincer, M., & Florian, V. (1999). Maternal-fetal bonding, coping strategies, and mental health during pregnancy- The contribution of attachment style. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 18(3), 255-276..
  • Florian, V., Malkinson, R.& & Kasher, A. (1999). Social Rights and services to breaved families in Israel: a national survey. Society and Welfare, 19(4), 1-12.
  • Taubman- Ben-Ari, O., Florian, V. & Mikulincer, M. (2000). Does a treat appeal moderate reckless driving? A terror management theory perspective. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 32, 1-10.
  • Florian, V., Kasher, A. & Malkinson, R. (2000). Societal and media attitudes towards bereaved families in Israel: A national survaey. Megamot, 40(2), 280-297.(in Hebrew).
  • Florian,V., Mikulincer, M., & Hirschberger, G. (2000) The anatomy of a problematic emotion: The conceptualization and measurement of the experience of pity. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 19(1), 3-20.
  • Mikulincer, M., & Florian, V. (2000). Exploring individual differences in reactions to mortality salience- Does attachment style regulate terror management mechanisms?. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 260-273.
  • Florian, V., Mikulincer, M., & Hirschberger, G. (2001). Validation of Personal Identity as a Terror Management Mechanism -- Evidence that Sex-Role Identity Moderates Mortality Salience Effects. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27(8), 1011-1022.
  • Berant, E., Mikulincer, M., & Florian, V. (2001). The Association of mothers's attachment style and their psychological reactions to the diagnosis of infant's congenital heart disease. Journal of social and Clinical Psychology,20(2), 208-232.
  • Berant, E., Mikulincer, M., & Florian, V. (2001). Attachment style and mental health: A 1-year follow-up study of mothers of infants with congenital hear5 disease. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27(8), 956-968.
  • Florian, V., & Findler, L. S., (2001). Mental health and marital adaptation among mothers of children with cerebral palsy. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry,71(3), 358-367 .
  • Florian, V., Mikulincer, M., & Hirschberger, G. (2001). An existenialist view on mortality salience effects: Personal hardiness, death-thought accessibility, and cultural worldview defense. British Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 437-453.
  • Florian, V., & Vilchinsky, N. (2001). Frequency of marital problems and their treatment difficulty- Israeli therapists' perspective. Society and welfare. (in Hebrew).
  • Mikulincer, M., Florian, V., Birnbaum, G., & Malishkevich, S. (2002). The death-anxiety buffering function of close relationships: Exploring the effects of separation reminders on death-thought accessibility. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28(3), 287-299.
  • Hirschberger, G., Florian, V. & Mikulincer, M. (2002). The anxiety buffering function of close relationship: Mortality salience effects on the readiness to compromise mate selection standards. European Journal of Social Psychology, 32, 609-625..
  • Hirschberger, G., Florian, V., Mikulincer, M., Goldenberg, J. L., & Pysczynski, T. (2002). Gender differences in the willingness to engage in risky behavior: A terror management perspective. Death Studies, 26, 117-142.
  • Mikulincer, M., & Florian, V. (2002). The effects of mortality salience on self-serving attributions- Evidence for the function of self-esteem as a terror management mechanism. Basic and Applied Social Psychology. Vol 24(4), 261-271
  • Florian, V., Mikulincer, M., & Hirschberger, G. (2002). The anxiety buffering function of close relationships: Evidence that relationship commitment acts as a terror management mechanism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Apr;82(4):527-42.
  • Mikulincer, M., Florian, V., Cowan, P.A., & Cowan, P.A. (2002). Attachment security in couple relationships - A systemic model and its implications for family dynamics. Family process. 41(3):405-34
  • Mikulincer, M., Florian, V., & Hirschberger, G. (2003). The existential function of close relationships - Introducing death into the science of love. Personality and Social Psychology Review. 7(1):20-40
  • Unger, L. , Florian, V. (2004). What helps middle-aged widows with their psychological and social adaptation several years after their loss? Death Stud. ;28(7):621-41.

