לדלג לתוכן


מתוך ויקיפדיה, האנציקלופדיה החופשית

הערה: לאחר הפרסום, ייתכן שיהיה צורך לנקות את זיכרון המטמון (cache) של הדפדפן כדי להבחין בשינויים.

  • פיירפוקס / ספארי: להחזיק את המקש Shift בעת לחיצה על טעינה מחדש (Reload) או ללחוץ על צירוף המקשים Ctrl-F5 או Ctrl-R (במחשב מק: ⌘-R).
  • גוגל כרום: ללחוץ על צירוף המקשים Ctrl-Shift-R (במחשב מק: ⌘-Shift-R).
  • אדג': להחזיק את המקש Ctrl בעת לחיצה על רענן (Refresh) או ללחוץ על צירוף המקשים Ctrl-F5.
/* known problems:

* highly unlikely: using a global search for the site name regexp will cause misrecognitions if:
  - the sitename appears more than once in the line -and-
  - "allowMultipleFullname" option is not used      -and-
  - there are words (or a date) between the sitenames that can be both a pre-site and a post-site part

   for example:              wordA sitename  wordB  sitename wordC  [...
   should be recognized as:  wordA sitename <wordB  sitename wordC> [...
   but is recognized as:     wordA sitename  wordB <sitename wordC> [...
   because <wordA sitename wordB> is also a match

/* handling of capitalization and encoding of [https?://url xxx]:

   1. - URLs are decoded:                   [https?://site/ab%2Fxy%28%D7%90%D7%95%29 aa%28aa] --> [https?://site/ab/xy(או) aa%28aa]
      - the site part is decapitalized:     [https?://Site.NAME.com/PATH/Dir1 TEXT]           --> [https?://site.name.com/PATH/Dir1 TEXT]
   2. case sensitive: search for URLs that need to be replaced with templates
   3. ignore case: search for site name and date

var extLinkAutoPlaceButtonObject = null;
var extLinkAutoPlaceTextBox = null;
var extLinkAutoPlaceUserSummary = { value : "" };     // summary message for the user

function externalLinkAutoPlaceButtonFunc ( event )
 try {
    if ( !document.getElementById("wpTextbox1") || !document.getElementById("wpSummary") ) return;

    if ( event )
        extLinkAutoPlaceTextBox = document.getElementById("wpTextbox1");
        extLinkAutoPlaceUserSummary = document.getElementById("wpSummary");
        externalLinkAutoPlace ( extLinkAutoPlaceTextBox.value );   // get the text from the textbox and send it to the externalLinkAutoPlace function
        extLinkAutoPlaceButtonObject = addSystemButton( "EXTLINK", externalLinkAutoPlaceButtonFunc, "externalLinkAutoPlaceButton", "EXTLINK", "" );
 catch ( e )
    return;      // lets just ignore what's happened

function externalLinkAutoFixFromWebButtonFunc ( event )
 try {
    if ( !document.getElementById("wpTextbox1") || !document.getElementById("wpSummary") ) return;

    if ( event )
        extLinkAutoPlaceTextBox = document.getElementById("wpTextbox1");
        extLinkAutoPlaceUserSummary = document.getElementById("wpSummary");
        externalLinkAutoFixFromWeb( extLinkAutoPlaceTextBox.value, document.getElementById('externalLinkAutoFixFromWebButton') );
        addSystemButton( "fix from web", externalLinkAutoFixFromWebButtonFunc, "externalLinkAutoFixFromWebButton", "fix from web", "" );
 catch ( e )
    return;      // lets just ignore what's happened


    var originalUserSummary = null;
    var counters = null, linksLeft = null;
    var totalReplaced = null;
    var decodedHttpToEncodedArr = null;

    function reportUserMessage ( action, tname, info )                        // deliver message to the user in the summary field
        if ( action == "DEBUG" ) return extLinkAutoPlaceUserSummary.value += tname;
        if ( action == "INTERNALERROR" ) throw ( tname );
        if ( action == "CRASH" )
            extLinkAutoPlaceUserSummary.value += tname;                       // output the crash message
            originalUserSummary = extLinkAutoPlaceUserSummary.value;
                                                                              // mark button in color - "CRASH!"
            if ( extLinkAutoPlaceButtonObject ) extLinkAutoPlaceButtonObject.style.backgroundColor = "red";
            return "**** " + extLinkAutoPlaceUserSummary.value + " ****";

        if ( action == "INIT" )
            originalUserSummary = "";
            counters = [];
            linksLeft = [];
            totalReplaced = 0;
            if ( extLinkAutoPlaceButtonObject )
                extLinkAutoPlaceButtonObject.disabled = true;
                extLinkAutoPlaceButtonObject.style.backgroundColor = "blue";  // mark button in color - "I'm working!"
            originalUserSummary = extLinkAutoPlaceUserSummary.value;          // save original summary
            extLinkAutoPlaceUserSummary.value += "סקריפט רץ ";
            return extLinkAutoPlaceUserSummary.value;

        if ( action == "COUNT" )
            counters[tname] = ( counters[tname] || 0 ) + 1;
            if ( totalReplaced % 20 == 0 ) extLinkAutoPlaceUserSummary.value += ".";
            return extLinkAutoPlaceUserSummary.value;

        if ( action == "LEFT" )
            linksLeft[tname] = info;
            return extLinkAutoPlaceUserSummary.value;

    //---                                                  output summary
        var reporttext = "";
        if ( action == "ERROR" ) reporttext += tname;
            var s = "";
            for ( var n in counters ) s += "{" + "{" + n + "}}\u200Fx\u200F" + counters[n] + ", ";
            if ( s ) reporttext += "מכניס " + ( action === 'DONEDATES' ? 'תאריכים ל' : '' ) + ( totalReplaced == 1 ? "תבנית" : "תבניות" ) + ": " + s.substring ( 0, s.length - 2 ) + " [JS]";

            s = "";
            for ( var n in linksLeft ) s += "\u200F" + n + ":\u200F " + linksLeft[n] + ", ";
            if ( s ) reporttext += " **** נשארו קישורים: " + s.substring ( 0, s.length - 2 ) + " ****";

        extLinkAutoPlaceUserSummary.value = originalUserSummary + ( reporttext ? ( /[^/ ] *$/.test(originalUserSummary) ? " +" : "" ) + " " + reporttext : "" );
        originalUserSummary = extLinkAutoPlaceUserSummary.value;

        if ( extLinkAutoPlaceButtonObject )
            extLinkAutoPlaceButtonObject.style.backgroundColor = "#FFBBBB";    // color the button - "done working!"
            extLinkAutoPlaceButtonObject.disabled = false;

        return extLinkAutoPlaceUserSummary.value;

    function multiSurround ( surroundRxStrArr, rxStr )
        var out = [];
        for ( var i in surroundRxStrArr )
            out.push ( surroundRxStrArr[i].blank ? rxStr :
                       ( surroundRxStrArr[i].prepositionAllowed ? boundaryWPreposition + "?" : wordBoundary + "?" ) +
                       surroundRxStrArr[i].pre +
                       ( surroundRxStrArr[i].spaceAllowed ? "" : spaceNotAllowed ) +
                       rxStr +
                       ( surroundRxStrArr[i].spaceAllowed ? wordBoundary + "?" : "\xFF*" ) +
                       surroundRxStrArr[i].post );
        return "(" + out.join("|") + ")";

    function word ( word )                            // [boundary]word
        return "(" + wordBoundary + word + ")";

    function versatileWord ( word )                   // [boundary](from)word / ([boundary](from))'''(from)word'''
        return multiSurround ( [ noSurround, boldSurround ], boundaryWPreposition + word );

    function versatileHttp ( name, httplink )         // ([boundary](from))[https?://httplink name] / ([boundary](from))'''(from)[https?://httplink name]'''
        return multiSurround ( [ noSurround, boldSurround ],
                               boundaryWPreposition + "?" + "\\[https?:\\/\\/" + httplink +              // [https?://httplink
                               "((?= )" + versatileWord ( name ) + "+" + wordBoundary + "?)? *]" );      //  ( (from)name...( ))]

    function siteNameRxStr ( name, httplink )
        var stage1 = "(" + versatileWord ( name ) + "|" + versatileHttp ( name, httplink ) + ")+";      // (from)name / (from)[https?://httplink name]
        var stage2 = multiSurround ( [ noSurround, anyGereshSurround, parenthesesSurround ], stage1 );  // stage1 / "stage1" / (stage1)
        var stage3 = multiSurround ( [ noSurround, boldSurround ], stage2 ) + "+";                      // stage2 / '''stage2'''
        return multiSurround ( [ noSurround, parenthesesSurround ], stage3 );                           // stage3 / (stage3)

    function getTwinSegmentRx ( rxStr, rxType )       // segment[endBoundary] / (segment)[endBoundary]
        var segmentRxStr = linkEdge + "?" + multiSurround ( [ noSurround, parenthesesSurround ], rxStr ) + segmentEndBoundary;

        return { g : new RegExp ( segmentRxStr, "gi" ),
                 r : new RegExp ( segmentRxStr,  "i" ),
                 rxType : rxType                        };     // b = beginning of segment, e = end of segment

    function noInvisibles ( str )
        return str.replace ( new RegExp(invisible,"g"), "" );

    function getNumberOfMatches ( str, rx )
        rx.exec("");               // dummy action to flush the regexp memory.
                                   // this fixes chrome's weird behaviour by which every time "getNumberOfMatches('x',/regexp/)"
                                   // is executed the regexp is the same object from the previous time.
                                   // (firefox creates a new regexp object each time)
        return rx.test(str) ? str.match(rx).length : 0;

    function splitOnFirstMatch ( str, rx )
        if ( !rx.test(str) ) return null;

