לדלג לתוכן

ויקיפדיה:Check Wikipedia/Translation

מתוך ויקיפדיה, האנציקלופדיה החופשית
# metadata
 project=hewiki END
 category_001= [[קטגוריה:מיזם checkwiki]] END
 general_defaultsort= מיון רגיל: END
 הערות שוליים|קבוצה END
 redirect_categories= END
 redirect_templates= END
  בעבודה END

# start text

 start_text_hewiki=The WikiProject '''Check Wikipedia''' will help to clean up the syntax of Wikipedia and to find some other errors. END

# description


Project description

[עריכת קוד מקור]
  • What is the goal of this project?
    • This project should help to clean up the data of all articles in many different languages.
    • If we have a clear and clean syntax in all articles more projects (for example: Wikipedia-DVD) can use our data more easily.
    • The project was inspired by en:Wikipedia:WikiProject Wiki Syntax.
    • In order to use the data of a Wikipedia project without the Mediawiki software you need to write a parser. If many articles include wrong syntax it is difficult to program the parser since it needs to be complex enough to recognize the syntax errors.
    • This project helps to find many errors in all kinds of language and will support many languages in the future.
  • How does it work?
    • The script scans every new dump and creates a list of articles with errors.
    • The script scans all articles on the list on a daily basis to create a new list for users, omitting already-corrected articles.
    • The script is written in Perl by: Stefan Kühn
    • You can download the script here. It is licensed under GPL.
    • New features, last changes and discussion.
  • What can you do?
    • The script creates a new error page at the toolserver every day. Please copy and paste the daily updated page at the toolserver (See downloads) to this page here. Attention: That page is a UTF-8 document. In case your browser cannot display the file in UTF-8 you can copy it into a text editor (for example: Notepad++) and convert it to UTF-8.
    • You can fix an error in one or more articles.
    • You can delete all fixed articles from this list.
    • If all articles in one category have been fixed you can delete this category.
    • You can suggest a new category of errors to the author of the script.
    • You can also inform the author if you want this project to be implemented into your language's Wikipedia.
  • Please don't…
    • insert an article by hand since it will disappear from the list with the next automatic update of this page.
    • try to fix spelling mistakes within this page since all manual changes will disappear as well with the next update. Instead, send an e-mail or message to the author so he can fix the spelling in the script.

Some errors can be fixed by AWB or WPcleaner:

1 all none 20 all 44 some all 58 none all 81 none all
2 all 22 45 59 some 83
6 most 26 46 61 all 84 most
7 27 47 none 63 all none 86 all
9 32 some 48 all 64 all 87 none
10 some 36 some none 51 all none 65 88 all
11 none most 37 most 52 66 93 none
16 all 38 some all 53 68 all none 102
17 some[1] 42 all 54 all 74 none all 103
18 all 43 some none 57 80 most 104
  1. ^ אם אין הבדל במפתחות מיון
# priority

# prio= -1 (unknown)
# prio= 0  (deactivated) 
# prio= 1  (top priority)
# prio= 2  (middle priority)
# prio= 3  (lowest priority)


 error_001_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_001_head_hewiki= קריאה לתבנית באמצעות מילה תבנית END
 error_001_head_enwiki= Template contains useless word template END
 error_001_desc_hewiki= Article contains a template that includes the useless word "template:". END


 error_002_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_002_head_hewiki= תגים בתחביר לא נכון END
 error_002_head_enwiki= Tag with incorrect syntax END
 error_002_desc_hewiki= The article contains one or more br, center or small tags with incorrect syntax. Also checks "span/" and "div/", which are incorrect HTML5. END

 error_002_clear_all_hewiki= {{-}} END
 error_002_clear_left_hewiki= {{-}} END
 error_002_clear_right_hewiki= {{-}} END


 error_003_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_003_head_hewiki= אין תבנית הערות שוליים END
 error_003_head_enwiki= Reference list missing END
 error_003_desc_hewiki= The article contains one or more ref tags, but is missing a reference list tag. END