מצגות בכנסים לאומיים ובינלאומיים מלומדים

[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]
  • Florian, V., Glatzer, A., & Frankel, J. The effects of sport activities of post-polio females on the self-concept. International Symposium on the Disabled Adolescent, Israel, June, 1973.
  • Shurka, E., Katz, S., & Florian, V. Physical disability, stress and social perception. International Conference on Psychological Stress and Adjustment in Time of War, Israel, January, 1975.
  • Florian, V., & Kravetz, S. Socio-cultural context of social stereotypes of a variety of physical disabilities in Israel. XIIIth World Congress of Rehabilitation International, Tel Aviv, June, 1976.
  • Florian, V. Employers' opinions of the disabled parents and worker. XIIIth World Congress of Rehabilitation International, Tel Aviv, June, 1976.
  • Florian, V., & Kravetz, S. Levels of awareness, religiosity and personal fear of death among groups of Jewish persons. International Symposium on the Dying Human, Israel, January, 1978.
  • Florian, V. Rehabilitation workers' view of the assessment process. (in Hebrew). 16th Scientific Convention of the Israel Psychological Association, Tel Aviv, 1978.
  • Florian, V., Frankel, J., & Bayder, L. Symposium on the psychologist's training in facing death. (in Hebrew). 16th Scientific Convention of the Israel Psychological Association, Tel Aviv, 1978.
  • Florian, V. A comprehensive theoretical model of psychological reaction to loss. (in Hebrew). 17th Scientific Convention of the Israel Psychological Association, Tel Aviv, 1980.
  • Florian, V. Personal death perceptions in religious and nonreligious populations in Israel. (in Hebrew). 17th Scientific Convention of the Israel Psychological Association, Tel Aviv, 1980.
  • Florian, V., & Shurka, E. Comparison of sexual activities and familial attitudes of disabled and able-bodied persons in Israel. 5th World Congress of Sexology, Jerusalem, June, 1981.
  • Florian, V., & Katz, S. A comprehensive theoretical model of psychosocial reaction to loss. International Conference on Stress and Coping in Time of War and Peace, Tel Aviv, January, 1983.
  • Gambrill, E., & Florian, V. Self-report assertiveness: A comparison between disabled and non-disabled university students. 41st Annual Convention of International Council of Psychologists, San Francisco, August, 1983.
  • Florian, V. What gives meaning in life to cancer patients receiving adjuvant therapy? 20th Scientific Convention of the Israel Psychological Association, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel, 1985.
  • Florian, V. Meaning and purpose in life of bereaved parents whose son fell during active military service. 1st International Symposium on Grief and Bereavement, Jerusalem, Israel, November, 1985.
  • Krulik, T., & Florian, V. Support groups for parents of children with cancer: An alternative for informal support. 4th International Conference on Cancer Nursing, New York, September, 1986.
  • Florian, V. Love and like relationships between mothers and fathers of children with and without a disability: A cross-cultural study. (in Hebrew). 21st Scientific Convention of the Israel Psychological Association, Tel-Aviv, 1987.
  • Florian, V., & Krulik, T. Feelings of loneliness and social support of mothers to children with a chronic illness. (in Hebrew). 21st Scientific Convention of the Israel Psychological Association, Tel-Aviv, 1987.
  • Florian, V., & Kehat, D. Changing high school students' attitudes towards disabled people. International Symposium on Disability Education, Jerusalem, July, 1987.
  • Florian, V. A cross-cultural perspective as illustrated by Arab and Israeli parents of disabled children. Family and Disability Conference, San Francisco State University, August, 1987.
  • Florian, V., & Kravetz, S. Public policy in rehabilitation: An Israeli perspective. 95th Convention of the American Psychological Association, New York, 1987.
  • Krulik, T., & Florian, V. Manifestations of loneliness in school-age children with chronic illness. First International Pediatric OncologiNursing Meeting, Jerusalem, September, 1987.
  • Florian, V. A comprehensive model of psychological reaction to loss: A cross-cultural perspective. Association for Jewish Vocational Service Professionals National Conference, New York, September, 1987.
  • Florian, V., & Katz, S. Support systems for families who have a child with a disability: An Israeli perspective. First International Conference on Family Support: Wingspread, Racine, Wisconsin, June, 1988. Reed, M., & Florian, V. Subjective well-being: A cross-generational study in the Kibbutz. XXIV International Congress of Psychology, Sydney, Australia, September, 1988.
  • Weisel, A., & Florian, V. Gender and attitudes towards persons with physical disabilities of city and kibbutz youngsters. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL, April, 1991.
  • Florian, V., & Weisel, A. Attitudes toward females and males with physical disabilities: Do gender and social environment make a difference? First International Congress on Prejudice Discrimination and Conflict. Jerusalem, Israel, July 1-4, 1991.
  • Weller, A., Florian, V. & Mikulincer, M. (1992). Perceived division of parental power: Comparison of Israeli Arab and Jewish adolescents. Paper presented at the XXV International Congress of Psychology, Brussels, Belgium. International Journal of Psychology, 2 (3-4), 548.
  • Florian, V., Mikulincer, M. & Weller, A. (1992). Cultural influences on perceived family dynamics: Comparing Israeli Arab and Jewish adolescents. Paper presented at the XXV International Congress of Psychology, Brussels, Belgium. International Journal of Psychology, 2 (3-4), 563.
  • Florian, V., Mikulincer, M. & Green, G. Fear of personal death and the MMPI profile of middle-age men: the moderating impact of personal losses. 24th Scientific Convention of the Israel Psychological Association, Ramat Gan, 1993.
  • Dangoor, N., Florian, V. Personal and familial adaptation of women with and without severe physical disability: A further validation of the double ABCX Model. 24th Scientific Convention of the Israel Psychological Association, Ramat Gan, 1993
  • Mikulincer, M., Florian, V. & Angel, I. The impact of fear of personal death on judgment of value transgressors - further validation of the "Terror Management Theory". 24th Scientific Convention of the Israel Psychological Association, Ramat Gan, 1993.
  • Florian, V. The impact of children's physical disabilities on the function of the family. The VI Jerusalem Symposium on Neuromuscular Diseases, Jerusalem, 1994.
  • Florian, V. & Katz, S. The impact of cultural, ethnic and religious factors on rehabilitation practice in Israel. The 102 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Los-Angeles, August 12-16, 1994.
  • Florian, V. & Katz, S. Cultural Aspects of Familys Coping with Disabilities. Paper presented at International Symposium on Developmental Disabilities. Berlin, February 26-28, 1996.
  • Mikulincer, M. & Florian, V. Emotional Reactions to Loss - an Attachment Theory Perspective. Paper presented at International Symposium on Social Stress. Paris, France, May 1996.
  • Florian, V. & Kravetz, S. Personality and Rehabilitation Process and Outcome: Conceptual and Methodological Problems and Selected Solutions. Paper presented at 104th APA convention. Toronto, Canada, August, 1996.
  • Florian, V. , Malkinson, R. & Kasher, A. Public opinion towerd bereaved families in Israel: A national survey. 26th Scientific Convention of the Israel Psychological Association, Tel-Aviv, 1997.
  • Mikulincer, M., Florian, V. & Taubman- Ben-Ari, O. The impact of mortality salience on reckless driving: A test of terror management mechanisms. Paper presented in the Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association, San Franscisco, August, 1998.
  • Mikulincer, M., Florian, V., & Hirschberger, G. An Existentialist Perspective on Couple Relationships: Love, Courage and Tolerance. Paper presented at the Third International Conference of the Peleg-Bilig Center for the Study of Family Well-Being "Towards a Science of Couple Relationships." Bar-Ilan University, Israel, April 2000.
  • Hirschberger, G., Florian, V., & Mikulincer, M. Does Mortality Salience Always Activate the Validation of Cultural Worldviews? Evidence on the Moderating Effects of Sex-Role Identity. Paper presented at the International Conference "Psychology After the Year 2000". University of Haifa, Israel, June 2000.
  • Hirschberger, G., Florian, V., & Mikulincer, M. What Do We Feel When Another Person Suffers? The Conceptualization and Validation of the Multidimensional Pity Experience. Paper presented at the XXVII International Congress of Psychology. Stockholm, Sweden, July 2000.