        var m = str.match ( rx )[0];
        return { pre  : str.substring ( 0, str.indexOf(m) ),
                 body : m,
                 post : str.substring ( str.indexOf(m) + m.length ) };

    function splitOnLastMatch ( str, rx )
        if ( !rx.test(str) ) return null;

        var lastmatch = splitOnFirstMatch ( str, rx );
        for ( var nextmatch = splitOnFirstMatch ( lastmatch.post, rx ) ; nextmatch && nextmatch.body ; )
            lastmatch = nextmatch;
            nextmatch = splitOnFirstMatch ( lastmatch.post, rx );

        return { pre  : str.substring ( 0, str.lastIndexOf(lastmatch.body) ),
                 body : lastmatch.body,
                 post : str.substring ( str.lastIndexOf(lastmatch.body) + lastmatch.body.length ) };

    function splitOnSiteName ( before, after, rxArr, segmentType )
        var str = "\xFF" + before + "\xFF\xFF\xFF" + after + "\xFF";                            // insert special marker and fake spaces
        var matches;

        for ( var r in rxArr )
            if ( rxArr[r].rxType.test ( segmentType ) )                                         // if this RX is relevant for this segment type:
                if ( matches = str.match ( rxArr[r].g ) )                                       // find matches with global regexp
                    for ( var i in matches )
                        if ( /\xFF\xFF\xFF/.test ( matches[i] ) )                               // check for the special marker
                            return { pre  : str.substring ( 0, str.indexOf(matches[i]) ).replace ( /^\xFF/, "" ),
                                     body : matches[i],
                                     post : str.substring ( str.indexOf(matches[i]) + matches[i].length ).replace ( /\xFF$/, "" ),
                                     rx   : rxArr[r].r };                                       // return non-global regexp for later use

        return null;

    function checkHebRefStatus ( status, str )
        var splitd = splitOnFirstMatch ( str, /^(.|\n)*?(\{\{|}})/ );
        while ( status && splitd )
            if ( splitd.body.indexOf("}}") != -1 ) status--;
                                              else status++;
            if ( status ) splitd = splitOnFirstMatch ( splitd.post, /^(.|\n)*?(\{\{|}})/ );

        return { status : status,
                 post   : splitd ? splitd.post : null };

    function decodeHttpLinkUrl ( line )
        function processHttpLink ( httplink )
            function decodeUrl ( url )                                             // remove invisibles and decode the URL part in httplink
                url = noInvisibles ( url ).substring ( 1 );                        // [{{d}}http://{{d}}url --> http://url

                try { url = decodeURIComponent ( url ); }                          // try normal decoding
                catch ( e )                         // url may include encoded unicodes ("%u05e8%u05d5%u05de%u05df") - let's try to unescape
                        try { url = decodeURIComponent ( unescape ( url ) ); }
                        catch ( e )                                                // ok, I give up
                            { reportUserMessage ( "INTERNALERROR", "decodeHttpLinkUrl: unable to decode " + url + "] ERROR: " + e.message ); }

                return "[" + url.replace ( / /g, "%20" ).replace ( /\[/g, "%5B" ).replace ( /]/g, "%5D" );

            var decoded = httplink.replace ( /\[https?:\/\/[^ \[\]\n]+/, decodeUrl )
                                  .replace ( /\[https?:\/\/[^ \[\]\n\/]+/, function ( m ) { return m.toLowerCase(); } );
                                             // 2 different encoded http addresses having the same decoded http address will cause a conflict
                                             // that's why all http addresses are stored in the array, even if no decoding is needed
            if ( decodedHttpToEncodedArr[decoded] && decodedHttpToEncodedArr[decoded] != httplink )
                reportUserMessage ( "INTERNALERROR", "decodeHttpLinkUrl: found conflicting http links in: " + line );

            decodedHttpToEncodedArr[decoded] = httplink;
            return decoded;

        decodedHttpToEncodedArr = [];

        return line.replace ( new RegExp ( "\\[" + invisible + "*https?:\\/\\/([^\\[\\]\n]|" + invisible + ")*]", "g" ), processHttpLink );

    function restoreHttpLinkUrl ( line )
        return line.replace ( /\[https?:\/\/[^\[\]\n]*]/g, function ( m ) { return decodedHttpToEncodedArr[m]; } );

    function cleanSequence ( str )                  // prepare the string to be searched by simplified regular expression
        return noInvisibles( str )                                                         // remove invisibles
                  .replace( /\t/g, " " )                                                   // replace tabs with spaces
                  .replace( /([\"()>.!?]|\'{1,3}|\{\{|}})(?![^\[\]]*]])/g, "$1\xFF" )      // insert a fake space after characters that can be
                                                                                           // followed by a word, but not inside [[brackets]]
                  .replace( /\[\[ *([^\[\]]+?) *([(#|][^\[\]]*)?]]/g, "\xFF$1\xFF" )       // [[aaa (bbb)#ccc|ddd]] --> [fake space]aaa[fake space]
                  .replace( /\xFF+/g, "\xFF" )                                             // replace subsequent fake spaces with one fake space
                  .replace( /\[https?:\/\/[^ \[\]\n]+(?=[^\[\]\n]*])/g,                    // remove fake spaces in http URLs
                            function ( m ) { return m.replace(/\xFF+/g,""); } );

    function restoreSequenceFromLeft ( newstr, oldstr )
        var irx = new RegExp ( "^" + invisible + "+" );
        var out = "";
        var inBracket = false;
        newstr = newstr.replace ( /\xFF+/g, "" );                                           // remove fake spaces

        for ( var n = 0, tmp = null ; n < newstr.length || inBracket ; )
            if ( n < newstr.length && ( oldstr[0] == newstr[n] && ( !inBracket || newstr[n] != " " || !/^ *([(#|][^\[\]]*)?]]/.test(oldstr) ) ||
                                        oldstr[0] == "\t" && newstr[n] == " " ) )           // copy the original sequence, if it matchs the new one
                out += oldstr[0];
                oldstr = oldstr.substring ( 1 );
             else                                                                           // restore invisibles and brackets
                if ( !inBracket && ( tmp = splitOnFirstMatch ( oldstr, /^\[\[ */ )               ) ||
                      inBracket && ( tmp = splitOnFirstMatch ( oldstr, /^ *([(#|][^\[\]]*)?]]/ ) )    ) inBracket = !inBracket;
                 else if ( !( tmp = splitOnFirstMatch ( oldstr, irx ) ) )
                          reportUserMessage ( "INTERNALERROR", "restoreSequenceFromLeft: '" + newstr + "' / '" + out + "' + '" + oldstr + "'" );
                out += tmp.body;
                oldstr = tmp.post;

        return out;

    function restoreSequenceFromRight ( newstr, oldstr )
        var irx = new RegExp ( invisible + "+$" );
        var out = "";
        var inBracket = false;
        newstr = newstr.replace ( /\xFF+/g, "" );                                           // remove fake spaces

        for ( var n = newstr.length - 1, tmp = null ; n >= 0 || inBracket ; )
            if ( n >= 0 && ( oldstr[oldstr.length-1] == newstr[n] ||
                             oldstr[oldstr.length-1] == "\t" && newstr[n] == " " ) )        // copy the original sequence, if it matchs the new one
                out = oldstr[oldstr.length-1] + out;
                oldstr = oldstr.substring ( 0, oldstr.length - 1 );
             else                                                                           // restore invisibles and brackets
                if (  inBracket && ( tmp = splitOnLastMatch ( oldstr, /\[\[ *$/ )               ) ||
                     !inBracket && ( tmp = splitOnLastMatch ( oldstr, / *([(#|][^\[\]]*)?]]$/ ) )    ) inBracket = !inBracket;
                    else if ( !( tmp = splitOnLastMatch ( oldstr, irx ) ) )
                        reportUserMessage ( "INTERNALERROR", "restoreSequenceFromRight: '" + newstr + "' / '" + oldstr + "' + '" + out + "'" );
                out = tmp.body + out;
                oldstr = tmp.pre;

        return out;

    function cleanDate ( str )
        str = str.replace ( new RegExp ( segmentEndBoundary + "$" ), "" )                                   // remove end boundary
                 .replace ( /^.*\((.+)\)$/, "$1" )                                                          // remove surrounding parentheses
                                                                                                            // remove beginning preposition and boundary
                 .replace ( new RegExp ( "^" + word ( datePrefixRxStr ) + "*" + dateWPreposition1 + "(?=(\\d{1,2}|" + monthsNames + "))", "i" ), "" )
                                                                               // remove preposition and boundary of the month number (if it exists)
                 .replace ( new RegExp ( dateWPreposition2 + "(?=\\d+\\D+\\d+$)", "i" ), function ( m ) { return m[0]; } );

        str = str.replace ( new RegExp ( dateWPreposition2 + "(?=" + monthsNames + ")", "i" ),              // remove preposition and boundary
                            function ( m ) { return m[0] + ( /^\d(?!.*[a-z])/i.test(str) ? "ב" : "" ); } )  // of the month text (if it exists)
                 .replace ( new RegExp ( yearWPreposition + "(?=\\d+$)", "i" ),                             // remove preposition and boundary
                            function ( m ) { return /^\d/.test(str) ? str.match(/\d+(.)/)[1] : m[0]; } )    // of the year
                 .replace ( /\xFF+/g, " " );                                                                // replace fake spaces with real spaces
                                                              // add directionality code if the date includes a month name in english
        return ( /[a-z]/i.test(str) ? "{" + "{D}}" : "" ) + str;

    function getLonelyAuthor ( str )
    {                                                                            // get "hebname," that doesn't begin with "see "
        var m = str.match ( /^((?!(ראו|ראיון|כתבה|דיווח)[ ,–־-])(?=[א-ת].+[א-ת.\'][ ,]*$)([א-ת]\'?(\. )?|[ –־-])+) *[,-] *$/ );
        return m && getNumberOfMatches(m[1],/ +/g) < 5 ? m[1] : "";              // and is 5 words long at most