 הערות שוליים


 error_004_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_004_head_hewiki= קישור חיצוני ללא קוד ויקי END
 error_004_head_enwiki= HTML text style element <a> END
 error_004_desc_hewiki= Article contains HTML text style element a. END


 error_005_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_005_head_hewiki= הערות נסתרות לא סגורות END
 error_005_head_enwiki= Comment tag without correct end END
 error_005_desc_hewiki= Comments, which start with "!--" need an ending "--". END


 error_006_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_006_head_hewiki= מיון רגיל עם סימנים מיוחדים END
 error_006_head_enwiki= DEFAULTSORT with special characters END
 error_006_desc_hewiki= Don't use special letters in the DEFAULTSORT. END

 error_006_whitelistpage_hewiki= Wikipedia:Check_Wikipedia/Error_006_whitelist END


 error_007_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_007_head_hewiki= כותרות החל מרמה שלישית END
 error_007_head_enwiki= Headings all start with three "= " END
 error_007_desc_hewiki= Checkwiki finds occurrences where the first heading starts with "=== XY=== ". END


 error_008_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_008_head_hewiki= כותרת חייבת להיגמר בסימן שוויון END
 error_008_head_enwiki= Heading should end with "= " END
 error_008_desc_hewiki= A heading should end with an "= ". END


 error_009_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_009_head_hewiki= כמה קטגוריות באותה שורה END
 error_009_head_enwiki= Multiple categories on one line END
 error_009_desc_hewiki= There is more than one category on a single line. END


 error_010_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_010_head_hewiki= סוגריים מרובעים לא סגורים END
 error_010_head_enwiki= Square brackets without correct end END
 error_010_desc_hewiki= Different number of [[ and ]] brackets. END


 error_011_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_011_head_hewiki= אותיות מיוחדות באמצעות אמפרסנד END
 error_011_head_enwiki= HTML named entities END
 error_011_desc_hewiki= The script found amp-auml or amp-ouml or other similar characters. END

 error_011_whitelistpage_hewiki= Wikipedia:Check_Wikipedia/Error_011_whitelist END


 error_012_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_012_head_hewiki= רשימות ללא קוד ויקי END
 error_012_head_enwiki= HTML list elements END
 error_012_desc_hewiki= Article contains a ol, ul, or li tags. END


 error_013_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_013_head_hewiki= תג נוסחאות לא מאוזן END
 error_013_head_enwiki= Math tag without correct match END
 error_013_desc_hewiki= Found a math tag but no "/math" or vice versa. END


 error_014_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_014_head_hewiki= תג צביעת קוד לא מאוזן END
 error_014_head_enwiki= Syntaxhighlight tag without correct match END
 error_014_desc_hewiki= Found a syntaxhighlight tag but no "/syntaxhighlight" or source tag but no "/source" or vice versa. END


 error_015_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_015_head_hewiki= תג קוד לא מאוזן END
 error_015_head_enwiki= Code tag without correct match END
 error_015_desc_hewiki= Found a code tag but no "/code" or vice versa. END


 error_016_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_016_head_hewiki= תווי יוניקוד סמויים END
 error_016_head_enwiki= Unicode control characters END
 error_016_desc_hewiki= The script found one or more invisible Unicode control characters</a>. END


 error_017_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_017_head_hewiki= קטגוריה כפולה END
 error_017_head_enwiki= Category duplication END
 error_017_desc_hewiki= In this article, a category is listed twice. END


 error_018_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_018_head_hewiki= קטגוריה מתחילה באות קטנה END
 error_018_head_enwiki= Category's first letter is small END
 error_018_desc_hewiki= The first letter of the category is small. END

 error_018_whitelistpage_hewiki= Wikipedia:Check_Wikipedia/Error_018_whitelist END


 error_019_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_019_head_hewiki= כותרת פסקה ברמה ראשונה END
 error_019_head_enwiki= Heading starts with one "= " END
 error_019_desc_hewiki= A heading starts with "= XY= ". END


