English: Statue of British Lieut. Gen. Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell in Praça Paris, Avenida Beira Mar, opposite Parque do Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro, The plaque on the pedestal is inscribed in Portuguese: "Robert Stephenson Smyth ____, Founder of Scouting" (the portion bearing the legend "Baden-Powell" is missing).
Português: Busto de Baden-Powell no Rio de Janeiro em homenagem ao fundador do Escotismo.
Español: Busto de Baden-Powell en Río de Janeiro en honor al fundador del escultismo
בעלי זכויות היוצרים על הקובץ הזה, James G. Howes, מאשרים לכולם להשתמש בו לכל מטרה, בתנאי שניתן לבעלי הזכויות ייחוס נאות. הפצה, יצירות נגזרות, שימושים מסחריים וכל שימוש אחר מותרים.
James G. Howes
The photographical reproduction of this work is covered under the article 48 of the Brazil copyright law, which states: Works permanently located in public places may be freely represented by painting, drawing, photography and audiovisual processes.
Warning: FoP is allowed in Brazil, including commercial use, to some extent. Artworks placed in locations with access to the public can be freely represented by photography, painting, drawing and audiovisual means. Commercial use is allowed, as long as the artist's work is properly attributed, the representation does not consist in a reproduction. The existing jurisprudence consistently allows commercial use of artworks under FoP, as long as the artwork is accessory, and not detached from its surrounding elements, and therefore not unfairly used to produce revenue that by law belongs to the artist. Violation of those rights is frequently punished by Brazilian courts with pecuniary indemnisations to the offended party.