    function getFirstBoundary ( str, maxlength )
        var d = splitOnFirstMatch ( str, new RegExp ( "^" + getLeftSideBoundary(maxlength) ) );
        return d ? d.body : "";

    function getLastBoundary ( str, maxlength )
        var d = splitOnLastMatch ( str, new RegExp ( getRightSideBoundary(maxlength) + "$" ) );
        return d ? d.body : "";

    function oneSpaceOnStart ( str )
        return str
               ? str.replace ( new RegExp("^( |" + invisible + ")*"),
                               new RegExp("^(" + invisible + "*[;:|\\]})!?]|( |" + invisible + ")*[,.])").test(str) ? "" : " " )
               : "";

    function oneSpaceOnEnd ( str )
        return str
               ? str.replace ( new RegExp("( |" + invisible + ")*$"),
                               new RegExp("[\"\'|\\[{(]" + invisible + "*$").test(str) ? "" : " " )
               : "";

    function processTextPart ( line, template, standalone )
        var linkBody = line.match ( template.linkRx )[0];
        var linkParts = template.linkRx.exec ( linkBody );

        var pre = cleanSequence ( line.substring ( 0, line.indexOf(linkBody) ) );
        var dirtyLinkText = linkParts[linkParts.length - 1];
        var linkText = cleanSequence ( dirtyLinkText );
        var post = cleanSequence ( line.substring ( line.indexOf(linkBody) + linkBody.length ) );
        var author = "";
        var extratext = "";
        var removedTextArr = [];
        var removedText = " ";

                                                                              // --- remove external geresh/gershayim ---
        if ( /\'\'\'\xFF*$/.test(pre) && /^\xFF*\'\'\'/.test(post) )
            pre  = pre .replace ( /\'\'\'\xFF*$/, "\xFF" );
            post = post.replace ( /^\xFF*\'\'\'/, "\xFF" );
         else if ( /\'\'\xFF*$/.test(pre) && /^\xFF*\'\'/.test(post) )
            pre  = pre .replace ( /\'\'\xFF*$/, "\xFF" );
            post = post.replace ( /^\xFF*\'\'/, "\xFF" );
         else if ( /\"\xFF*$/.test(pre) && /^\xFF*\"/.test(post) || /\'\xFF*$/.test(pre) && /^\xFF*\'/.test(post) )
            pre  = pre .replace ( /[\"\']\xFF*$/, "\xFF" );
            post = post.replace ( /^\xFF*[\"\']/, "\xFF" );

        if ( /(\s|\S)*\| *מקור *= *(?=[^|\[\]{}]+$)/.test( pre ) && /^[^|\[\]{}]*(}}|$)/.test( post ) )
             var prefix = restoreSequenceFromLeft( pre.match( /(\s|\S)*\| *מקור *= *(?=[^|\[\]{}]+$)/ )[0], line );

             return prefix + processTextPart( line.substr( prefix.length ), template, true );

        if ( standalone && /^ *רא[והי] *: */.test( pre ) )
            var prefix = restoreSequenceFromLeft( pre.match( /^ *רא[והי] *: */ )[0], line );

            return prefix + processTextPart( line.substr( prefix.length ), template, true );

                                                                              // --- remove site name from left and right ---
        var splitLeft = splitOnSiteName ( pre, linkText, template.nameRx, "b" );            // remove site name from the line's left side
        if ( splitLeft && splitLeft.post )
            if ( pre != splitLeft.pre ) pre = splitLeft.pre ? splitLeft.pre + getFirstBoundary ( splitLeft.body, pre.length - splitLeft.pre.length  ) : "";
            linkText = splitLeft.post;
            dirtyLinkText = restoreSequenceFromRight ( linkText, dirtyLinkText );
            removedTextArr.push ( splitLeft );

        var splitRight = splitOnSiteName ( linkText, post, template.nameRx, "e" );          // remove site name from the line's right side
        if ( splitRight && splitRight.pre )
            linkText = splitRight.pre;
            dirtyLinkText = restoreSequenceFromLeft ( linkText, dirtyLinkText );
            if ( post != splitRight.post ) post = splitRight.post ? getLastBoundary ( splitRight.body, post.length - splitRight.post.length ) + splitRight.post : "";
            removedTextArr.push ( splitRight );

        pre = pre.replace ( /\xFF/g, "" );                                                  // fake spaces are no longer needed
        post = post.replace ( /\xFF/g, "" )                                                 // fake spaces are no longer needed
                   .replace ( /^ *\. *(?=}}|$)/, "" );                                      // remove very lonely "."

        if ( template.getauthor && standalone )                                             // --- get author ---
            if ( pre && /^ *(}}|$)/.test( post ) )                                          // there's nothing after the link
                var splitPre = splitOnSiteName ( "", pre, template.nameRx, "b" );           // remove site name from the beginning of the pre part
                if ( splitPre && ( author = getLonelyAuthor( splitPre.post ) ) )
                    author = restoreSequenceFromRight( author, restoreSequenceFromLeft( pre, line ).replace( new RegExp("( |" + invisible + ")*[,-]( |" + invisible + ")*$"), "" ) );
                    pre = "";
                    removedTextArr.push ( splitPre );
                 else if ( !splitPre )
                    if ( author = restoreSequenceFromLeft( getLonelyAuthor( pre ), line ) ) pre = "";       // get an author name with nothing before it
             else if ( /^ *$/.test(pre) && /^ *[,\/-] */.test(post) )                       // there's nothing before the link and there's a comma after
                var splitPost = splitOnSiteName ( post, "", template.nameRx, "e" );         // remove site name from the end of the post part
                if ( splitPost && ( author = getLonelyAuthor ( splitPost.pre.replace(/^ *[,\/-] */,"") + "," ) ) )
                    author = restoreSequenceFromLeft( author, restoreSequenceFromRight( post, line ).replace( new RegExp("^( |" + invisible + ")*[,/-]( |" + invisible + ")*"), "" ) );
                    post = "";
                    removedTextArr.push ( splitPost );

        if ( template.keepdate )                                                            // --- get date ---
            for ( var x = 0 ; removedTextArr[x] ; x++ )
                if ( new RegExp(dateRxStr,"i").test(removedTextArr[x].body) )
                    for ( var pieces = removedTextArr[x].body.match(removedTextArr[x].rx), i = 1 ; i < pieces.length ; i++ )
                        if ( pieces[i] && onlyDateRx.test(pieces[i]) )
                            if ( !extratext ) extratext = cleanDate( pieces[i] );
                             else if ( extratext != cleanDate(pieces[i]) ) reportUserMessage ( "INTERNALERROR", "found conflicting dates in: " + line );

        for ( var x = 0 ; x < linkParts.length ; x++ )                                                          // fix link parts before parsing the template
            linkParts[x] = ( linkParts[x] || "" ).replace( /\|/g, "&#124;" ).replace( /=/g, "&#61;" );          // encode "|", "="

        dirtyLinkText = dirtyLinkText.replace( /^(\"|\'{1,3}|) *((.|\n)+?) *\1$/, "$2" )                        // "linktext" --> linktext / '''linktext''' --> linktext
                                     .replace( /\|/g, "&#124;" ).replace( /=/g, "&#61;" );                      // encode "|", "="

        for ( var x = 0 ; removedTextArr[x] ; x++ ) removedText += removedTextArr[x].body + " ";                // concatenate removed text parts

        var out = template.parse( linkParts, dirtyLinkText, author, extratext, removedText );                   // parse the template

        reportUserMessage( "COUNT", out.match( /^[^|]+/ )[0] );

        return oneSpaceOnEnd  ( restoreSequenceFromLeft ( pre,  line ) ) +
               "{" + "{" + out + "}}" +
               oneSpaceOnStart( restoreSequenceFromRight( post, line ) );

    function preposition ( from )                        // from(( )-)( )<no space>
        return "(" + from + "( ?[–־-])? ?\xFF*" + spaceNotAllowed + ")";

    function langRxStr ( lang )
        return multiSurround ( [ noSurround, parenthesesSurround, templateSurround, smallSurround ], versatileWord ( lang ) );

    function getLeftSideBoundary ( maxlength )                     // maxlength >= 1
        return softSpace + "{0," + maxlength + "}";

    function getRightSideBoundary ( maxlength )                    // maxlength >= 1
        return "(" + softSpace + "{0," + (maxlength-1) + "}" + segmentWall + "|" + softSpace + "{0," + maxlength + "})";

    function buildNameRx ( name, httplink, getdate, primaryPre, secondaryPre, primaryPost, secondaryPost, languages, allowMultipleFullname )
        var pre  = "(" + word(primaryPre) + "+" + word(ofRxStr) + "?" + (secondaryPre ? "(" + word (secondaryPre) + word(ofRxStr) + "?)*" : "") + ")";
        var post = "(" + word(ofRxStr) + "?" + word(primaryPost) + "+" + (secondaryPost ? "(" + word(ofRxStr) + "?" + word (secondaryPost) + ")*" : "") + ")";
        var site = siteNameRxStr ( name ,httplink );
        var fullname = "(" + pre + "*" + site + post + "*)" + ( allowMultipleFullname ? "+" : "" );
        var lang = languages ? langRxStr(languages) : "";