 error_020_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_020_head_hewiki= סימון שגוי עם אמפרסנד END
 error_020_head_enwiki= Symbol for dead END
 error_020_desc_hewiki= The article has a amp-dagger END


 error_021_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_021_head_hewiki= המילה "קטגוריה" באנגלית END
 error_021_head_enwiki= Category: in English END
 error_021_desc_hewiki= It is ok for the MediaWiki software, but a new Wikipedian maybe have a problem with the English language. END


 error_022_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_022_head_hewiki= קטגוריה עם רווח END
 error_022_head_enwiki= Category with space END
 error_022_desc_hewiki= The article has a category with a space END


 error_023_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_023_head_hewiki= תג ללא קוד ויקי לא מאוזן END
 error_023_head_enwiki= Nowiki tag without correct match END
 error_023_desc_hewiki= Found a nowiki tag but no "/nowiki" or vice versa. END


 error_024_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_024_head_hewiki= תג ללא עיבוד ויקי לא מאוזן END
 error_024_head_enwiki= Pre tag without correct match END
 error_024_desc_hewiki= Found a pre tag but no "/pre" or vice versa. END


 error_025_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_025_head_hewiki= היררכיית כותרות לא רצופה END
 error_025_head_enwiki= Heading hierarchy END
 error_025_desc_hewiki= After a heading of level 1 (== ), there should not be a heading of level 3 (==== ). END


 error_026_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_026_head_hewiki= טקסט מודגש ללא קוד ויקי END
 error_026_head_enwiki= HTML text style element &lt;b&gt; (bold) END
 error_026_desc_hewiki= Article contains a b tag. END


 error_027_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_027_head_hewiki= קידוד סמלים מספרי ביוניקוד END
 error_027_head_enwiki= Unicode syntax END
 error_027_desc_hewiki= The script found Unicode syntax like amp-#0000 (decimal) or amp-#x0000 (hexadecimal). END


 error_028_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_028_head_hewiki= טבלה לא סגורה כראוי END
 error_028_head_enwiki= Table without correct end END
 error_028_desc_hewiki= Found no end of the table. END


 error_029_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_029_head_hewiki= תג גלריה לא מאוזן END
 error_029_head_enwiki= Image gallery without correct match END
 error_029_desc_hewiki= Found a gallery tag but no "/gallery" or vice versa. END


 error_030_prio_hewiki= -2 END
 error_030_head_hewiki= תמונה ללא תיאור חלופי END
 error_030_head_enwiki= Image without alternate description END
 error_030_desc_hewiki= The article has an image without a description. END


 error_031_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_031_head_hewiki= טבלה ללא קוד ויקי END
 error_031_head_enwiki= HTML table element END
 error_031_desc_hewiki= Article contains a table, td, th or tr tag. END

 error_031_whitelistpage_hewiki= Wikipedia:Check_Wikipedia/Error_031_whitelist END


 error_032_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_032_head_hewiki= פייפ כפול בקישור פנימי END
 error_032_head_enwiki= Double pipe in a link END
 error_032_desc_hewiki= Article contains a link like [[text|text2|text3]] END


 error_033_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_033_head_hewiki= קו תחתון END
 error_033_head_enwiki= HTML text style element &lt;u&gt; (underline) END
 error_033_desc_hewiki= Article contains a u tag. END


 error_034_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_034_head_hewiki= קוד תבנית במרחב הערכים END
 error_034_head_enwiki= Template programming element END
 error_034_desc_hewiki= Article contains a #if: or #ifeq: or #switch: or #tag: or NAMESPACE or SITENAME or PAGENAME or FULLPAGENAME or parameter. END

 error_034_whitelistpage_hewiki= Wikipedia:Check_Wikipedia/Error_034_whitelist END


 error_035_prio_hewiki= -2 END
 error_035_head_hewiki= גלריית תמונות ללא תיאור END
 error_035_head_enwiki= Image gallery without description END
 error_035_desc_hewiki= Article contains a gallery without image descriptions. END


