ויקיפדיה:הטילדה הרביעית/20/שלומית קדם
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Translated back to English: Here Fools are and in the possibility, if the updated medium dog of presupposes, he has it uncovered the cat, from the strisciamento tree the structure. Allonge to the page with the branch, dog of the control, in order outside therefore to go, in order to preview this cat, that probably worries for those of the tree of the structure have reached that the situation is a way. But Fools have not gone to be far from the tree the structure to Mette with its leg from the posterior part here, the cat of the inspection, which shouted occasionally with also within test, nature, the situation of the attempt, that he is that the not possible dog from its tree of the structure is reached. I see, here, that it he has stopped temporary suddenly, according to cat, front part, can Fools in the same tree of the structure and controlling and have arranged an other branch for he, to 31ème in the amount since then, execution of same. Here with the way, they were sure to remember that the dissatisfaction, than the maintenance of the job station he has the dog of this clock is the branch that the cat of the probable tree come to an agreement on the structure is, that it is. My following percentage of the amount of my dog, than is expanded since page, of waitings the chain, admits it, in order to look other maintenances on. Translated to Portuguese: Aqui os tolos estão e na possibilidade, se o cão médio actualizado de pressupor, tem-no descoberto o gato, da árvore do strisciamento a estrutura. Allonge à página com a filial, cão do controle, em a parte externa de ordem conseqüentemente a ir, a fim inspecionar este gato, que se preocupa provavelmente para aqueles da árvore da estrutura alcangou que a situação é uma maneira. Mas os tolos não foram ser longe da árvore a estrutura a Mette com seu pé da peça do posterior aqui, o gato da inspeção, que shouted ocasionalmente com também testa dentro, a natureza, a situação da tentativa, que é que o cão nao possível de sua árvore da estrutura está alcangado. Eu ver, aqui, que ele parou provisório de repente, de acordo com o gato, parte dianteira, posso tolos na mesma árvore da estrutura e do controlo e para ter arranjado desde então uma outra filial para ele, a 31ème na quantidade, a execução de mesmos. Aqui com a maneira, eram certos recordar que o descontentamento, do que a manutenção da estação que do trabalho tem o cão deste pulso de disparo é a filial que o gato da árvore provável vem a um acordo na estrutura é, que é. Minha porcentagem de seguimento da quantidade de meu cão, do que é expandido desde que a página, dos waitings a corrente, a admite, a fim olhar sobre outras manutenções. Translated back to English: Here the fools are and in the possibility, if the actualizado average dog to estimate, have it discovered the cat, of the tree of the strisciamento the structure. Allonge to the page with the branch office, dog of the control, in the external part of order consequently to go, the end to inspect this cat, that is worried probably for those of the tree of the structure alcangou that the situation is a way. But the fools were not here to be far from the tree the structure the Mette with its foot of the part of posterior, the cat of the inspection, that shouted occasionally with also forehead inside, the nature, the situation of the attempt, that is that the not possible dog of its tree of the structure is alcangado. I to see, here, that it stopped provisory suddenly, in accordance with the cat, break front, can fools in the same tree of the structure and the control and to have arranged since then one another branch office for it, 31ème in the amount, the execution of same. Here with the way, they were certain to remember that the dissatisfaction, of what the maintenance of the station that of the work has the dog of this pulse of shot is the branch office that the cat of the probable tree comes to an agreement in the structure is, that it is. My percentage of pursuing of the amount of my dog, of what the page is expanded since, of waitings the current, admits it, the end to look at on other maintenances. Translated to Spanish: Aquí los tontos están y en la posibilidad, si el perro medio del actualizado a estimar, lo tienen descubierto el gato, del árbol del strisciamento la estructura. Allonge a la paginación con la sucursal, perro del control, en la parte externa de orden por lo tanto a ir, el extremo para examinar este gato, que está preocupado probablemente para los del árbol del alcangou de la estructura que la situación es una manera. Pero los tontos no estaban aquí ser lejos del árbol la estructura el Mette con su pie de la pieza del trasero, el gato del examen, que gritó de vez en cuando con también la frente dentro, la naturaleza, la situación de la tentativa, que es que el perro no posible de su árbol de la estructura es alcangado. I para ver, aquí, que paró provisorio repentinamente, de acuerdo con el gato, rompe el frente, puede los tontos en el mismo árbol de la estructura y del control y para haber arreglado desde entonces una otra sucursal para ella, 31ème en la cantidad, la ejecución iguales. Aquí con la manera, recordaban seguramente que el