        if ( getdate ) return [ getTwinSegmentRx( fullname + dateRxStr + post + "*" + ( lang ? lang + "?" : "" ), /./ ),
                                getTwinSegmentRx( "(" + pre + "*" + dateRxStr + word(ofRxStr) + "?)?" + fullname + ( lang ? lang + "?" : "" ), /./ ),
                                getTwinSegmentRx( "(" + dateRxStr + ( lang ? lang + "?|" + lang : "" ) + ")" + lineEndsHere, /e/ ) ];
        if ( lang )    return [ getTwinSegmentRx( fullname + lang + "?", /./ ),
                                getTwinSegmentRx( lang + lineEndsHere, /e/ ) ];
                  else return [ getTwinSegmentRx( fullname, /./ ) ];

    function buildLinkRx ( rxStr, https )
        return new RegExp( "\\[http" + ( https ? "s" : "" ) + ":\\/\\/" + rxStr + "[ \t]+([^\\[\\]\n]+?)[ \t]*]" );

    function getLeftoverRx ( rxStr, type )
        return new RegExp ( type == "OPEN" ? "https?:\\/\\/" + rxStr :
                            "\\[https?:\\/\\/" + rxStr + "[^ \\[\\]\n]*" +
                            ( type == "NOTEXT" ? " *" : " +(?! )" + ( type == "GOOD" ? "[^\\[\\]\n]+" : "[^\\]\n]*\\[[^\\]\n]*" ) ) +
                            "]", "gi" );

    var invisible = "(\\{\\{\\s*[כdD]\\s*}}|[\u200E\u200F\u2028])";       // includes invisible LTR (\u200E) and RTL (\u200F)
    var realSpace   =     "[ ,:;&–־-]";                                   // empty characters between words
    var softSpace   = "[\xFF ,:;&–־-]";                                   // empty characters between words, including the fake space
    var segmentWall = "[\"\'|(){}\\[<.!?]";                               // right side wall for a segment: a segment cannot continue
                                                                          // after reaching a wall
    var spaceNotAllowed = "(?!\xFF*" + realSpace + ")";
    var lineEndsHere = "(?=" + softSpace + "*(" + segmentWall + "|$))";
    var linkEdge = "(( *\\/ *)?\xFF\xFF\xFF( *\\/ *)?)";

// word boundaries are associated to the word following it. segment boundaries are associated to the segment preceding it.
// example: <<[wordBoundary]word><[wordBoundary]word><[wordBoundary]word>segmentEndBoundary>
    var wordBoundary = "(" + softSpace + "+)";                                                     // boundary between words and/or surroundings
    var boundaryWPreposition = "(" + softSpace + "+" + preposition("[במ]") + "?)";                 // [wordBoundary](from)
    var segmentEndBoundary = "(" + softSpace + "*" + segmentWall + "|" + softSpace + "+)";         // boundary at the end of a segment

    var noSurround          = { blank : true };
    var boldSurround        = { spaceAllowed : false, prepositionAllowed : true,  pre : "'''",      post : "'''"      };
//    var gereshSurround      = { spaceAllowed : false, prepositionAllowed : true,  pre : "''?",      post : "''?"      };
//    var gershayimSurround   = { spaceAllowed : false, prepositionAllowed : true,  pre : '"',        post : '"'        };
    var anyGereshSurround   = { spaceAllowed : false, prepositionAllowed : true,  pre : "(''?|\")", post : "(''?|\")" };
    var parenthesesSurround = { spaceAllowed : true,  prepositionAllowed : false, pre : "\\(",      post : "\\)"      };
    var templateSurround    = { spaceAllowed : true,  prepositionAllowed : false, pre : "\\{\\{",   post : "}}"       };
    var smallSurround       = { spaceAllowed : true,  prepositionAllowed : false, pre : "\\< *(small|sub) *\\>", post : "\\<\\/ *(small|sub) *\\>" };

    var dateBoundary = "((" + softSpace + "|[.\\\\/])+)";                           // boundary between date elements
                                                                                    // normal boundary with preposition for a day or a month element
    var dateWPreposition1 = "(" + softSpace + "+" + preposition("([בהלמ]|מה)(יום( +ה)?|חודש)?") + "?)";
                                                                                    // date boundary with preposition for a month element
    var dateWPreposition2 = "((" + softSpace + "|[.\\\\/])+" + preposition("(([בהלמ]|מה)(חודש)?|חודש)") + "?)";
                                                                                    // date boundary with preposition for a year element
    var yearWPreposition  = "((" + softSpace + "|[.\\\\/])+" + preposition("[בלמ](שנ[הת])?") + "?)";
    var datePrefixRxStr = "(רא[והי]|(ב|מ?ה?)?תאריך|([במ]ה?|את ה)?פי?רסום|ש?(פורס|התפרס)(מה|ם))";
    var monthsNames = "(" + "ינואר|פברואר|מר[סץ]|אפריל|מאי|יוני|יולי|אוגוסט|ספטמבר|אוקטובר|נובמבר|דצמבר|" +
                            "January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December" + ")";
    var dateRxStr = multiSurround ( [ noSurround, parenthesesSurround ],
                                    word ( datePrefixRxStr ) + "*" +
                                    dateWPreposition1 + "(\\d{1,2}" +                                // ((from)00)
                                    dateWPreposition2 + ")?" + "(\\d{1,2}|" + monthsNames + ")" +    // (from)00 / (from)month
                                    yearWPreposition + "(\\d{4}|\\d{2})" );                          // (from)00 / (from)0000
    var onlyDateRx = new RegExp( "^" + dateRxStr + "$", "i" );

    var ofRxStr = "של";
    var forFreeRxStr = "(ב?חינם|ה?חינמית?)";
    var newsTypes = "([במ]?(חדשות|כלכלה|עסקים|תרבות|יהדות|ספורט|בריאות)|" +
                    multiSurround ( [ parenthesesSurround ], word ( "(חדשות|כלכלה|עסקים|תרבות|יהדות|ספורט|בריאות)" ) ) + ")";

    var generalPrefixRxStr = "(מ?תוך|רא[והי]|([במ]|מ?ה|את +ה)?(אתר|מגזין|כתב([התי]|ות)?|מאמר|אינטרנט|רשת))";
    var newsPrefixRxStr = "(" + generalPrefixRxStr + "|[בהמ]?(עי?תון|חדשות|מערכת)|כתבת +וו?ידאו)";
    var encyclopediaPrefixRxStr = "(" + generalPrefixRxStr + "|ערך|[הב]?אנצי?קלופדיי?[הת]?)";

    var generalSuffixRxStr = "(([בהמ]|מה)?(אינטרנט|רשת))";
    var encyclopediaSuffixRxStr = "(" + generalSuffixRxStr + "|" + forFreeRxStr + ")";

    var templates = [],
        templatesByName = {};

    templates.push ( { name     : "אנציקלופדיה ynet",  //                                  1           2                                   3
                       linkRx   : buildLinkRx  ( "www\\.ynet\\.co\\.il\\/yaan\\/0,7340,L-(\\d+)-([a-zA-Z0-9]+)-FreeYaan,00\\.html([?#][^ \\[\\]\n]*)?" ),
                       leftover : "www\\.ynet\\.co\\.il(:\\d+)?(?=[^ \\[\\]\n]*FreeYaan)",
                       nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "(([הב]?אנצי?קלופדיי?[הת]([ \xFF]+של)?[ \xFF]+)?(ynet|וואי[ \xFF-]?נט))",
                                                encyclopediaPrefixRxStr, forFreeRxStr,
                                                encyclopediaSuffixRxStr, null ),
                       parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename, author, extratext ) {
                                      var t = "אנציקלופדיה ynet" +
                                              "|" + articlename +
                                              "|" + linkParts[1] +
                                              "|" + linkParts[2] +
                                              "|" + extratext;
                                      return t.replace ( /\|+$/, "" );
                       } );

    templates.push ( { name     : "רשת ynet",  //    1                                         2                3           4            5     6              7                                      8
                       linkRx   : buildLinkRx  ( "(www\\.)?reshet\\.ynet\\.co\\.il(\\/חדשות\\/[Nn][eE][wW][sS])?(\\/([^ =\\[\\]\n]+))?\\/(([a-zA-Z]+),)?([a-zA-Z]?\\d+)?\\.[aA][sS][pP][xX]([/?#][^ \\[\\]\n]*)?" ),
                       leftover : "(www\\.)?reshet\\.ynet\\.co\\.il(:\\d+)?",
                       nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "(רשת|ynet|וו?איי?[ \xFF-]*נט|(חדשות([ \xFF]+ערוץ)?|ערוץ)[ \xFF]+2)",
                                                "(www\\.)?reshet\\.ynet\\.co\\.il(\\/|\\/חדשות\\/News\\/Main\\/[^ \\[\\]\n\\\\/#?&]*\\.aspx([/?#][^ \\[\\]\n]*)?)?",
                                                newsPrefixRxStr, null,
                                                generalSuffixRxStr, null ),
                       keepdate : true,
                       getauthor : true,
                       parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename, author, extratext ) {
                                      var t = "רשת ynet" +
                                              "|" + author +
                                              "|" + articlename +
                                              "|" + linkParts[7] +
                                              "|" + extratext +
                                              "|" + ( linkParts[2] ? "*" : "" ) +
                                              "|" + linkParts[4] +
                                              "|" + ( linkParts[2] && !/^Article$/i.test(linkParts[6]) || !linkParts[2] ? linkParts[6] : "" );
                                      return t.replace ( /\|+$/, "" );
                       } );

    templates.push ( { name     : "אנצ דעת",  //    1                                                         2           3
                       linkRx   : buildLinkRx ( "(www\\.)?daat\\.ac\\.il\\/encyclopedia\\/value\\.asp\\?id1=(\\d+)(#[^ \\[\\]\n]*)?" ),
                       leftover : "(www\\.)?daat\\.ac\\.il(:\\d+)?\\/encyclopedia\\/value",
                       nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "(ה?אנציקלופדיה[ \xFF]+ה?יהודית|דעת)",
                                                encyclopediaPrefixRxStr, null,
                                                encyclopediaSuffixRxStr, null ),
                       parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename, author, extratext ) {
                                      return "אנצ דעת" +
                                             "|" + linkParts[2] +
                                             ( articlename && articlename !== wgTitle ? "|" + articlename : "" );
                       } );