 error_036_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_036_head_hewiki= הפניה לא תקינה END
 error_036_head_enwiki= Redirect with incorrect syntax END
 error_036_desc_hewiki= Article contains something like #REDIRECT= [[Target page]]". END


 error_037_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_037_head_hewiki= שם עם סימנים מיוחדים ללא מיון רגיל END
 error_037_head_enwiki= DEFAULTSORT missing for titles with special letters END
 error_037_desc_hewiki= The title has a special letter and in the article there is no DEFAULTSORT: END


 error_038_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_038_head_hewiki= טקסט נטוי ללא קוד ויקי END
 error_038_head_enwiki= HTML text style element &lt;i&gt; (italics) END
 error_038_desc_hewiki= Article contains a i tag. END


 error_039_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_039_head_hewiki= שימוש בקוד פסקאות לא נכון END
 error_039_head_enwiki= HTML text style element &lt;p&gt; END
 error_039_desc_hewiki= Article contains a p tag. END


 error_040_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_040_head_hewiki= תג גופן END
 error_040_head_enwiki= HTML text style element &lt;font&gt; END
 error_040_desc_hewiki= Article contains a font tag. END


 error_041_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_041_head_hewiki= הגדלת טקסט END
 error_041_head_enwiki= HTML text style element &lt;big&gt; END
 error_041_desc_hewiki= Article contains a big tag. END


 error_042_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_042_head_hewiki= טקסט מחוק END
 error_042_head_enwiki= HTML text style element &lt;strike&gt; END
 error_042_desc_hewiki= Article contains a strike tag. END


 error_043_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_043_head_hewiki= סוגריים מסולסלים לא סגורים END
 error_043_head_enwiki= Template without correct end END
 error_043_desc_hewiki= Found a template with "{{", but no corresponding "}}". END

 error_043_whitelistpage_hewiki= Wikipedia:Check_Wikipedia/Error_043_whitelist END


 error_044_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_044_head_hewiki= כותרת בגופן מודגש END
 error_044_head_enwiki= Heading with bold END
 error_044_desc_hewiki= The heading is bold "== '''XY'''== ". END


 error_045_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_045_head_hewiki= שני בינוויקי לאותה שפה END
 error_045_head_enwiki= Interwiki duplication END
 error_045_desc_hewiki= Article contains duplicate interwiki links to another language. END


 error_046_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_046_head_hewiki= סוגריים מרובעים סגורים ללא פתוחים END
 error_046_head_enwiki= Square brackets without correct beginning END
 error_046_desc_hewiki= Different number of [[ and ]] brackets. END


 error_047_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_047_head_hewiki= סוגריים מסולסלים סגורים ללא פתוחים END
 error_047_head_enwiki= Template without correct beginning END
 error_047_desc_hewiki= Found a template with "}}", but no corresponding "{{". END


 error_048_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_048_head_hewiki= קישור עצמי END
 error_048_head_enwiki= Title linked in text END
 error_048_desc_hewiki= Found a link to the title inside the text. END

 error_048_whitelistpage_hewiki= Wikipedia:Check_Wikipedia/Error_048_whitelist END
 error_048_imagemap_hewiki=true END


 error_049_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_049_head_hewiki= כותרת באמצעות תגים אסורים END
 error_049_head_enwiki= Heading with HTML END
 error_049_desc_hewiki= Found a heading with HTML markup, e.g. h2 ... /h2 in the text. END


 error_050_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_050_head_hewiki= מקף ארוך בקוד END
 error_050_head_enwiki= en dash or em dash END
 error_050_desc_hewiki= The article has a dash using HTML syntax. END


 error_051_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_051_head_hewiki= בינוויקי באמצע הערך END
 error_051_head_enwiki= Interwiki before last heading END
 error_051_desc_hewiki= Article contains a interwiki before the last heading. END


 error_052_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_052_head_hewiki= קטגוריות באמצע הערך END
 error_052_head_enwiki= Category before last heading END
 error_052_desc_hewiki= Categories are placed before the last section header. END