descontento, de cuál es la sucursal el mantenimiento de la estación que del trabajo tiene el perro de este pulso del tiro que el gato del árbol probable llega a un acuerdo en la estructura está, que es. Mi porcentaje de la prosecución de la cantidad de mi perro, de lo que se amplía la paginación puesto que, de waitings la corriente, la admite, el extremo para mirar en otros mantenimientos. Translated back to English: Here the idiots are and in the possibility, if the average dog of the updated one to consider, have shortage the cat, of the tree of the strisciamento the structure. Allonge to the pagination with the branch, dog of the control, in the external part of order therefore to go, the end to examine this cat, that is probably worried for those about the tree about alcangou of the structure that the situation is a way. But the idiots were not here being far from the tree the structure the Mette with their foot of the piece of the buttock, the cat of the examination, that shouted from time to time with also the forehead inside, the nature, the situation of the attempt, that is that the possible dog of its tree of the structure is not alcangado. I to see, here, that it stopped suddenly provisory, in agreement with the cat, breaches the front, can the idiots in the same tree of the structure and the control and to have fixed since then one another branch for her, 31ème in the amount, the execution equal. Here with the way, they remembered surely that the displeasure, of which the maintenance of the station is the branch that of the work has the dog of this pulse of the shot that the cat of the probable tree reaches an agreement in the structure is, that is. My percentage of the continuation of the amount of my dog, than extends the pagination since, of waitings the current, admits it, the end to watch in other maintenances. | |||
Original English Text: Today, When I took my dog, Bambi, for a walk, she chased a cat and it climbed a tree. The cat sat on a branch and looked down at the dog, waiting for it to go away, so it can get from the the tree and go it's way. But Bambi did not leave the tree. She sat there, looking up at the cat, barking at it and from time to time standing on her hind legs and trying to get herself up the tree, which, naturally, she couldn't, being a dog. While I was standing by, looking on, there came a second cat and before Bambi could see it, went also up the same tree and sat on another branch, and a minute later came a third one and did the same. Now there was what seemed like a convention of cats up in the tree and a frustrated dog keeping watch by it's trunk. I waited a couple of minutes more and then put the leash on my dog and took her on, to find other entertainments. Translated to Japanese: 現在私が私の犬を取ったときに、Bambi、歩行のために、彼女は猫を追跡し、木に上った。枝で置かれるおよび立ち去るためにそれを待っている犬を見る猫従ってそれは木から得ることができ、それ行くことは方法である。しかしBambiは木を去らなかった。彼女は彼女の後ろ足でそこに置かれ、猫を調べ、それで吠えおよび時々立ちおよび、自然に、彼女によってできなかった犬である木の上の彼女自身を得ることを試みる。私が間、見る待機している、そこに第2猫来、同じ木の上でBambiがそれを見ることができる前にまた行き、そして別の枝で置かれ、分後で第3 1来、同じをした。 ここでようで、それによって腕時計を保っている不満を覚える犬がトランクであるものが木の猫の規定のようにあった。私は私の犬に幾つかの分次に置き、鎖をもっと待ち、他の催し物を見つけるために彼女を、取った。 Translated back to English: When presently I take my dog, because of Bambi and walking, she traced the cat, climbed tree. It is put with the branch and the cat which looks at the dog which in order to depart waits for that therefore as for that it can obtain from the tree, that the fact that it goes is manner. But Bambi did not go away from the tree. She places in there with her hind leg, inspects the cat, with that the barking and the occasionally standing and, naturally, tries the fact that she herself on the tree which is the dog which it is not possible with her is obtained. I see between, it is standby, the 2nd cat it came there, before, Bambi can look at that on the same tree and it went and was placed with another branch, 31st came after the amount, did the same. Here with the way, those where the dog which remembers the dissatisfaction which maintains the watch with that is the trunk stipulated like the cat of the tree it was. I some amount put next in my dog, waited for the chain more, took her, in order to find other entertainments. Translated to Chinese: 由于Bambi和走时,当我目前采取我的狗,她跟踪了猫,被爬的结构树。 它放置与分行和因此查看狗为了离去等待那的猫至于为那它可能从结构树获得,那情况它是方式。但是Bambi没有去远离结构树。她安置那里与她的后腿,检查猫,与那偶尔咆哮和突出,并且,自然,尝试情况她自己是狗不是可能的以她的结构树的得到。我看见之间,它来那里的它是暂挂的,第2只猫,前面, Bambi可以查看那在同一个结构树,并且它连同和安置了另一个分行,第31在金额以后来,执行同样。这里与方式,那些切记不满情绪的地方维护有该的手表的狗是树干被规定象结构树的猫它是。我某个金额其次在我的狗放置,更等待链子,采取她,为了查找其他招待。 