לדלג לתוכן

קובץ:Ken Russell and Twiggy on set of The Boyfriend (cropped).jpg

תוכן הדף אינו נתמך בשפות אחרות.
מתוך ויקיפדיה, האנציקלופדיה החופשית

Ken_Russell_and_Twiggy_on_set_of_The_Boyfriend_(cropped).jpg (193 × 312 פיקסלים, גודל הקובץ: 25 ק"ב, סוג MIME‏: image/jpeg)

ויקישיתוף זהו קובץ שמקורו במיזם ויקישיתוף. תיאורו בדף תיאור הקובץ המקורי (בעברית) מוצג למטה.


English: Ken Russell and Twiggy on set of The Boy Friend, 1971.
תאריך יצירה
מקור eBay
Front and back
יוצר Unknown; photo credited to the U.S. Associated Press
אישורים והיתרים
(שימוש חוזר בקובץ זה)
English: This is a publicity still taken and publicly distributed to promote the subject or a work relating to the subject.
  • As stated by film production expert Eve Light Honathaner in The Complete Film Production Handbook (Focal Press, 2001, p. 211.):
    "Publicity photos (star headshots) have traditionally not been copyrighted. Since they are disseminated to the public, they are generally considered public domain, and therefore clearance by the studio that produced them is not necessary."
  • Nancy Wolff, in The Professional Photographer's Legal Handbook (Allworth Communications, 2007, p. 55.), notes:
    "There is a vast body of photographs, including but not limited to publicity stills, that have no notice as to who may have created them."
  • Film industry author Gerald Mast, in Film Study and the Copyright Law (1989, p. 87), writes:
    "According to the old copyright act, such production stills were not automatically copyrighted as part of the film and required separate copyrights as photographic stills. The new copyright act similarly excludes the production still from automatic copyright but gives the film's copyright owner a five-year period in which to copyright the stills. Most studios have never bothered to copyright these stills because they were happy to see them pass into the public domain, to be used by as many people in as many publications as possible."
  • Kristin Thompson, committee chairperson of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies writes in the conclusion of a 1993 conference of cinema scholars and editors[1], that:
    "[The conference] expressed the opinion that it is not necessary for authors to request permission to reproduce frame enlargements... [and] some trade presses that publish educational and scholarly film books also take the position that permission is not necessary for reproducing frame enlargements and publicity photographs."
גרסאות אחרות
image extraction process
התמונה שבקובץ זה נחתכה מקובץ אחר
 : Ken Russell and Twiggy on set of The Boyfriend.jpg
original file


This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published in the United States between 1930 and 1977, inclusive, without a copyright notice. For further explanation, see Commons:Hirtle chart as well as a detailed definition of "publication" for public art.

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נא להוסיף משפט שמסביר מה הקובץ מייצג

פריטים שמוצגים בקובץ הזה


היסטוריית הקובץ

ניתן ללחוץ על תאריך/שעה כדי לראות את הקובץ כפי שנראה באותו זמן.

תאריך/שעהתמונה ממוזערתממדיםמשתמשהערה
נוכחית04:03, 16 במרץ 2020תמונה ממוזערת לגרסה מ־04:03, 16 במרץ 2020‪312 × 193‬ (25 ק"ב)100cellsmanCropped 15 % vertically using CropTool with precise mode.
04:01, 16 במרץ 2020תמונה ממוזערת לגרסה מ־04:01, 16 במרץ 2020‪368 × 193‬ (31 ק"ב)100cellsmanFile:Ken Russell and Twiggy on set of The Boyfriend.jpg cropped 74 % horizontally, 39 % vertically using CropTool with precise mode.

שימוש גלובלי בקובץ

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