 error_053_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_053_head_hewiki= בינוויקי לפני קטגוריות END
 error_053_head_enwiki= Interwiki before last category END
 error_053_desc_hewiki= Article contains a interwiki before the last category. END


 error_054_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_054_head_hewiki= סוף שורה ברשימה END
 error_054_head_enwiki= Break in list END
 error_054_desc_hewiki= The article had a list, where one line had a break br tag at the end of the line. END


 error_055_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_055_head_hewiki= טקסט קטן מדי END
 error_055_head_enwiki= HTML text style element &lt;small&gt; (small text) double END
 error_055_desc_hewiki= Article contains double small tags. END


 error_056_prio_hewiki= 3 END
 error_056_head_hewiki= חץ מזויף END
 error_056_head_enwiki= Arrow as ASCII art END
 error_056_desc_hewiki= The article has an arrow like < -- or== >. END


 error_057_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_057_head_hewiki= כותרת הנגמרת בנקודתיים END
 error_057_head_enwiki= Heading ends with a colon END
 error_057_desc_hewiki= One heading in this article ends with a colon "== Heading :== ". END


 error_058_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_058_head_hewiki= כותרת עם אותיות ראשיות באמצע המילה END
 error_058_head_enwiki= Heading all CAPS END
 error_058_desc_hewiki= One heading in this article has only capitalization "== HEADING IS BIG== ". END


 error_059_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_059_head_hewiki= שדה התבנית נגמר במעבר שורה END
 error_059_head_enwiki= Template value ends with break END
 error_059_desc_hewiki= At the end of a value in a template there is a break. END


 error_060_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_060_head_hewiki= פרמטר לא תקין בתבנית END
 error_060_head_enwiki= Template parameter with a problem END
 error_060_desc_hewiki= In the parameter of a template the script found unusual characters ([|]:*) which could be a problem. END


 error_061_prio_hewiki= 0 END
 error_061_head_hewiki= הערה לפני פיסוק END
 error_061_head_enwiki= Reference before punctuation END
 error_061_desc_hewiki= The script found a punctuation after the reference. END
  ביאור END


 error_062_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_062_head_hewiki= קישור חיצוני ללא תחילית תקנית END
 error_062_head_enwiki= URL without http:// END
 error_062_desc_hewiki= A URL was found that contained no http://. END


 error_063_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_063_head_hewiki= הקטנת טקסט מוקטן END
 error_063_head_enwiki= HTML text style element &lt;small&gt; (small text) in ref, sub or sup END
 error_063_desc_hewiki= Article contains the small tag in a ref or sub or sup tag. END


 error_064_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_064_head_hewiki= קישור פנימי בשני חלקים זהים END
 error_064_head_enwiki= Link equal to linktext END
 error_064_desc_hewiki= A piped link has identical text before and after the pipe. END


 error_065_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_065_head_hewiki= תיאור תמונה עם מעבר שורה END
 error_065_head_enwiki= Image description ends with break END
 error_065_desc_hewiki= The script found in this article at the end of an image description the br tag. END


 error_066_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_066_head_hewiki= תיאור תמונה מוקטן כולו END
 error_066_head_enwiki= Image description with full &lt;small&gt; END
 error_066_desc_hewiki= The script found in the description of an image the small tag. END


 error_067_prio_hewiki= 0 END
 error_067_head_hewiki= הערה אחרי פיסוק END
 error_067_head_enwiki= Reference after punctuation (see 61 instead) END
 error_067_desc_hewiki= The script found the reference after a punctuation. END
  ביאור END


 error_068_prio_hewiki= 3 END
 error_068_head_hewiki= קישור לוויקיפדיה אחרת END
 error_068_head_enwiki= Link to other language END
 error_068_desc_hewiki= The script found a link to another language, for example [[:is:Link]], in the article (not an interwiki-link). END


