This image has been digitally upscaled using AI software.
This process may have introduced inaccurate, speculative details not present in the original picture.
ייחוס – יש לתת ייחוס הולם, לתת קישור לרישיון, ולציין אם נעשו שינויים. אפשר לעשות את זה בכל צורה סבירה, אבל לא בשום צורה שמשתמע ממנה שמעניק הרישיון תומך בך או בשימוש שלך. BY 3.0 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 truetrue
This file, which was originally posted to YouTube YouTube, was reviewed on 2 December 2023 by the automatic software YouTubeReviewBot, which confirmed that this video was available there under the stated Creative Commons license on that date. This file should not be deleted if the license has changed in the meantime. The Creative Commons license is irrevocable.
This file was manually reviewed by reviewerBaji, who confirmed that this file is allowed on Wikimedia Commons.