    templates.push ( { name     : "דעת",  //        1                             2
                       linkRx   : buildLinkRx ( "(www\\.)?daat\\.ac\\.il\\/([^ \\[\\]\n]+)" ),
                       leftover : "(www\\.)?daat\\.ac\\.il(:\\d+)?\\/?",
                       nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "(דעת([ \xFF-]+לימודי[ \xFF]+יהדות[ \xFF]+ורוח)?)",
                                                generalPrefixRxStr, null,
                                                generalSuffixRxStr, null ),
                       getauthor : true,
                       parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename, author, extratext ) {
                                      return "דעת" +
                                             "|" + author +
                                             "|" + linkParts[2] +
                                             "|" + articlename;
                       } );

    templates.push ( { name     : "imdb title",  //     1                              2           3
                       linkRx   : buildLinkRx ( "(www\\.|us\\.)?imdb\\.com\\/title\\/tt(\\d+(\\/[a-zA-Z#]+)?)\\/?" ),
                       leftover : "(www\\.|us\\.)?imdb\\.com(:\\d+)?\\/title\\/tt",
                       nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "(imdb)",
                                                "(" + generalPrefixRxStr + "|ה?סרטים|[במ]?מסד[ ־-]+ה?נתונים( +ה?קולנועי?ים)?)", null,
                                                generalSuffixRxStr, null,
                                                "אנגלית" ),
                       parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename, author, extratext ) {
                                      return "imdb title" +
                                             "|id=" + linkParts[2] +
                                             "|title=" + articlename.replace ( /^ה?(סרט|סדרה) *(?=[^ ])/, "" );
                       } );

    templates.push ( { name     : "imdb name",  //      1                             2            3
                       linkRx   : buildLinkRx ( "(www\\.|us\\.)?imdb\\.com\\/name\\/nm(\\d+(\\/[a-zA-Z#]+)?)\\/?" ),
                       leftover : "(www\\.|us\\.)?imdb\\.com(:\\d+)?\\/name\\/nm",
                       nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "(imdb)",
                                                "(" + generalPrefixRxStr + "|ה?סרטים|[במ]?מסד[ ־-]+ה?נתונים( +ה?קולנועי?ים)?)", null,
                                                generalSuffixRxStr, null,
                                                "אנגלית" ),
                       parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename, author, extratext ) {
                                      return "imdb name" +
                                             "|id=" + linkParts[2] +
                                             "|name=" + articlename.replace ( /^ה?(שחקן|שחקנית) *(?=[^ ])/, "" );
                       } );

    templates.push ( { name     : "AMG",  //        1                                                     2                    3               4
                       linkRx   : buildLinkRx ( "(www\\.)?allmusic\\.com\\/cg\\/amg\\.dll\\\?p=amg(&[^ \\[\\]\n]+)?&sql=([0-9a-zA-Z:-]+)(~[0-9a-zA-Z]+)?" ),
                       leftover : "(www\\.)?allmusic\\.com(:\\d+)?\\/cg\\/amg\\.dll",
                       nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "(All[ \xFF]*music(\\.com|[ \xFF]+Guide)?|AMG)",
                                                generalPrefixRxStr, null,
                                                generalSuffixRxStr, null,
                                                "אנגלית" ),
                       parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename, author, extratext ) {
                                      return "AMG" +
                                             "|id=" + linkParts[3] +
                                             "|שם=" + articlename;
                       } );

    templates.push ( { name     : "ynet",  //                           1                                        2           3              4       5                                 6
                       linkRx   : buildLinkRx ( "www\\.ynet\\.co\\.il\\/(articles|Ext\\/Comp\\/CdaNewsFlash|([a-zA-Z]+))\\/(\\d),\\d+,L-([\\d-]+)(_\\d+)?,[a-zA-Z\\d]+\\.html([?#][^ \\[\\]\n]*)?" ),
                       leftover : "www\\.ynet\\.co\\.il(:\\d+)?(?![^ \\[\\]\n]*FreeYaan)",
                       nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "(וו?איי?[ \xFF-]*נט|ynet|ידיעות[ \xFF-]+אחרונות|(מדור[ \xFF]+)?פנאי[ \xFF]+פלוס)",
                                                newsPrefixRxStr, null,
                                                generalSuffixRxStr, null,
                                                true ),
                       keepdate : true,
                       getauthor : true,
                       parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename, author, extratext, removedText ) {
                                      return ( /פנאי[ \xFF]+פלוס/.test(removedText) ? "פנאי פלוס" : "ynet" ) +
                                             "|" + author +
                                             "|" + articlename +
                                             "|" + linkParts[4] +
                                             "|" + extratext +
                                             "|" +
                                             ( linkParts[2] || linkParts[3] != "0" ? "|" + linkParts[3] : "" ) +
                                             ( linkParts[2] ? "|" + linkParts[2] : "" );
                       fixWebTargetUrl : function ( fields ) {
                                             return fields[3] && !$.trim( noInvisibles( fields[4] || '' ) ) && ( !fields[7] || fields[7] === 'articles' )
                                                    ? "http://www.ynet.co.il/" + ( fields[7] || "articles" ) + "/" + ( fields[6] || "0" ) + ",7340,L-" + fields[3] + ",00.html"
                                                    : null;
                       fixWebParse : function ( fields, webpage, linkParts, response ) {
                                         fields[4] = webpage.find('> div#mainCont > table#tbl_mt > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr > td table > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr > td.text12g:last-child')
                                                            .text().replace( /^\s*([0-9.]+)\s*,\s+[0-9:]+\s*$/, '$1' );

                                         if ( !/^[0-9.]+$/.test(fields[4]) )
                                             fields[4] = $.map( webpage.find('> div#mainCont > table#tbl_mt > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr > td div:first-child img_'),
                                                                function ( img ) { return $(img).attr('src').replace( /.*\/(\d|date_igul)\.gif\s*/, '$1' ).replace('date_igul','/'); } )

                                         fields[4] = fields[4].replace( /\./g ,'/' ).replace( /(^|\/)0(?=\d+\/)/g, '$1' );

                                         if ( /^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{2,4}$/.test( fields[4] ) ) return fields.join('|');
                       } );

    templates.push ( { name     : "nrg",  //     1                    2    3-4                    5-6                                                 7               8             9                     10
                       linkRx   : buildLinkRx ( "(192\\.118\\.0\\.136|(((www|news)\\.)?nrg|((www[123]?|news)\\.)?maariv)\\.co\\.il)\\/online\\/(\\d+|archive)\\/ART(\\d+|)\\/(\\d+\\/?\\d*).html([?#][^ \\[\\]\n]*)?" ),
                       leftover : "(192\\.118\\.0\\.136|(((www|news)\\.)?nrg|((www[123]?|news)\\.)?maariv)\\.co\\.il)(:\\d+)?",
                       nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "(" + "(" + newsTypes + wordBoundary + ")?" +
                                                      "(מעריב([ \xFF-]*nrg)?|nrg([ \xFF-]*מעריב)?)" +
                                                      "((" + wordBoundary + "|(?=\\())" + newsTypes + ")?" + ")",
                                                newsPrefixRxStr, null,
                                                generalSuffixRxStr, null ),
                       keepdate : true,
                       getauthor : true,
                       parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename, author, extratext ) {
                                      return "nrg" +
                                             "|" + author +
                                             "|" + articlename +
                                             "|" + linkParts[9] +
                                             "|" + extratext +
                                             "|" +
                                             ( linkParts[7] != "1" || linkParts[8] != "1" ? "|" + linkParts[7] : "" ) +
                                             ( linkParts[8] != "1" ? "|" + linkParts[8] : "" );
		               fixWebTargetUrl : function ( fields ) {
    					                     return fields[3] && !$.trim( noInvisibles( fields[4] || '' ) )
    										        ? "http://www.nrg.co.il/online/" + ( typeof fields[6] !== 'undefined' ? fields[6] : "1" ) +
    										          "/ART" + ( typeof fields[7] !== 'undefined' ? fields[7] : "1" ) + "/" + fields[3] + ".html"
    												: null;
                       fixWebParse : function ( fields, webpage, linkParts, response ) {
    					                 fields[4] = webpage.find('> div > div#page-wrap > div#main > div#contentColumn > div#article > div#articleCBar > span.cdat')
    	                                                    .text().replace( /^.*\|\s+([0-9\/]+)\s+[0-9:]+\s*$/, '$1' ).replace( /(^|\/)0(?=\d+\/)/g, '$1' );

                                         if ( /^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{2,4}$/.test( fields[4] ) ) return fields.join('|');
                       } );

    templates.push ( { name     : "הארץ",  //       1                     2                3           4                             5                         6                      7               8
                       linkRx   : buildLinkRx ( "(www\\.)?haaretz\\.co(\\.il|m)\\/hasite\\/(spages\\/(\\d+)\\.html|pages\\/ShArt(SR|PE|Win)?\\.jhtml\\?([^ \\[\\]\n]*?&)?itemNo=\\/?(\\d+))([?#&][^ \\[\\]\n]*)?" ),
                       leftover : "(www\\.)?haaretz\\.co(\\.il|m)(:\\d+)?",
                       nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "((מוסף[ \xFF-]+)?הארץ|haaretz)([ \xFF-]*Online)?",
                                                newsPrefixRxStr, null,
                                                generalSuffixRxStr, null ),
                       keepdate : true,
                       getauthor : true,
                       parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename, author, extratext ) {
                                      return "הארץ" +
                                             "|" + author +
                                             "|" + articlename +
                                             "|" + ( linkParts[4] || linkParts[7] ) +
                                             ( extratext ? "|" + extratext : "" );
                       fixWebTargetUrl : function ( fields ) {
                                             return fields[3] && !$.trim( noInvisibles( fields[4] || '' ) )
                                                    ? "http://www.haaretz.co.il/hasite/spages/" + fields[3] + ".html"
                                                    : null;
                       fixWebParse : function ( fields, webpage, linkParts, response ) {
                                         fields[4] = webpage.find('> table > tbody > tr > td > div > table > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr > td > span.t11:contains("פורסם")')
                                                            .text().replace( /^(\s|\S)*?([0-9\/]+)\s*$/, '$2' ).replace( /(^|\/)0(?=\d+\/)/g, '$1' );