 error_069_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_069_head_hewiki= תחביר שגוי - ISBN END
 error_069_head_enwiki= ISBN with incorrect syntax END
 error_069_desc_hewiki= The script found a problem with ISBN syntax. END


 error_070_prio_hewiki= 3 END
 error_070_head_hewiki= אורך שגוי - ISBN END
 error_070_head_enwiki= ISBN with wrong length END
 error_070_desc_hewiki= The script checked the ISBN and found it not containing 10 or 13 characters. END


 error_071_prio_hewiki= 3 END
 error_071_head_hewiki= מיקום ספרת ביקורת שגוי - ISBN END
 error_071_head_enwiki= ISBN with wrong position of X END
 error_071_desc_hewiki= The script checked the ISBNs and found an ISBN where the character "X" is not at position 10. END


 error_072_prio_hewiki= 3 END
 error_072_head_hewiki= סכום ביקורת שגוי בגרסה הקצרה - ISBN END
 error_072_head_enwiki= ISBN-10 with wrong checksum END
 error_072_desc_hewiki= The script checked the ISBN and found a problem with the checksum in the ISBN-10. END


 error_073_prio_hewiki= 3 END
 error_073_head_hewiki= סכום ביקורת שגוי בגרסה הארוכה - ISBN END
 error_073_head_enwiki= ISBN-13 with wrong checksum END
 error_073_desc_hewiki= The script checked the ISBN and found a problem with the checksum in the ISBN-13. END


 error_074_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_074_head_hewiki= קישור לשום מקום END
 error_074_head_enwiki= Link without target END
 error_074_desc_hewiki= The script found a link with no target, for example [[|linktext]]. END


 error_075_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_075_head_hewiki= הזחה ברשימה END
 error_075_head_enwiki= Indented list END
 error_075_desc_hewiki= The article has a list with an indented line (:* text). END


 error_076_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_076_head_hewiki= רווח מקודד בקישור פנימי END
 error_076_head_enwiki= Link with encoded space END
 error_076_desc_hewiki= The script found a link with "%20" for space [[Link%20Link|Linktext]]. END


 error_077_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_077_head_hewiki= תיאור תמונה מוקטן חלקית END
 error_077_head_enwiki= Image description with partial &lt;small&gt; END
 error_077_desc_hewiki= The script found in the description of an image the small tag. END


 error_078_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_078_head_hewiki= הערות שוליים פעמיים END
 error_078_head_enwiki= Reference list duplication END
 error_078_desc_hewiki= The script found in the article two references tags. END
  הערות שוליים(?![^}]*קבוצה) END


 error_079_prio_hewiki= -2 END
 error_079_head_hewiki= קישור חיצוני ללא תיאור END
 error_079_head_enwiki= External link without description END
 error_079_desc_hewiki= The script found in the article an external link without description. END


 error_080_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_080_head_hewiki= קישור חיצוני עם מעבר שורה END
 error_080_head_enwiki= External link with a line break END
 error_080_desc_hewiki= The script found in the article an external link with a line break in the description. END


 error_081_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_081_head_hewiki= שתי הערות זהות END
 error_081_head_enwiki= Reference duplication END
 error_081_desc_hewiki= The script found two identical ref tags. END


 error_082_prio_hewiki= 3 END
 error_082_head_hewiki= קישור למיזם ויקי אחר END
 error_082_head_enwiki= Link to other wikiproject END
 error_082_desc_hewiki= Link to other wikiproject. END


 error_083_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_083_head_hewiki= כותרת ראשונה ברמה שנייה לאחר כותרת ברמה שלישית END
 error_083_head_enwiki= Heading start with three "= " and later with level two END
 error_083_desc_hewiki= The first heading starts with "=== XY=== ", but it should be "== XY== ". END


 error_084_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_084_head_hewiki= פסקה ריקה END
 error_084_head_enwiki= Section without content END
 error_084_desc_hewiki= There is a section between two headings without content. END