כתבי עת שאינם שפיטים

[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה]
  • Florian, V., Shurka, E., & Koren, I. (1973). The rehabilitation psychologist and his function. Saad (Journal of Social Welfare), 5, 29-34. (Hebrew)
  • Shurka, E., & Florian, V. (1973). Rehabilitation of children with marked growth retardation. Child Health in Israel, 9, 27-30. (Hebrew)
  • Florian, V., & Shurka, E. (1974). Psychosocial aspects of loss. Saad (Journal of Social Welfare), 1, 5-8. (Hebrew)
  • Florian, V. (1974). Methods of assessment and evaluation in vocational rehabilitation. Saad (Journal of Social Welfare), 3, 57-61. (Hebrew)
  • Katz, S., & Florian, V. (1975). A survey for organization of rehabilitation agencies in Israel. Social Security, 9-10, 79-88. (Hebrew)
  • Florian, V. (1976). Intervention in the first period of mourning with Yom Kippur war widows: Who, when and in which areas. Social Security, 11, 32-50. (Hebrew)
  • Florian, V. (1977). The relationship between demographic variables and attitudes of high school students toward the disabled. Studies in Education, 14, 145-158. (Hebrew)
  • Florian, V. (1977). Physiological, psychological, social and therapeutic aspects of sex activity of physically disabled persons. Saad (Journal of Social Welfare), 3-4, 3-20. (Hebrew)
  • Florian, V., & Har-Even, D. (1977). Rehabilitation workers' view of professional assessment and evaluation. Social Security, 14-15, 121-132. (Hebrew)
  • Florian, V. (1985). Meaning of life of cancer patients receiving adjuvant therapy. International Forum for Logotherapy, 8(2), 109-121.

המידע בדף זה לקוח מראיונות עם בני משפחתו של ויקטור פלוריאן ז"ל, ומאתר אוניברסיטת בר אילן בכתובת https://psychology.biu.ac.il/florian