                                         if ( /^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{2,4}$/.test( fields[4] ) ) return fields.join('|');
                       } );

    templates.push ( { name     : "TheMarker1",//12    3                        4               5            6                 7
                       linkRx   : buildLinkRx ( "((([a-zA-Z]+)\\.)?themarker|(www\\.)?themarker(it))\\.co(\\.il|m)\\/([a-z\\/]+\\/[0-9.]+)\\/?" ),
                       leftover : "([a-zA-Z]+\\.)?themarker(it)?\\.co(\\.il|m)(:\\d+)?",
                       nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "((Caf[ée]|קפה)[ \xFF,-]*)?(The[ \xFF-]*Marker|ד[הא][ \xFF-]*מא?רקר)([ \xFF,-]*(Caf[ée]|קפה))?",
                                                newsPrefixRxStr, null,
                                                generalSuffixRxStr, null ),
                       keepdate : true,
                       getauthor : true,
                       parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename, author, extratext ) {
                                      var t = "TheMarker1" +
                                              "|" + author +
                                              "|" + articlename +
                                              "|" + linkParts[7] +
                                              "|" + extratext +
                                              "|" + ( linkParts[3] && linkParts[3] !== "www" || linkParts[5] ? linkParts[3] || linkParts[5] : "" );
                                      return t.replace ( /\|+$/, "" );
                       fixWebTargetUrl : function ( fields ) {
                                             return fields[3] && !$.trim( noInvisibles( fields[4] || '' ) )
                                                    ? "http://" + ( fields[5] || "www" ) + ".themarker.com/" + fields[3]
                                                    : null;
                       fixWebParse : function ( fields, webpage, linkParts, response ) {
                                         fields[4] = $.trim( webpage.find('> div#wrapper.article > div.main > div.pageHold > div.content-hold > div.content-wrap > div#content > div.teaser > div.cb > ul.author-bar > li').eq(1)
                                                                    .text() ||
                                                             webpage.find('> div.container > div > div.rightcontent > div > span.h3_date')
                                                                    .text().replace( /^\s*([0-9.]+)\s*\|.*$/, '$1' ) )
                                                      .replace( /\./g, '/' ).replace( /(^|\/)0(?=\d+\/)/g, '$1' );

                                         if ( /^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{2,4}$/.test( fields[4] ) ) return fields.join('|');
                       } );

                                                                                                        // TheMarker must follow TheMarker1
    templates.push ( { name     : "TheMarker",// 1     2                          3                          4         5                           6       7      8          9                                                                            10                   11          12                    13                   14
                       linkRx   : buildLinkRx ( "(([a-zA-Z]+)\\.themarker\\.co(\\.il|m)\\/tmit\\/article\\/(\\d+)|([a-zA-Z]+\\.)?themarker\\.co(\\.il|m)\\/(tmc\\/(article(Small)?|archive\\/arcSimplePrint)|ibo\\/misc\\/printFriendly)\\.jhtml\\?([^ \\[\\]\n]*?&)?ElementId=(\\/([^ \\[\\]\n]*?\\/)?)?([a-zA-Z]+\\d+_\\d+)([#&.][^ \\[\\]\n]*)?)" ),
                       leftover : "([a-zA-Z]+\\.)?themarker\\.co(\\.il|m)(:\\d+)?",
                       nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "((Caf[ée]|קפה)[ \xFF,-]*)?(The[ \xFF-]*Marker|ד[הא][ \xFF-]*מא?רקר)([ \xFF,-]*(Caf[ée]|קפה))?",
                                                newsPrefixRxStr, null,
                                                generalSuffixRxStr, null ),
                       keepdate : true,
                       getauthor : true,
                       parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename, author, extratext ) {
                                      return "TheMarker" +
                                             "|" + author +
                                             "|" + articlename +
                                             "|" + ( linkParts[4] || linkParts[13] ) +
                                             ( extratext || linkParts[2] ? "|" + extratext : "" ) +
                                             ( linkParts[2] ? "|" + linkParts[2] : "" );
                       fixWebTargetUrl : function ( fields ) {
                                             if ( !fields[3] ) return null;
                                             return fields[5] ? 'http://' + fields[5] + '.themarker.com/tmit/article/' + fields[3]
                                                              : 'http://www.themarker.com/tmc/article.jhtml?ElementId=' + fields[3];
                       fixWebLinkRx : templates[templates.length-1].linkRx,
                       fixWebParse : function ( fields, webpage, linkParts, response ) {
                                         if ( !$.trim( noInvisibles( fields[4] || '' ) ) ) {
                                             var fixeddate = templatesByName.TheMarker1.fixWebParse( [], webpage, linkParts, response );
                                             if ( fixeddate ) fields[4] = fixeddate.replace( /^\|+/, '' );

                                         return templatesByName.TheMarker1.parse( linkParts, fields[2], fields[1], fields[4] || '' );
                       } );

    templates.push ( { name     : "גלובס",  //      1                                          2                           3               4             5
                       linkRx   : buildLinkRx ( "(www\\.)?globes\\.co\\.il\\/news\\/(article|home|docView)\\.aspx\\?([^ \\[\\]\n]+&)?did=(\\d+)([&#][^ \\[\\]\n]*)?" ),
                       leftover : "(www\\.)?globes\\.co\\.il(:\\d+)?(?!\\/news\\/home\\.aspx\\?fid=\\d+)",
                       nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "(globes|גלובס)",
                                                newsPrefixRxStr, null,
                                                generalSuffixRxStr, null ),
                       keepdate : true,
                       getauthor : true,
                       parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename, author, extratext ) {
                                      return "גלובס" +
                                             "|" + author +
                                             "|" + articlename +
                                             "|" + linkParts[4] + ( /(^|&)fid&#61;\d+/.test( linkParts[3] + linkParts[5] )
                                                                    ? ( "&" + linkParts[3] + linkParts[5] ).match( /&fid&#61;\d+/ )[0]
                                                                    : "" ) +
                                             ( extratext ? "|" + extratext : "" );
                       fixWebTargetUrl : function ( fields ) {
                                             return fields[3] && !$.trim( noInvisibles( fields[4] || '' ) )
                                                    ? "http://www.globes.co.il/news/article.aspx?did=" + fields[3]
                                                    : null;
                       fixWebParse : function ( fields, webpage, linkParts, response ) {
                                         fields[4] = webpage.find('div#page-wrap > form > div#GPage_main > div#Artical_Main > div#ArticleRightColumn > div#Artical_TopCoteret > div#Artical_coteret > div#coteret_SubCoteret > div > div#coteret_Modified')
                                                            .text().replace( /^\s*([0-9\/]+)\s*,\s*[0-9:]+\s*$/, '$1' ).replace( /(^|\/)0(?=\d+\/)/g, '$1' );

                                         if ( /^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{2,4}$/.test( fields[4] ) ) return fields.join('|');
                       } );

    templates.push ( { name     : "עכבר העיר", //   1                            2     3                          4
                       linkRx   : buildLinkRx ( "(www\\.)?mouse\\.co\\.il\\/CM\\.((television)_)?articles_item,([0-9,]+),.aspx" ),
                       leftover : "(www\\.)?mouse\\.co\\.il(:\\d+)?",
                       nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "((עכבר[ \xFF]+)?העיר|הארץ)([ \xFF]+(תל[ \xFF]+אביב))?",
                                                generalPrefixRxStr, null,
                                                generalSuffixRxStr, null ),
                       keepdate : true,
                       getauthor : true,
                       parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename, author, extratext ) {
                                      return "עכבר העיר" +
                                             "|" + author +
                                             "|" + articlename +
                                             "|" + linkParts[4] +
                                             ( extratext ? "|" + extratext : "" );
                       fixWebTargetUrl : function ( fields ) {
                                             return fields[3] && !$.trim( noInvisibles( fields[4] || '' ) )
                                                    ? "http://www.mouse.co.il/CM.articles_item," + fields[3] + ",.aspx"
                                                    : null;
                       fixWebParse : function ( fields, webpage, linkParts, response ) {
                                         fields[4] = webpage.find('> form > div#page > div.page-content > div.main > div.top > div.main-column > div.katava-box > p.katava-info')
                                                            .text().replace( /^.*\s+(\d{1,2}\s+ב[א-ת]+\s+\d{4})\s+.*$/, '$1' ).replace( /\s+/g, ' ' ).replace( /^0(?=\d)/, '' );