Translated back to English: Because Bambi and is in luck, when I adopt my dog at present, she tracked the cat, by crawling structure tree. It lays aside with the branch, therefore examination dog to depart to wait for that cat as for probably obtains for that it from the structure tree, that situation it is a mode. But Bambi has not gone to be far away from the structure tree. She places there with her hind leg, the inspection cat, occasionally roared with that with prominently, the nature, the attempt situation she was the dog is not possible by her structure tree obtained. I see, it comes there it temporarily to hang, the 2nd cat, front, Bambi may examine that in the same structure tree, and it together with and has placed another branch, 31st in amount by afterward, execution same. Here with the mode, these was sure to remember that dissatisfaction the place maintenance has this wristwatch's dog is the bough is stipulated likely structure tree's cat it is. My some amount next in my dog laying aside, waits for the chain, adopts her, to search other entertainments. Translated to French: Puisque Bambi et est dans la chance, quand j'adopte mon chien actuellement, elle a dépisté le chat, par l'arbre de rampement de structure. Il s'étend de côté avec le branchement, donc chien d'examen pour partir pour attendre ce chat quant à probablement l'obtient pour celui de l'arbre de structure, que la situation il est un mode. Mais Bambi n'est pas allé être loin de l'arbre de structure. Elle place là avec sa jambe de derrière, le chat d'inspection, de temps en temps hurlé avec celui avec en évidence, la nature, la situation de tentative qu'elle était le chien n'est pas possible par son arbre de structure obtenu. Je vois, il vient là il temporairement à arrêter, le 2ème chat, avant, Bambi peut examiner cela dans le même arbre de structure, et lui ainsi qu'et a placé un autre branchement, 31ème dans la quantité par après, exécution mêmes. Ici avec le mode, c'étaient sûrs de se rappeler que le mécontentement que la maintenance d'endroit a le chien de cette montre-bracelet est la branche est le chat de l'arbre probable stipulé de structure elle est. Mon une partie quantité prochaine chez mon chien s'étendant de côté, des attentes la chaîne, l'adopte, pour rechercher d'autres divertissements. Translated back to English: Since Bambi and is in the chance, when I currently adopt my dog, it detected the cat, by the tree of creeping of structure. It extends on side with the branch, therefore dog of examination to leave to await this cat as for probably it obtains for that of the tree of structure, that the situation it is a mode. But Bambi did not go to be far from the tree of structure. It places there with its leg from behind, the cat of inspection, from time to time howled with that with in obviousness, nature, the situation of attempt which it was the dog is not possible by its tree of structure obtained. I see, it there it temporarily have suddenly stopped, the 2nd cat, front, Bambi can examine that in the same tree of structure, and like and placed another branch to him, 31ème in the quantity by afterwards, execution same. Here with the mode, they was sure to remember that the dissatisfaction which the maintenance of place has the dog of this wrist watch is the branch is the cat of the stipulated probable tree of structure it is. A my nearest quantity part in my dog extending on side, of waitings the chain, adopts it, to seek other entertainments. Translated to German: Da ist Bambi und in der Möglichkeit, wenn ich aktuell meinen Hund annehme, entdeckte er die Katze, durch den Baum des Kriechens der Struktur. Er dehnt sich auf Seite mit dem Zweig, Hund der Prüfung, um aus deshalb zu gehen, um diese Katze zu erwarten, was vermutlich sie anbetrifft für die des Baums der Struktur erreicht, dass die Situation es ein Modus ist. Aber Bambi ging nicht, weit von den Baum der Struktur zu sein. Es legt dort mit seinem Bein von hinten, die Katze der Inspektion, gelegentlich geheult mit der mit in Augenscheinlichkeit, Natur, die Situation des Versuchs, die es der Hund ist nicht möglich durch seinen Baum der Struktur erreicht war. Ich sehe, es dort, das es vorübergehend plötzlich gestoppt hat, die 2. Katze, Front, kann Bambi das im gleichen Baum der Struktur und wie überprüfen und platzierte einen anderen Zweig zu ihm, 31ème in der Quantität bis danach, Ausführung selben. Hier mit dem Modus, waren sie sicher, sich daran zu erinnern, dass die Unzufriedenheit, der die Pflege des Platzes den Hund dieser Armbanduhr hat, der Zweig ist die Katze des vereinbarten wahrscheinlichen Baums der Struktur ist, die er ist. Ein mein nächster Quantitätsanteil an meinem Hund, der auf Seite, von waitings die Kette sich ausdehnt, nimmt sie an, um andere Unterhaltungen zu suchen. Translated back to English: There Bambi is and in the possibility, if I up-to-date mean dog assume, discovered he the cat, by the tree of creeping the structure. It stretches on page with the branch, dog of the check, in order to out therefore go, in order to expect this cat, what probably concerns it for those of the tree of the structure achieved that the situation is it a mode. But Bambi did not go being far from the tree the structure to. It puts there with its leg from the rear, the cat of the inspection, occasionally howled with also in evidence, nature, the situation of the attempt, which is it the dog not possible by its tree of the structure was achieved. I see, it there, which temporarily suddenly stopped it, the 2nd cat, front, can Bambi in the same tree of the structure and as checking and placed another branch for him, to 31ème in the quantity to thereafter, execution of same. Here with the mode, they were safe to remember that the discontent, which the maintenance of the workstation has the dog of this wrist-watch is the branch the cat of the agreed upon probable tree of the structure is, which is he. My next quantity proportion of my dog, which expands since page, of waitings the chain, assumes it, in order to look other maintenances up. |