 error_085_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_085_head_hewiki= תג ריק END
 error_085_head_enwiki= Tags without content END
 error_085_desc_hewiki= The script found a tag without content like noinclude/noinclude or gallery/gallery. END


 error_086_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_086_head_hewiki= קישור חיצוני בסוגריים כפולים END
 error_086_head_enwiki= External link with two brackets END
 error_086_desc_hewiki= The script found a link with two brackets to external source such as [[http://www.wikipedia.org Wikipedia]]. END


 error_087_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_087_head_hewiki= תווים מיוחדים ללא נקודה פסיק END
 error_087_head_enwiki= HTML named entities without semicolon END
 error_087_desc_hewiki= The script found named entities (like amp-auml) without the semicolon. END


 error_088_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_088_head_hewiki= מיון רגיל המתחיל ברווח END
 error_088_head_enwiki= DEFAULTSORT with a blank at first position END
 error_088_desc_hewiki= The script found a DEFAULTSORT with a blank at first position, like {{DEFAULTSORT:&nbsp;Doe,&nbsp;John}}. END


 error_089_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_089_head_hewiki= מיון רגיל ללא רווח אחרי הפסיק END
 error_089_head_enwiki= DEFAULTSORT without space after the comma END
 error_089_desc_hewiki= The script found a DEFAULTSORT without a space after the comma, like {{DEFAULTSORT:DuBois,Lewis}}. END


 error_090_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_090_head_hewiki= קישור פנימי לוויקיפדיה העברית כקישור חיצוני END
 error_090_head_enwiki= Internal link written as an external link END
 error_090_desc_hewiki= The script finds an external link that should be replaced with a wikilink. END

 error_090_whitelistpage_hewiki= Wikipedia:Check_Wikipedia/Error_090_whitelist END


 error_091_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_091_head_hewiki= קישור פנימי לוויקיפדיה אחרת כקישור חיצוני END
 error_091_head_enwiki= Interwiki link written as an external link or used as a reference. END
 error_091_desc_hewiki= The script finds an external link that should be replaced with a interwiki link. END

 error_091_whitelistpage_hewiki= Wikipedia:Check_Wikipedia/Error_091_whitelist END


 error_092_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_092_head_hewiki= כותרת כפולה END
 error_092_head_enwiki= Heading double END
 error_092_desc_hewiki= The script found two headings with the same title. END


 error_093_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_093_head_hewiki= קישור חיצוני עם תחילית כפולה END
 error_093_head_enwiki= External link with double http:// END
 error_093_desc_hewiki= The script found an external link that contains [http://http:// ...]. END


 error_094_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_094_head_hewiki= הערות לא מאוזנות END
 error_094_head_enwiki= Reference tags without correct match END
 error_094_desc_hewiki= The script found references tags that didn't have the correct end or beginning tags. END


 error_095_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_095_head_hewiki= שם משתמש במרחב הערכים END
 error_095_head_enwiki= Editor's signature or link to User space END
 error_095_desc_hewiki= An editor's signature or a link to User space was found. END

 error_095_whitelistpage_hewiki= Wikipedia:Check_Wikipedia/Error_095_whitelist END


 error_096_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_096_head_hewiki= תוכן עניינים מאוחר מדי END
 error_096_head_enwiki= Table of Contents after first heading END
 error_096_desc_hewiki= TOC should be placed at the end of the lead section of the text, before the first section heading. END


 error_097_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_097_head_hewiki= תוכן עניינים מוקדם מדי END
 error_097_head_enwiki= TOC has material after it and before the first heading END
 error_097_desc_hewiki= Screen readers don't process material the comes between the Table of Contents and first heading. END


 error_098_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_098_head_hewiki= תג כתב תחתי לא מאוזן END
 error_098_head_enwiki= Subscript tag without correct match END
 error_098_desc_hewiki= Subscripts, which starts with a sub tag needs an ending "/sub" tag, or vice versa. END


 error_099_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_099_head_hewiki= תג כתב עילי לא מאוזן END
 error_099_head_enwiki= Superscript tag without correct match END
 error_099_desc_hewiki= Superscripts, which starts with a sup tag needs an ending "/sup" tag, or vice versa. END