                                         if ( /^\d{1,2} ב[א-ת]+ \d{4}$/.test( fields[4] ) ) return fields.join('|');
                       } );

    templates.push ( { name     : "mynet",  //                            1                                                2              3       4                                 5
                       linkRx   : buildLinkRx ( "www\\.mynet\\.co\\.il\\/(articles|Ext\\/Comp\\/CdaNewsFlash|articles)\\/(\\d),\\d+,L-([\\d-]+)(_\\d+)?,[a-zA-Z\\d]+\\.html([?#][^ \\[\\]\n]*)?" ),
                       leftover : "www\\.mynet\\.co\\.il(:\\d+)?",
                       nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "(וו?איי?[ \xFF-]*נט|ynet|ידיעות[ \xFF-]+אחרונות|mynet)",
                                                newsPrefixRxStr, null,
                                                generalSuffixRxStr, null,
                                                true ),
                       keepdate : true,
                       getauthor : true,
                       parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename, author, extratext, removedText ) {
                                      return "mynet" +
                                             "|" + author +
                                             "|" + articlename +
                                             "|" + linkParts[3] +
                                             "|" + extratext +
                                             "|" +
                                             ( linkParts[2] != "0" ? "|" + linkParts[2] : "" );
                       fixWebTargetUrl : function ( fields ) {
                                             return fields[3] && !$.trim( noInvisibles( fields[4] || '' ) )
                                                    ? "http://www.mynet.co.il/articles/" + ( fields[6] || "0" ) + ",7340,L-" + fields[3] + ",00.html"
                                                    : null;
                       fixWebParse : function ( fields, webpage, linkParts, response ) {
                                         fields[4] = webpage.find('> div#mainCont > table#tbl_mt > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr > td table > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr > td.text12g:last-child')
                                                            .text().replace( /^\s*([0-9.]+)\s*,\s+[0-9:]+\s*$/, '$1' );

                                         if ( !/^[0-9.]+$/.test(fields[4]) )
                                             fields[4] = $.map( webpage.find('> div#mainCont > table#tbl_mt > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr > td div:first-child img_'),
                                                                function ( img ) { return $(img).attr('src').replace( /.*\/(\d|date_igul)\.gif\s*/, '$1' ).replace('date_igul','/'); } )

                                         fields[4] = fields[4].replace( /\./g ,'/' ).replace( /(^|\/)0(?=\d+\/)/g, '$1' );

                                         if ( /^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{2,4}$/.test( fields[4] ) ) return fields.join('|');
                       } );
    templates.push ( { name     : "סרט בסינמטק תל אביב", // <--1                                               2
                       linkRx   : buildLinkRx ( "(www\\.)?cinema\\.co\\.il\\/movies\\/movie\\.asp\\?movieId=(\\d+)" ),
                       leftover : "(www\\.)?cinema\\.co\\.il(:\\d+)?",
                       nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "ה?סינמטק([ \xFF]+ב?תל[ \xFF]+אביב)?",
                                                "([במ]?ארכי?ון|" + generalPrefixRxStr + ")", null,
                                                generalSuffixRxStr, null ),
                       parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename ) {
                                      return "סרט בסינמטק תל אביב" +
                                             "|id=" + linkParts[2] +
                                             "|title=" + articlename;
                       } );

    templates.push ( { name     : "ערוץ YouTube", // 1                                  2              3
                       linkRx   : buildLinkRx ( "(www\\.)?youtube\\.com\\/user\\/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(#[^ \\[\\]\n]*)?" ),
                       leftover : "(www\\.)?youtube\\.com(:\\d+)?\\/user\\/",
                       nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "(You[ \xFF-]*Tube|יו[ \xFF-]*טיוב)",
                                                "(" + generalPrefixRxStr + "|ערוץ|עמוד|שיתוף|ה?וו?ידאו|ה?קליפים)", null,
                                                "(" + generalSuffixRxStr + "|" +
                                                      multiSurround( [ noSurround, parenthesesSurround ], boundaryWPreposition + "(וו?ידאו|קליפים)" ) + ")", null ),
                       parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename, author, extratext ) {
                                      articlename = articlename.replace( /^ה?(ערוץ|עמוד|אתר)( +ה?[ -]*(יו[ -]?טיוב|You[ -]?Tube))?( +הרי?שמי)?( +של)? */i, "" );
                                      return "ערוץ YouTube" +
                                             "|id=" + linkParts[2] +
                                             ( articlename && articlename !== wgTitle ? "|name=" + articlename : "" );
                       } );

    templates.push ( { name     : "לקסיקון לתקשורת",  //                                                                                  1                                    2
                        linkRx   : buildLinkRx ( "www\\.the7eye\\.org\\.il\\/[Ll][eE][xX][iI][cC][oO][nN]\\/[Pp][aA][gG][eE][sS]\\/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\\.[aA][sS][pP][xX]([?#][^ \\[\\]\n]*)?" ),
                        leftover : "www\\.the7eye\\.org\\.il(:\\d+)?\\/lexicon\\/",
                        nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "(([ \xFF,:;-]*לקסיקון|[ \xFF'\"]*העין[ \xFF-]+השביעית[ \xFF'\"]*){1,3}([ \xFF]+לתקשורת([ \xFF]+ול?עי?תונות)?)?)",
                                                 encyclopediaPrefixRxStr, null,
                                                 encyclopediaSuffixRxStr, null ),
                        parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename, author, extratext ) {
                                       return "לקסיקון לתקשורת" +
                                              "|" + linkParts[1] +
                                              ( articlename && articlename !== wgTitle ? "|" + articlename : "" );
                        } );

    templates.push ( { name     : "העין השביעית",  //                              1                                           2                                    3
                       linkRx   : buildLinkRx ( "www\\.the7eye\\.org\\.il\\/([a-zA-Z0-9_\\/]+)\\/[Pp][aA][gG][eE][sS]\\/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\\.[aA][sS][pP][xX]([?#][^ \\[\\]\n]*)?" ),
                       leftover : "www\\.the7eye\\.org\\.il(:\\d+)?(?!\\/lexicon\\/)",
                       nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "(העין[ \xFF-]+השביעית)",
                                                generalPrefixRxStr, null,
                                                generalSuffixRxStr, null ),
                       keepdate : true,
                       getauthor : true,
                       parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename, author, extratext ) {
                                      return "העין השביעית" +
                                             "|" + author +
                                             "|" + articlename +
                                             "|" + linkParts[2] +
                                             ( extratext || linkParts[1] !== "articles" ? "|" + extratext : "" ) +
                                             ( linkParts[1] !== "articles" ? "|" + linkParts[1] : "" );
                       } );

    templates.push ( { name     : "CIA factbook",  //                                                                      1
                       linkRx   : buildLinkRx ( "www\\.cia\\.gov\\/library\\/publications\\/the-world-factbook\\/geos\\/([a-z]+).html(#[^ \\[\\]\n]*)?", true ),
                       leftover : "www\\.cia\\.gov(:\\d+)?\\/library\\/publications\\/the-world-factbook\\/geos\\/",
                       nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "(ספר[ \xFF]+ה?עובדות([ \xFF]+על[ \xFF]+מדינות[ \xFF]+העולם)?([ \xFF]+של[ \xFF]+(ה[ \xFF-]+)CIA)?|((ה|The)[ \xFF-]+)?CIA(('s[ \xFF-]+)?([ \xFF-]+The)?([ \xFF-]+World)?[ \xFF-]+Factbook)?|(The[ \xFF]+)?(World[ \xFF]+)?Factbook(([ \xFF-]+of)?([ \xFF-]+The)?[ \xFF-]+CIA)?)",
                                                encyclopediaPrefixRxStr, null,
                                                encyclopediaSuffixRxStr, null,
                                                true ),
                       parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename, author, extratext ) {
                                      return "CIA factbook" +
                                             "|" + linkParts[1] +
                                             ( articlename && articlename !== wgTitle ? "|" + articlename : "" );
                       } );

    var jpress = { HLB: { name: 'הלבנון',  enname: 'Lebanon', text: 'הלבנון'                                      },
                   MGD: { name: 'המגיד',   enname: 'MGD',     text: 'המגיד'                                       },
                   HMZ: { name: 'המליץ',   enname: 'HMZ',     text: 'המליץ'                                       },
                   HZT: { name: 'חבצלת',   enname: 'HZT',     text: 'חבצלת'                                       },
                   HZF: { name: 'הצפירה',  enname: 'HZF',     text: 'הצפירה'                                      },
                   HZV: { name: 'הצבי',    enname: 'Hazvi',   text: 'הצבי'                                        },
                   MAR: { name: 'מעריב',   enname: 'MAR',     text: 'מעריב|maariv'                                },
                   PLS: { name: 'PalPost', enname: 'PPost',   text: 'פלסטיי?ן[ \xFF]+פוסט|Palestine?[ \xFF]+Post' },
                   DAV: { name: 'דבר',     enname: 'Davar',   text: 'דבר|davar'                                   }  };

    for ( var code in jpress )
        templates.push ( { name     : jpress[code].name,
                                            //          1                         2                                     3                        4               5         6                     7                   8                                       9                                         10             11
                           linkRx   : buildLinkRx ( "(www\\.)?jpress\\.org\\.il\\/(Repository|Default\\/(Scripting|Layout\\/Includes\\/TAUHe))\\/(getFiles|Art(icle)?Win(_TAU)?)\\.asp\\?([^ \\[\\]\n]*?&)?(BaseHref|Key|Path)=" + code + "\\/\\/?(\\d{4}\\/\\d{2}\\/\\d{2})[^ \\[\\]\n]*?[=/]([Aa][rRdD]|[Pp][cC])(\\d{5,})[^ \\[\\]\n]*" ),
                           leftover : "(www\\.)?jpress\\.org\\.il(:\\d+)?[^ \\[\\]\n]*(BaseHref|Key|Path)=" + code,
                           nameRx   : buildNameRx ( "((עי?תון[ \xFF-]+)?(" + jpress[code].text + "|עי?תונות[ \xFF-]+יהודית[ \xFF-]+היסטורית)[ \xFF-]*){1,2}",
                                                    "(www\\.)?jpress\\.org\\.il(\\/(view-(hebrew|english)\\.asp|\\/publications\\/" + jpress[code].enname + "-(he|en)\\.asp)?)?",
                                                    newsPrefixRxStr, null,
                                                    generalSuffixRxStr, null ),
                           getauthor : true,
                           parse    : function ( linkParts, articlename, author, extratext ) {
                                          var t = this.name +
                                                  "|" + author +
                                                  "|" + articlename +
                                                  "|" + linkParts[9] +
                                                  "|" + linkParts[11] +
                                                  "|" + extratext +
                                                  "|" +
                                                  "|" + ( !/^Ar$/i.test(linkParts[10]) ? linkParts[10] : "" );
                                          return t.replace ( /\|+$/, "" );
                           } );

    if ( wgNamespaceNumber == 10 )
        for ( var t in templates )
            if ( wgTitle.toLowerCase() == templates[t].name.toLowerCase() )
                templates.splice ( t, 1 );

    for ( var i = 0 ; i < templates.length ; i++ ) {
	    templatesByName[templates[i].name] = templates[i];
// =======================================================================================================================================

    this.externalLinkAutoPlace = function ( text )
      try {                              // ****************** externalLinkAutoPlace() function body starts *******************
        reportUserMessage ( "INIT" );

