OTRS permission from acrofan.com (see license tag)
Note : This image is credited to spd300/NEMONANSESANG (per EXIF data), but the photographer has a close connection to acrofan ([1]) and there is no evidence of independent publication of this image by spd300. (spd300 always attributes acrofan images to acrofan.com which include taken by him, such as this page from him/her own blogarchive copy at the Wayback Machine) so in this context the photographer just contributed to acrofan and the website has a right to license this image as set out below.
This file was downloaded from the site www.acrofan.com. The copyright holder and owner of the site granted permission to distribute his photos under the CC BY SA 3.0 licence. However, this permission does not extend to files where:
the "editor" is set to '편집국' (Editorial team),
the article's category is '뉴스' (News),
even if the article is not classified as '뉴스' some photos may be non-watermarked non-acrofan 3rd party materials (these will credited inside the article),
ייחוס – יש לתת ייחוס הולם, לתת קישור לרישיון, ולציין אם נעשו שינויים. אפשר לעשות את זה בכל צורה סבירה, אבל לא בשום צורה שמשתמע ממנה שמעניק הרישיון תומך בך או בשימוש שלך.
שיתוף זהה – יצירת רמיקס, שינוי או בנייה על סמך החומר הזה, תטיל עליך חובה להפיץ את התרומות שלך לפי תנאי רישיון זהה או תואם למקור.