 error_100_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_100_head_hewiki= תגי רשימה לא מאוזנים END
 error_100_head_enwiki= List tag (&lt;ol&gt;, &lt;ul&gt; or &lt;li&gt;) without correct match END
 error_100_desc_hewiki= The script found list tags that didn't have the correct end or beginning tags. END


 error_101_prio_hewiki= 2 END
 error_101_head_hewiki= מספר סידורי מוקטן END
 error_101_head_enwiki= Ordinal number found inside &lt;sup&gt; tags END
 error_101_desc_hewiki= Ordinal numbers should be in regular text, not inside sup tags. END


 error_102_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_102_head_hewiki= תחביר שגוי - PMID END
 error_102_head_enwiki= PMID with incorrect syntax END
 error_102_desc_hewiki= The script found a problem with PMID syntax. END


 error_103_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_103_head_hewiki= מילת קסם לפייפ בתוך קישור פנימי END
 error_103_head_enwiki= Pipe magicword inside wikilink END
 error_103_desc_hewiki= The script found the magicword ! inside a wikilink. END


 error_104_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_104_head_hewiki= מירכאות לא מאוזנות או תו לא חוקי בפרמטר של הערה END
 error_104_head_enwiki= Unbalanced quotes in ref name END
 error_104_desc_hewiki= The script found unbalanced quotes in a reference tag. END


 error_105_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_105_head_hewiki= כותרת שלא מתחילה בסימן שוויון END
 error_105_head_enwiki= Heading should begin with "= " END
 error_105_desc_hewiki= A heading should begin with a "= ". END


 error_106_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_106_head_hewiki= תחביר שגוי - ISSN END
 error_106_head_enwiki= ISSN with incorrect syntax END
 error_106_desc_hewiki= The script found a problem with ISSN syntax. END


 error_107_prio_hewiki= 3 END
 error_107_head_hewiki= אורך שגוי - ISSN END
 error_107_head_enwiki= ISSN with wrong length END
 error_107_desc_hewiki= The script checked the ISSN and found it not containing 8 characters. END


 error_108_prio_hewiki= 3 END
 error_108_head_hewiki= סכום ביקורת שגוי - ISSN END
 error_108_head_enwiki= ISSN with wrong checksum END
 error_108_desc_hewiki= The script checked the ISSN and found a problem with the checksum in the ISSN. END


 error_109_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_109_head_hewiki= בעיית תגי הכללת תבניות END
 error_109_head_enwiki= Include tag error END
 error_109_desc_hewiki= The script found a problem with opening or closing tags for includeonly, onlyinclude or noinclude tags. END


 error_110_prio_hewiki= 1 END
 error_110_head_hewiki= תגי הכללת תבניות END
 error_110_head_enwiki= Include tag found END
 error_110_desc_hewiki= The script found a includeonly, onlyinclude or noinclude tags. END

 error_110_whitelistpage_hewiki= Wikipedia:Check_Wikipedia/Error_110_whitelist END


 error_111_prio_hewiki=1 END
 error_111_head_hewiki=הערה לאחר תבנית הערת שוליים אחרונה END
 error_111_head_enwiki=Ref after last reference list END
 error_111_desc_hewiki=The script found a ref tag after the last references tag or reference template. END
   הערות שוליים END


 error_112_prio_hewiki=1 END
 error_112_head_hewiki= הגדרת סגנון לא חוקית END
 error_112_head_enwiki=Bad or deprecated css attributes END
 error_112_desc_hewiki=The script found bad or deprecated css atributes END


 error_113_prio_hewiki=1 END
 error_113_head_hewiki=מעבר שורה בקישור פנימי END
 error_113_head_enwiki=Line break or &lt;br&gt; error in wikilink END
 error_113_desc_hewiki=The script found a line break inside a wikilink or a &lt;br&gt; tag at the end of a wikilink. END