    // --------------------------------------------- break the text to text parts and connectors

        text += "\n";                                            // put a connector at the end
                                                                 // get connectors (there is at least one)
        var connectors = text.match ( new RegExp ("([ \t]|" + invisible + ")*((\\{\\{\\s*ש\\s*}}|\\<\\/?ref( [^<>]*)?\\>|\\{\\{\\s*הערה\\s*\\|(\\s*שם\\s*=[^|\\[\\]{}]*\\||)*(\\s*1\\s*=)?|(^|\n)[*#:]*|\\<\\/? *br *\\/?\\>)+([ \t]|" + invisible + ")*)+", "ig") );
        var textparts = [];                                      // get the text parts between the connectors
        for ( var i = 0 ; i < connectors.length ; i++ )
            textparts.push ( text.substring(0,text.indexOf(connectors[i])) );
            text = text.substring ( text.indexOf(connectors[i]) + connectors[i].length );

    // --------------------------------------------- auto place external link templates and put the text back together

        var splitd = null;
        var refCounter = 0;                                                                   // <ref> and </ref> counter
        var hebRefStatus = 0;                                                                 // {-{הערה| ... }}
        var bulletedLine = false;

        for ( var i = 0 ; i < textparts.length ; i++ )
            if ( /\[https?:\/\//.test ( noInvisibles(textparts[i]) ) &&
                 hebRefStatus &&                                                              // textpart is inside an hebrew reference
                 !checkHebRefStatus ( hebRefStatus, textparts[i] ).status )                   // and it exits the reference in this textpart
            {                                                                                 // then let's split " ... }} ... " to 2 text parts
                textparts.splice ( i + 1, 0, checkHebRefStatus ( hebRefStatus, textparts[i] ).post );
                connectors.splice ( i, 0, "}}" );
                textparts[i] = textparts[i].substring ( 0, textparts[i].lastIndexOf("}}" + textparts[i+1]) );

            if ( /\[https?:\/\/[^\[\]\n]+]/.test ( noInvisibles(textparts[i]) ) )
                if ( /\xFF/.test(textparts[i]) ) reportUserMessage ( "INTERNALERROR", "there is a fake space in '" + textparts[i] + "'" );
                textparts[i] = decodeHttpLinkUrl ( textparts[i] );

                for ( var t in templates )
                    while ( splitd = splitOnFirstMatch ( textparts[i], templates[t].linkRx ) )
                        textparts[i] = processTextPart ( textparts[i], templates[t],
                                           bulletedLine || refCounter % 2 || checkHebRefStatus(hebRefStatus,splitd.pre).status );

                textparts[i] = restoreHttpLinkUrl ( textparts[i] );

            text += textparts[i] + connectors[i];

            refCounter += getNumberOfMatches ( connectors[i], /\<\/?ref(?![^<>]*\/\>)( [^<>]*)?\>/g );

            hebRefStatus = checkHebRefStatus ( hebRefStatus, textparts[i] ).status;
            if ( hebRefStatus && connectors[i] == "}}" ) hebRefStatus--;
             else if ( /\{\{\s*הערה\s*\|/.test( connectors[i] ) )
                      if ( !hebRefStatus && getNumberOfMatches(connectors[i],/\{\{\s*הערה\s*\|/g) == 1 ) hebRefStatus = 1;
                       else reportUserMessage ( "INTERNALERROR", "mismatched hebrew reference found at: " + textparts[i] + connectors[i] );

            bulletedLine = /[*#:][ \t]*$/.test( noInvisibles(connectors[i]) );

    // ----------------------------------------------- report and output text

        var cleantext = noInvisibles ( text.replace ( /\t/g, " " ) );             // replace tabs with spaces and remove invisibles
        var leftover = null;
        for ( var t in templates )                                                // find all leftover links:  http / [http] / [http ..[.. ] / [http xx]
            if ( leftover = getNumberOfMatches ( cleantext, getLeftoverRx(templates[t].leftover,"OPEN") ) )
                var notext   = getNumberOfMatches ( cleantext, getLeftoverRx(templates[t].leftover,"NOTEXT"  ) );    // closed leftover links: [http]
                var brackets = getNumberOfMatches ( cleantext, getLeftoverRx(templates[t].leftover,"BRACKETS") );    // leftover links with brackets: [http ..[.. ]
                var good     = getNumberOfMatches ( cleantext, getLeftoverRx(templates[t].leftover,"GOOD"    ) );    // good leftover links: [http xx]
                reportUserMessage ( "LEFT", templates[t].name,
                                    ( leftover - notext - brackets - good ) + "<" + notext + ">[[" + brackets + "]][" + good + "]" );

        if ( extLinkAutoPlaceTextBox ) extLinkAutoPlaceTextBox.value = text.replace( /\n$/, "" );

        return reportUserMessage ( "DONE" );
     catch ( e )
        return reportUserMessage ( "CRASH", typeof e == "string" ? e : e.message );
    }   //  ********************** end of externalLinkAutoPlace() function ********************

// =======================================================================================================================================

    this.externalLinkAutoFixFromWeb = function ( text, button )
	 try { 										// ****************** externalLinkAutoFixFromWeb() function body starts *******************

        var waiting = 1,
            buttonText = button.value;

        function doneWaiting()

            if ( waiting )
                button.value = 'waiting... ' + waiting;

            button.value = buttonText;                                      // restore button text

            text = '';
            for ( var i = 0 ; i < targets.length ; i++ ) text += textparts[i] + targets[i];

            extLinkAutoPlaceTextBox.value = text + textparts[textparts.length-1];

            reportUserMessage( "DONEDATES" );

        reportUserMessage ( "INIT" );

        var targets = text.match( new RegExp( "\\{\\{([^{}]|" + invisible + "){5,}}}", "g" ) ) || [];

        var textparts = [];                                      // get the text parts between the targets
        for ( var i = 0 ; i < targets.length ; i++ ) {
            textparts.push( text.substring(0,text.indexOf(targets[i])) );
            text = text.substring( text.indexOf(targets[i]) + targets[i].length );
		textparts.push( text );

		for ( var i = 0 ; i < targets.length ; i++ ) {
		    var fields = targets[i].substring(0,targets[i].length-2).match( new RegExp( "(\\{\\{|\\||}})([^{}|]|" + invisible + ")*", "g" ) );
			for ( var j = 0 ; j < fields.length ; j++ ) fields[j] = fields[j].replace( /^(\{\{|\||}})/, '' );

			var template = templatesByName[ $.trim( noInvisibles( fields[0] || '' ) ) ],
				targetUrl = template && template.fixWebTargetUrl && template.fixWebTargetUrl( fields );

			if ( !targetUrl ) continue;


            readCrossDomainWebPage( targetUrl, function ( response, i, template, fields ) {
                try {
                    if ( !response.url || !response.data ) {
                        reportUserMessage( "ERROR", response.errmsg ? 'API error [' + response.errmsg + '] ' : 'bad response ' );

                    var linkParts = ( template.fixWebLinkRx || template.linkRx ).exec( '[' + response.url + ' dummy]' );

                    if ( !linkParts ) {
                        reportUserMessage( "ERROR", 'bad url [' + response.url + '] returned for [' + response._url + response._getfields + '] ' );

                    var webpage = $( '<div>' + response.data.replace( /^(\s|\S)*?<body(\s+[^<>]*)?>((\s|\S)*)<\/body>(\s|\S)*$/i, '$3' )    // get the <body> element
                                                            .replace( /(<\/?(img|script))(?=(\s|\/|>))/gi, '$1_' ) +                        // currupt img and script elements
                                     '</div>' );

                    var fixedtemplate = template.fixWebParse( fields, webpage, linkParts, response );

                    if ( fixedtemplate && targets[i] !== fixedtemplate )
                        targets[i] = '{' + '{' + fixedtemplate + '}}';

                        reportUserMessage( "COUNT", template.name );
                        reportUserMessage( "ERROR", template.name + ' falied [' + response.url + '] ' );
                 catch ( e )
                    reportUserMessage ( "CRASH", typeof e == "string" ? e : e.message );

            }, i, template, fields );

     catch ( e )
        return reportUserMessage ( "CRASH", typeof e == "string" ? e : e.message );
    }   //  ********************** end of externalLinkAutoFixFromWeb() function ********************


if ( wgContentLanguage == "he" && wgNamespaceNumber % 2 == 0 && ( wgAction == "edit" || wgAction == "submit" ) )
    addOnloadHook ( externalLinkAutoPlaceButtonFunc      );
	addOnloadHook ( externalLinkAutoFixFromWebButtonFunc );